The Hannibal Directive.


Platinum Member
Jul 13, 2023
Lancashire England
The question is was the Hannibal Directive deployed on October 7th, there are reports it was, totally destroyed houses from what looked like tank fire or missiles and gun fire from Apache choppers on buildings and houses where Hamas had taken over, also some suggest although it's one too many that just one baby died, and is the directive being used now in Gaza, it looks like it.

It wasn't me.
There was a cease fire in effect on October 6th. On October 7th, Hamas broke the cease fire and get what they deserve. Death and destruction. As for Palestinian civilian deaths, those same civilians voted Hamas into control of their lives and what Hamas does. So, no sympathy from me when the civilians die.
The question is was the Hannibal Directive deployed on October 7th, there are reports it was, totally destroyed houses from what looked like tank fire or missiles and gun fire from Apache choppers on buildings and houses where Hamas had taken over, also some suggest although it's one too many that just one baby died, and is the directive being used now in Gaza, it looks like it.
You say, as if the Russian propaganda doesn't depict their enemies (Americans, Jews, Ukrainians, ISIS, Arabic opposition and so on...) as inhuman beings and monsters.
You say, as if the Russian propaganda doesn't depict their enemies (Americans, Jews, Ukrainians, ISIS, Arabic opposition and so on...) as inhuman beings and monsters.

Not sure what you are barking about? i am talking about the Hannibal Directive that seems to have been used on the 7th of October, meanwhile those Zionist IDSS have bombed a school in a refugee camp where people had gone for refuge, at least fifty butchered, anything to say about that you moron?
Update on the Hannibal Directive, it could turn out the IDSS killed most of the people on the 7th.
The question is was the Hannibal Directive deployed on October 7th, there are reports it was, totally destroyed houses from what looked like tank fire or missiles and gun fire from Apache choppers on buildings and houses where Hamas had taken over, also some suggest although it's one too many that just one baby died, and is the directive being used now in Gaza, it looks like it.
Wow, what a surprise, Dipstick is quoting an anti Israel, Hamas supporting website.
Not sure what you are barking about? i am talking about the Hannibal Directive that seems to have been used on the 7th of October, meanwhile those Zionist IDSS have bombed a school in a refugee camp where people had gone for refuge, at least fifty butchered, anything to say about that you moron?

I just say that those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.
Russian forces were blamed in disproportional usage of force too many times, you know.

If you don't see your opponent as a human being at all, if you consider yourself as "absolute good" and him as "absolute evil" you hardly can talk with him and find a mutually acceptable solution.
I just say that those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.
Russian forces were blamed in disproportional usage of force too many times, you know.

If you don't see your opponent as a human being at all, if you consider yourself as "absolute good" and him as "absolute evil" you hardly can talk with him and find a mutually acceptable solution.

Bullshit!! When Kiev looks like Gaza get back to me.
One man's freedom fighter is another's terrorist Deadstick

Which is why we find such disagreement betwixt Hamas and Zionists of late

Israel did not deliberately bomb a school today and never would.

Hamas would do that, and it was Hamas who invaded Israel and tortured and killed 1,400 Israelis on October 7.
The question is was the Hannibal Directive deployed on October 7th, there are reports it was, totally destroyed houses from what looked like tank fire or missiles and gun fire from Apache choppers on buildings and houses where Hamas had taken over, also some suggest although it's one too many that just one baby died, and is the directive being used now in Gaza, it looks like it.
Fuckstick is still babbling his bullshit.
Bullshit!! When Kiev looks like Gaza get back to me.
No shiting. You and Ukrainians prefer to kill each other's soldiers in the open field. Jews and Arabs prefer to kill each other's civilians by indiscriminative missile strikes. It's a question of cultural traditions of warfare, not about cruelty or immorality.
No shiting. You and Ukrainians prefer to kill each other's soldiers in the open field. Jews and Arabs prefer to kill each other's civilians by indiscriminative missile strikes. It's a question of cultural traditions of warfare, not about cruelty or immorality.
Me and the Ukrainians? i don't have any soldiers there, and some people have been ranting on for years about how bad Russia is destroying Towns, which is bollocks, so like i said when Kiev looks like Gaza get back to me.

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