The Greatest Redistribution of Income in History

Alex Cockburn speculated recently he doesn't think Republican elites will tolerate Sarah Palin if she wins her party's nomination in 2012. Michael Bloomberg will be pressed into service, and Obama could face an independent challenge from Russ Feingold.

While I would much prefer Bernie Sanders, Dennis Kucinich or Sheldon Whitehouse I think Russell Feingold would be an effective and productive replacement for Obama. I definitely would vote for him.
The Republican base are the ones talking revolution. What is it those dumb fucks plan to do other than "make things different"?
Obama ran on nothing more than "hope" and "change"...and you bought it. :lol:

Making things different that what they are now is a good thing.

Yea, and I just posted a link on another thread that showed for the first time in a decade, American Manufacturing is growing. Hundreds of thousands of jobs worth.

Get it? In a decade? That the last two years PLUS EIGHT MORE!

What did Republicans do? Moved millions of jobs to China. Worked to close more than 40,000 American factories.

And recently, Republicans held millions hostage to get tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires.

What is wrong with the right wing. Their leadership is screwing them deep and hard. They must like it. Don't know why.

Like Rush says, bend over and grab the ankles, here comes Boehner.
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The trouble with those people who are on the right and are making average wages is they lack class consciousness, which is why they vote against their interests.

Having class consciousness means that people of lower and middle classes do not fall for stupid tricks that pit them against their own class. They do not make stupid statements like

Oh, stop with the class warfare horseshit. You want more than what you've got, get off your ass and get to work. Nobody's keeping you down, and nobody owes you anything.

People who are one step above whaleshit believe stories about welfare queens and that these are the people bringing America to her knees. The truth is, they are far closer to the welfare queen class wise than they are to the CEO making 500 times the average worker. They don't want to see themselves that way, so they cheer for the CEO.

Did you ever notice how leftists define everyone's self-interest as "voting to keep leftists in power"?

That's because leftists really don't give a shit about people. They just want power.

Meanwhile, draper, who is The Man that's keeping you down?
FLUSHING Obama in 2012 seems like a good place to start.

Your problem is you want to replace him with someone even further left. And that would be disaster for America.
How about Ron Paul (libertarian version) against Ralph (Green Party) Nader for the 2012 White House with the loser serving as VP?
Nader's a whackjob. Paul has good ideas about the Constitution, but I don't like his foreign policy. It's simply not realistic. I do admire him for sticking to his principles, however. Not enough of that in DC.
Do you and yours enjoy any economic privileges the majority of Americans don't?
Like what?
Subsidized rent or special shopping privileges?
I live on base, so I don't receive the housing allowance. Given the house I'm in, I'm losing money on the deal. But I like living on base.
Do you pay Federal Taxes?
I'm guessing your family's medical expenses consume a smaller portion of your budget than most Americans.
Probably. My wife's had to have three major surgeries in the 20 years we've been in. Our out-of-pocket expenses were less an a hundred dollars.


Shall we count up what all I've done to earn those benefits? The years I've spent away from my family in dangerous places? The millions of dollars of assets I've saved from destruction? The billion dollars of assets I've managed efficiently?

What I've received, I've earned. That was the contract I signed with Uncle Sam. You signed the same contract, but you chickened out after a couple of weeks.
Speaking of stupid statements, who the fuck are you to tell anyone what is or isn't in their best interests?

It makes more sense to align your interests with your own class vs. The Man. I'm not telling anyone here to do anything, just pointing out stupidity.

You're welcome.
"The Man" is an excuse people use to explain their own failures and bad choices.
The Republican base are the ones talking revolution. What is it those dumb fucks plan to do other than "make things different"?
Obama ran on nothing more than "hope" and "change"...and you bought it. :lol:

Making things different that what they are now is a good thing.

Yea, and I just posted a link on another thread that showed for the first time in a decade, American Manufacturing is growing. Hundreds of thousands of jobs worth.

Get it? In a decade? That the last two years PLUS EIGHT MORE!

What did Republicans do? Moved millions of jobs to China. Worked to close more than 40,000 American factories.

And recently, Republicans held millions hostage to get tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires.

