The Impeachment of Joe Biden

They've had less than six months of investigation. The most rabid Trump haters in Congrees and the DOJ have had seven years and they haven't come up with jack shit.
You'll stand by your sexual abuser, regardless of the damning evidence accruing, no doubt.

Are you still screeching, "Lock her up! Lock her up!" after so many years of a Republican-run Congress and the Trump Justice Department failing to contrive a pretext?
You'll stand by your sexual abuser, regardless of the damning evidence accruing, no doubt.

Are you still screeching, "Lock her up! Lock her up!" after so many years of a Republican-run Congress and the Trump Justice Department failing to contrive a pretext?
We're done. Resorting to personal insults and childish memes, you're clearly not interested in intelligent debate.

Have a blessed day.
The alleged corruption of our current President is brought up so frequently on this board, that we may as well ask when the impeachment proceedings will begin. If an American President is under the financial control of one of our two biggest adversaries, we need all the facts. Now.

As I understand it, the Republicans say they have bank documents that show several million dollars of payments from China to Biden family members (I think I saw 16 different family members?). So some obvious questions come to mind:
  • Are we waiting for the Republicans to confirm this, or are they ready to go with the impeachment?
  • What exactly are the original sources of the payments? Do we have a list, or has it come directly from the Chinese government?
  • Do they have bank records showing that the President himself has received money?
  • Has any of the Biden family tried to explain these payments?
  • What other information do you need before you impeach?

Where are the bank records showing that Joe Biden recieved payments from China? And since when is it illegal for anyone including the Biden's to conduct business with a foreign entity?
Where are the bank records showing that Joe Biden recieved payments from China? And since when is it illegal for anyone including the Biden's to conduct business with a foreign entity?
You can never tell what reality is with these people. They make so many assumptions and extrapolations that this fact here automatically means that that fact over there is true.

From what I can tell, there are no bank records showing that Joe has received any unusual money, but it's tough to tell with all the noise.

But of course, we know that don't actually proof. If some from-mom's-basement website says it's the truth, it's the truth.
Color me cynical, but I still don't expect him to either be convicted or spend a day in jail.

It's very difficult for me to believe that at least one True Believer won't make it on to any jury.
There's also the little problem of punishment should there actually be a conviction. The US justice dept. has never had to deal with such a high profile raging narcissist trying to change the culture before. It's a precident that will make or break shit. Quite the conundrum.
There's also the little problem of punishment should there actually be a conviction. The US justice dept. has never had to deal with such a high profile raging narcissist trying to change the culture before. It's a precident that will make or break shit. Quite the conundrum.
One-man wrecking ball. This is what they wanted.

Lets not forget that the man you voted for took showers with his underage daughter.
I`ve seen that posted before but is there any proof?
Trump told a national tv audience that he wanted to fuck his daughter. He said date, but we know the guy. He wasn`t talking about taking her to the movie and stopping at the malt shop. Ya, watch it and then show me where you got the Biden & daughter story.

Lets not forget that the man you voted for took showers with his underage daughter.
It would get all that information we are told the GOP has out into the public's eyes. Even if you cannot get the conviction, it would give the American people a chance to see if what we are being told is true or not.

Would that not be worth it? Is that not important to you?
I don’t see why, if it doesn’t happen we already know, so what’s the point?
Their standard, boilerplate, rote answer:

"I don't care".
At this point, I hope they exhibit the same indifference toward Special Counsel Jack Smith and his family.

The spiteful Trump has been known to incite his goons against public servants in his seemingly unquenchable desire for petty vengeance.
The alleged corruption of our current President is brought up so frequently on this board, that we may as well ask when the impeachment proceedings will begin. If an American President is under the financial control of one of our two biggest adversaries, we need all the facts. Now.

