The Highest Honor (1982)


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
Midwest - Trumplandia
Has anyone seen this gem of a war film? I first watched it over 30 years ago.

It is based on a true story of a British/Aussie/New Zealand commando team in Indonesia early in the war, and it is quite well acted. Films based on actual soldiers who fought in the war are always better acted and better productions than those based just on events, and this is based on the actual commando team. I can't believe you can watch the entire film on YouTube, I could't find it on any streaming service.

"The War" being WW2? Early in WW2 the Brits were kicked off Dunkirk and surrendered at Singapore. How did that work out?
"The War" being WW2? Early in WW2 the Brits were kicked off Dunkirk and surrendered at Singapore. How did that work out?
That surrender at Singapore was one of the most humiliating defeats in the history of warfare.

I read an historical accounting that said when the Japs were called for the surrender they were actually going to surrender themselves but the Brits beat them to the punch.

Dunkirk? You can blame the French Generals for that.

Of course we have our own defeats. Not a defeat but the Hurtgen Forrest campaign was a complete disaster. Thousands of unnecessary casualties that could have been avoided. Then of course we have Commander in Chief Potatohead's debacle of the Afghanistan withdrawal. If nothing else he should be impeached for that.
Propaganda is a powerful tool. The Brits were taught by their movie producers that the disaster of Dunkirk was really a victory. On the other side of the pond, Americans were convinced by propaganda furnished by Hollywood that MacArthur was a hero after he abandoned his entire Army at Corrigador and Bataan.

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