What is wrong with the right wing. Their leadership is screwing them deep and hard. They must like it. Don't know why.

Like Rush says, bend over and grab the ankles, here comes Boehner.
:lol: You listen to Rush far more than I do.
I worked for 15 with a guy who built a company from a borrowed $50,000 to the point where making $150,000,000 would be a really off year for him now.
You worked for fifteen years with him -- or for him? And since you harbor such admiration for the Horatio Alger syndrome, what held you back? Or should we assume you are making $150 million a year, too?

And let's say you did make $150 million a year, what would you do with all that money?

Put down "the Audacity of Hope" get out there and talk to people, meet people. 2/3 of the worlds billionaires started from scratch, go talk with them.
If I had access to interview two thirds of the world's billionaires, as your condescending commentary suggests you've had, I'd be working on articles for premier magazines and newspapers rather than opinionizing on an Internet forum. And what makes you think that even with such privileged access all those billionaires would tell the truth about how they managed to amass such inordinate treasure?

I have read some very well researched biographical reportage about a number of very wealthy Americans, from Vanderbilt and Rockefeller to Ford, Edison and Gates, and for the most part these men exemplify the qualities of exceptional greed, pathological gluttony, ruthless cunning and devious dishonesty.

If you've seen the movie, Pirates of Silicon Valley, you've seen one example of how it's done. And if you've read the history of Enron you know of another. The simple truth is the average person is not motivated to accumulate a vast fortune. Most people want nothing more than to lead a comfortable, secure life, which doesn't require excessive wealth.
Did you ever notice how leftists define everyone's self-interest as "voting to keep leftists in power"?

That's because leftists really don't give a shit about people. They just want power.

Meanwhile, draper, who is The Man that's keeping you down?

Define leftists that are in power. I see no leftists in power.

The Man = A congress that is bought many times over by corporate interests. Corporations do not have anyones interests at heart but their own. Their only obligation is to their shareholders. Nobody and nothing else.
Clearly, the greatest redistribution of wealth happened first, under Bush, when more than a trillions dollars went to the top 1%. Then when the Republicans held the US unemployed hostage, forcing Obama to send another trillion to the same millionaires and billionaires.

Take a look at the insurance company Cigna. A few years ago, the CEO received a 120 MILLION dollar paycheck. This from a "middle man". A company without doctors or nurses or hospitals that sets up health care between doctors and patients.

How many policies do you have to skim to make a single 120 million dollar paycheck. Add the two private jets, the other executives. The dropped policies of sick people. This is one tiny reason how wealth is "transferred". Then you have Republicans defending this.

Jesus Christ.......
Did you ever notice how leftists define everyone's self-interest as "voting to keep leftists in power"?

That's because leftists really don't give a shit about people. They just want power.

Meanwhile, draper, who is The Man that's keeping you down?

Define leftists that are in power. I see no leftists in power.

The Man = A congress that is bought many times over by corporate interests. Corporations do not have anyones interests at heart but their own. Their only obligation is to their shareholders. Nobody and nothing else.
So how is The Man keeping you down?
If you can't understand it I suggest you stop listening to Limbaugh, Beck, O'Reilly and the rest of the millionaire propagandists because they apparently have taken control of your thoughts and enlisted you into serving the corporatist agenda. That is unless you happen to be a multi-billionaire, which I kinda doubt.
Oh, stop with the class warfare horseshit. You want more than what you've got, get off your ass and get to work. Nobody's keeping you down, and nobody owes you anything.

I think, well I know, your concept of class warfare is the one that has been fed to you by your favorite propagandist.
There have been many FACTS thrown at you and your answer is the staple answer based on absolutely no facts.
It's a FACT that during record productivity that wages for the working class have been flat despite record productivity and good profits. The money stayed at the top, FACT! So, that's not keeping people down? Well then, what is it?
Can you deny that there is a wealth gap and that it's at a record level.
Please respond with some facts to counter this threads topic.
Non factual talking points are just that, talking points.
In order for an economy to work and run smoothly the money must have a constant circular flow within our communities.... Therefore, we have to have jobs to make this happen so we can buy what we produce on a consistent basis.... Like we use to do before the progressive dirtbag subversives in our gov't opened up our borders and economy to foreign corporate powers...our enemies....
If we take out our private sector jobs the money no longer circulates, like a tire with a hole in it and the air goes out in one direction, we will go flat....