As I understand it, the Republicans say they have bank documents that show several million dollars of payments from China to Biden family members (I think I saw 16 different family members?). So some obvious questions come to mind:
  • Are we waiting for the Republicans to confirm this, or are they ready to go with the impeachment?
  • What exactly are the original sources of the payments? Do we have a list, or has it come directly from the Chinese government?
  • Do they have bank records showing that the President himself has received money?
  • Has any of the Biden family tried to explain these payments?
  • What other information do you need before you impeach?

Have they drawn a clear and verifiable connection between the Ukraine source and the Chinese source?

He doesn't have to be kicked out.

Impeachment in the House alone would allow the Republicans to present their evidence to a national audience all at one time, and in a clear, organized, easily-digestible fashion. The final results of the impeachment proceedingss are almost irrelevant.

That's not what I'm saying.

Organized public hearings would allow the Republicans to at least get the facts out to the public in a clear way.

Do you not want to do that?

If you don't want to impeach, great. Others are willing to answer my clear, direct and reasonable questions.

Correct. This thread isn't about arguing the merits of the case, since there is no case.

If you don't want to impeach, if you just want to make accusations, great.

My perfectly reasonable questions remain.

^^^ This was inevitable.

They sure don't like being asked to back up their words.

Anyone else? I've asked reasonable questions.

MTG's impeachment articles don't mention China. Maybe that will be the NEXT impeachment:

Shown Here:​

Introduced in House (01/21/2021)​

This resolution impeaches President Joseph Robinette Biden for abuse of power by enabling bribery and other high crimes and misdemeanors.

Specifically, the resolution sets forth an article of impeachment stating that, in his former role as Vice President, President Biden abused the power of that office through enabling bribery and other high crimes and misdemeanors by allowing his son Hunter Biden to influence the domestic policy of a foreign nation and accept benefits from foreign nationals in exchange for favors.

The article states that, by such conduct, President Biden
  • endangered the security of the United States and its institutions of government;
  • threatened the integrity of the democratic system;
  • interfered with the peaceful transition of power;
  • imperiled a coordinate branch of government; and
  • demonstrated that he will remain a threat to national security, democracy, and the Constitution if allowed to remain in office.
The article also states that this conduct warrants immediate impeachment, trial, and removal from office and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States.

Remember when Mac1958 posted shit like this in defense of Trump when all the rabid loonies concocted the Russian collusion fable?
Yeah…….I don’t either.
But but but….mac swears he’s a bipartisan moderate.
Gee, I wonder why nobody takes this hack seriously.
No wonder nothing worth while gets done, some thing like 500 new trans bills,
still beating that addict Hunter to death over what? not even sure it makes sense,
Just like some of the old DEAD nasty stuff with Trump.
Nothing intelligent anymore just ugly party politics.
The alleged corruption of our current President is brought up so frequently on this board, that we may as well ask when the impeachment proceedings will begin. If an American President is under the financial control of one of our two biggest adversaries, we need all the facts. Now.

As I understand it, the Republicans say they have bank documents that show several million dollars of payments from China to Biden family members (I think I saw 16 different family members?). So some obvious questions come to mind:
  • Are we waiting for the Republicans to confirm this, or are they ready to go with the impeachment?
  • What exactly are the original sources of the payments? Do we have a list, or has it come directly from the Chinese government?
  • Do they have bank records showing that the President himself has received money?
  • Has any of the Biden family tried to explain these payments?
  • What other information do you need before you impeach?

If Trump and family make millions abroad, not a problem.

But if Hunter and siblings make money abroad, that's a problem .

Not to mention the small detail that there is no evidence of Joe Biden wrong doing.

So, what is the problem? (I mean the kind that you can prove)
No wonder nothing worth while gets done, some thing like 500 new trans bills,
still beating that addict Hunter to death over what? not even sure it makes sense,
Just like some of the old DEAD nasty stuff with Trump.
Nothing intelligent anymore just ugly party politics.
Hahaha…. Did you think the party of free shit, foreigners, feminazis, faggots and filth had the exclusive for running on social issues?
You haven’t been paying attention have you? All your party does is run on bullshit that doesn’t matter.

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