Grocery Prices FELL in April - Thanks Biden!

Neither side say shit about it as both keep getting reelected, which is basically the voters giving them their approval to keep on doing it. Why would they change when they keep getting put back into office.

Kinda wonder if this isn't why we have two morons running. Nobody wants to take over the helm of the Titanic as the bow is already under water.

What is truly amazing is how fast we got here.

Clinton/Gingrich almost had us to no debt.

Bush, may he rot in hell, just could not keep his ass from getting us into war.

Everyone knew the Boomers were going to hit.

Bad policy and we get 2008. The country has recovered but in eight years Obama really started to take us there.

Trump did zilch to help...but he was not as bad as Biden who is building something alright....the stairway to 40).
And then there is the problem of actually cutting spending. Last month the USDA announced that NASS would be be conducting their annual County Estimates for Row Crops and Small Grains this year due to budget constraints as the budget for NASS was cut. This caused a huge uproar in the Ag community with lobbing groups calling members of Congress and now Congress is talking about forcing NASS to do these surveys along with the extra funding to do them.

I want nothing but little old ladies, raised on farms, in the senate and house. People who will say "Gee, that's to bad....nowe get out of here).

Everyone says they want spending cuts, but nobody is willing for their little piece of the pie to be cut. Thus we are now spending more to service our debt than we do on national defense.

It's effing unbelievable.

Nobody is talking about it.
Kinda wonder if this isn't why we have two morons running. Nobody wants to take over the helm of the Titanic as the bow is already under water.

What is truly amazing is how fast we got here.

Clinton/Gingrich almost had us to no debt.

Bush, may he rot in hell, just could not keep his ass from getting us into war.

Everyone knew the Boomers were going to hit.

Bad policy and we get 2008. The country has recovered but in eight years Obama really started to take us there.

Trump did zilch to help...but he was not as bad as Biden who is building something alright....the stairway to 40).

I want nothing but little old ladies, raised on farms, in the senate and house. People who will say "Gee, that's to bad....nowe get out of here).

It's effing unbelievable.

Nobody is talking about it.
Clinton raised taxes on the wealthy and lowered defense spending. Two things the GOP won’t do and the Dems will do. So who is the problem?
I asked what you’d like to see done and you dodged.

After you sidestepped having your stupid argument handed back to you.
It is because I was 100% correct.

That has never been you....ever. Not even 25%.

You have no idea what to do.

I have plenty of ideas on what to do. The connection to how it will solve things is what people can't comprehend. They want wealth and security (those in power) at the same time. You can't have it. We really are following the Karl Marx plan as we push more and more people into serfdom.

You don’t like Biden suggestions to help those at the bottom?

All he wants to do is throw money he doesn't have at problems HE HAS NO IDEA ON HOW TO SOLVE.

If you are good with that (and your list says you are) we get to 40 that much faster and your doctor son is going to feel it like everyone else as this country sinks.
WHAT ARE YOUR IDEAS? Everyone become a doctor and marry an engineer?

That was your implied idea because....hey...hard work pays off. Screw the rest of them.

Stop lying.
After you sidestepped having your stupid argument handed back to you.

That has never been you....ever. Not even 25%.

I have plenty of ideas on what to do. The connection to how it will solve things is what people can't comprehend. They want wealth and security (those in power) at the same time. You can't have it. We really are following the Karl Marx plan as we push more and more people into serfdom.

All he wants to do is throw money he doesn't have at problems HE HAS NO IDEA ON HOW TO SOLVE.

If you are good with that (and your list says you are) we get to 40 that much faster and your doctor son is going to feel it like everyone else as this country sinks.

That was your implied idea because....hey...hard work pays off. Screw the rest of them.

Stop lying.
Sigh. I gave you a chance. Biden’s positions are people should work hard and be able to afford a life. That is why a minimum wage works. Work hard and earn a living. Doesn’t hand you money for nothing. Getting a great education isn’t something for nothing. It’s an investment. Letting labor organize isn’t something for nothing. It puts them on equal footing with owners. A more graduated tax structure isn’t something for nothing. It has those who benefit from capitalism the most paying the most taxes - happens today but not enough. All the things I listed aren’t handouts. They are what an American should get for working hard:

  • An eduction
  • Healthcare
  • A living wage for hard work

That is basically it.
A more graduated tax structure isn’t something for nothing. It has those who benefit from capitalism the most paying the most taxes - happens today but not enough.

Can't argue with you there.

I am willing to raise taxes.

If you cut 4$ of spending for every dollar you increase.

I am all for taxing Bill Gates out of existence.
They are what an American should get for working hard:

  • An eduction
  • Healthcare
  • A living wage for hard work

That is basically it.

As Ben Stein pointed out....the average poor person today has much more (in terms of material goods) than the solid middle class families of the 1960's.

So, you use these terms that mean nothing to me.
Your first sentence is supposed to support your conclusion ?

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Well you read one line of me deconstructing your argument. I think you know you have the low ground. I have a clear view of policies that help and you just know you don’t like me or Joe so we must be wrong.

Here’s the deal. I am an executive at a large company. I make a very nice 1% living and my kids are all going to kill it in capitalism. None of us mind paying taxes so this countey stays great. Why do you, who are scraping by, fight so hard for me to increase my pile of dirt?
What would you like to do for those at the bottom? Other than complain Biden is president. How about some of Bidens suggestions:

  • Minimum wage increases
  • Strengthen labor unions for wage growth
  • Expand healthcare for those at the bottom
  • Child tax credit for middle class.
  • Free the US from OPECs control by diversifying energy
  • Invest in public schools
  • Forgive interest on middle class college loans
  • Loan support for first time home buyers
  • Raise taxes on wealthy and companies to pay for it
The list of actual policies you righties won’t support is never ending. You don’t care about families that aren’t doctors and engineers because you don’t support policies for anyone but them.
What exactly do you think a minimum wage increase will accomplish? It would need to be tripled to have any real effect.
Otherwise it just gets processed through the supply chain as a final cost increase and basically zeros out. Wanna make a real difference? Eliminate payroll taxes.
As Ben Stein pointed out....the average poor person today has much more (in terms of material goods) than the solid middle class families of the 1960's.

So, you use these terms that mean nothing to me.
Ok. So you don’t care about the poor or middle class. Fine. Then why bust Biden balls about inflation that is worldwide and talk about the middle class if you don’t give a shit about them?
So you don’t care about the poor or middle class.

Yes, I said those very words.......I am sure you can find them and quote them for me.

I pointed something out to show you that your terminology means nothing in today's world as things have changed.

As have expectations.

But you keep making s**t up. It's what you do.

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