The money, no matter how much of it the rat SOB's in Washington print, goes in one direction...UP! and OUT! GlOBAL!

The global economy is a fraud! There is no global community...only the rich and the poor....
You are free to do as you choose... live by your decisions, efforts, achievements, etc... I certainly do not fault others in getting what they can in this free society...
Yeah.....we've noticed......​

"Legislation that is expected to reach the House floor this week would give corporations and other large donors a greater role in presidential elections by dismantling the public campaign finance system.

Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK) introduced a bill that would end public financing of presidential elections on the anniversary of the infamous Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission decision. The bill, HR 359, would eliminate the Presidential Election Campaign Fund and the Presidential Primary Matching Payment Account. It currently has 18 cosponsors, all of whom are Republican.

"A vote for HR 359 is a great way to tell the American people that you want to give corporations more power over our government rather than make democracy work for ordinary Americans," David Arkush, director of Public Citizen's Congress Watch division, warned in a prepared statement.

The Citizens United decision overturned nearly a century of restrictions on campaign spending, allowing corporations, unions and other groups to spend unlimited amounts on political campaigns without having to identify themselves. In a 5-4 decision last year, the US Supreme Court ruled that restrictions on spending amounted to a violation of First Amendment rights.

The decision allowed a torrential downpour of private dollars into the November midterm elections, with interest groups spending over $80 million on the elections, up from just $16 million in 2006."


If you can't understand it I suggest you stop listening to Limbaugh, Beck, O'Reilly and the rest of the millionaire propagandists because they apparently have taken control of your thoughts and enlisted you into serving the corporatist agenda. That is unless you happen to be a multi-billionaire, which I kinda doubt.
Oh, stop with the class warfare horseshit. You want more than what you've got, get off your ass and get to work. Nobody's keeping you down, and nobody owes you anything.
A certain percentage of those losing their homes to foreclosure who have worked as hard as you throughout their adult lives might feel Wall Street owes them something.

Do you?

What of those nearing retirement whose savings and pensions were plundered when the latest bubbles popped?

What does Wall Street owe those people?

An attempt to steal their Social Security?
Like what?
Subsidized rent or special shopping privileges?
I live on base, so I don't receive the housing allowance. Given the house I'm in, I'm losing money on the deal. But I like living on base.
Do you pay Federal Taxes?
I'm guessing your family's medical expenses consume a smaller portion of your budget than most Americans.
Probably. My wife's had to have three major surgeries in the 20 years we've been in. Our out-of-pocket expenses were less an a hundred dollars.


Shall we count up what all I've done to earn those benefits? The years I've spent away from my family in dangerous places? The millions of dollars of assets I've saved from destruction? The billion dollars of assets I've managed efficiently?

What I've received, I've earned. That was the contract I signed with Uncle Sam. You signed the same contract, but you chickened out after a couple of weeks.

What are you? A "Mexican Drug Mule"?
Alex Cockburn speculated recently he doesn't think Republican elites will tolerate Sarah Palin if she wins her party's nomination in 2012. Michael Bloomberg will be pressed into service, and Obama could face an independent challenge from Russ Feingold.

While I would much prefer Bernie Sanders, Dennis Kucinich or Sheldon Whitehouse I think Russell Feingold would be an effective and productive replacement for Obama. I definitely would vote for him.
I'm rapidly approaching a point where I would prefer anyone but Obama. It's become very clear to me why Goldman Sachs gave him four times as much money in 2008 as McCain.

Liberals in this country seem incapable of judging this president by the content of his character or policies which leaves only the color of his skin to explain their continued support.

Truthdig currently has a pair of columns offering diametrically opposite solutions to our Obama problem. Bill Boyarsky claims Republicans will be so much worse we have to reelect Obama while Chris Hedges says the time for lesser evils has long since passed.

I find myself agreeing with Chris.(again)

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