The Government never shut down under Nancy Pelosi

John Boehner is Speaker for three months and shuts down the government

You are aware, of course, that this shut down is because Pelosi and the Democrats FAILED to pass a Budget last year when they had a super majority in the House and what 58 votes in the Senate?

He Does...he is being his usual ASS-Self.
The Speaker is finding how hard his job really is

The job requires one thing.....reaching a concensus

With the juvenile antics of the TeaTards and an element of his own party thinking Government is not needed at all Boehner has to reach an agreement with the Dems or his sole accomplishment as speaker will be shutting down Government

Pelosi never had this problem
That's because Pelosi and her minions did not even attempt to pass a budget. They chose to leave it for the next majority to clean up. At least be honest with your assessment of the political situation and not leave out key items from the last majority.
John Boehner is Speaker for three months and shuts down the government

You are aware, of course, that this shut down is because Pelosi and the Democrats FAILED to pass a Budget last year when they had a super majority in the House and what 58 votes in the Senate?

Ive pointed it out a couple of times and he is ignoring the facts.

Typical Libtard.
The Speaker is finding how hard his job really is

The job requires one thing.....reaching a concensus

With the juvenile antics of the TeaTards and an element of his own party thinking Government is not needed at all Boehner has to reach an agreement with the Dems or his sole accomplishment as speaker will be shutting down Government

Pelosi never had this problem


I WIN. 3:cuckoo: to 2 :cuckoo:

You are not in my league Zander

Which intellectual league are you in? Would that be T-Ball?

OMG, we may not have government to solve all our problems for some period of time, what is a liberal to do? You may have to care for yourself. I see why you're in such a panic...
WOW RW. Excuse me while I LMAO.

Why would Pelosi even consider shutting down Govt?? The Dems held all the cards. They had a majority. No way would a Govt shutdown even be a thought.

Hell. They didn't need no stinking budget last year either.
WOW RW. Excuse me while I LMAO.

Why would Pelosi even consider shutting down Govt?? The Dems held all the cards. They had a majority. No way would a Govt shutdown even be a thought.

Hell. They didn't need no stinking budget last year either.

He thinks if he ignores the fact that the Congress last year, which was solely controlled by the Democrats, failed to pass a budget , creating the current "crisis" that we will forget about it or he can.
Nancy Pelosi, my my my the rich bitch who spent us into oblivion. no wonder she's your hero. leftwinger.

Still ducking the issue Willow

Pelosi never shut down the government

What happens when we let Republicans pull the strings?

Take my ball and go home. Republicans don't know how to govern

Unbelievable.... I must be on ignore :eusa_eh:

You have ducked my comments from the beginning of this STUPID thread, and that leads me to believe you are just being a partisan HACK.

And then you go and say the Republicans are saying "Take my ball and go home"...? Is'nt that what your boys and girls did in Wisconsin?

You just cant possibly be serious.

no you're not, he really really doesn't comprehend well, seriously.
Still ducking the issue Willow

Pelosi never shut down the government

What happens when we let Republicans pull the strings?

Take my ball and go home. Republicans don't know how to govern

Unbelievable.... I must be on ignore :eusa_eh:

You have ducked my comments from the beginning of this STUPID thread, and that leads me to believe you are just being a partisan HACK.

And then you go and say the Republicans are saying "Take my ball and go home"...? Is'nt that what your boys and girls did in Wisconsin?

You just cant possibly be serious.

no you're not, he really really doesn't comprehend well, seriously.
I'm pretty confident he does understand. My experience lends me to believe it's a question of integrity rather than comprehension.

Pelosi didn't do her job when she was supposed to and that's Boehner's fault. It's a good spin for the brain dead, though.
Why is it that instead of addressing the present, people always want to live in the past? Who cares if the government did or did no shut down when Pelosi was Speaker, or when whomever was Speaker? I really don't care at this point if the Dems screwed up by not passing a budget last year (the most certainly did, but it's now irrelevant). That's done and over with. The present is that we need a budget. We need it now. A government shut down is NOT what the country needs and both sides need to stop throwing their little temper tantrums and get on with it.
Why is it that instead of addressing the present, people always want to live in the past? Who cares if the government did or did no shut down when Pelosi was Speaker, or when whomever was Speaker? I really don't care at this point if the Dems screwed up by not passing a budget last year (the most certainly did, but it's now irrelevant). That's done and over with. The present is that we need a budget. We need it now. A government shut down is NOT what the country needs and both sides need to stop throwing their little temper tantrums and get on with it.

Libs keep running around and shrieking about OMG, the government could shut down. But frankly why's it a big deal? Is that the real fear, people will start to realize we're spending all this freaking money and when the government shuts down it actually isn't a big deal? Wow, how many economic stunting bureaucrat jobs could be in jeopardy if that happened. Never mind, I understand your fear now...
John Boehner is Speaker for three months and shuts down the government

That's because Pelosi understood that when you are Speaker, you take your votes where you can find them. Unlike Boehner, who doesn't seem to understand that he is the Speaker of the entire House of Representatives and not the House majority leader.
Libs keep running around and shrieking about OMG, the government could shut down. But frankly why's it a big deal? Is that the real fear, people will start to realize we're spending all this freaking money and when the government shuts down it actually isn't a big deal? Wow, how many economic stunting bureaucrat jobs could be in jeopardy if that happened. Never mind, I understand your fear now...

Can you ever address an issue without resorting to mindless drivel, like how you had to end that post. You almost did it, you were so close. But when you finish off like that you remind everyone that you're not really here to discuss anything, you're just here to toe the line.

Why should the government not shut down?

1. Military pay might be delayed until a budget is passed.
2. Tax returns will be delayed.
3. Extensions have been more costly than regular expenses.
4. Shut down may be more costly in the long run than staying up and running.
5. We need to get started on next year's budget and the longer we take to deal with this year, the longer it takes for next year.
6. The American people want to see the government getting things done, not missing deadlines.
Why is it that instead of addressing the present, people always want to live in the past? Who cares if the government did or did no shut down when Pelosi was Speaker, or when whomever was Speaker? I really don't care at this point if the Dems screwed up by not passing a budget last year (the most certainly did, but it's now irrelevant). That's done and over with. The present is that we need a budget. We need it now. A government shut down is NOT what the country needs and both sides need to stop throwing their little temper tantrums and get on with it.

Because people ought to understand how we got to this point. The Dems will doubtless want to paint it that the nasty GOP wants to destroy the government. The truth is that they have been so irresponsible we find ourselves without a budget and running an unsustainable debt. It cannot be business as usual.
Boehner is trying to be the responsible one here and do the right thing, which is to pass a serious budget and reduce the deficit to sustainable levels. Therefore public opinion needs to be on his side, not Reid's. Reid needs to be pressured to get the Dems in the Senate to sign on to GOP ideas.
Why is it that instead of addressing the present, people always want to live in the past? Who cares if the government did or did no shut down when Pelosi was Speaker, or when whomever was Speaker? I really don't care at this point if the Dems screwed up by not passing a budget last year (the most certainly did, but it's now irrelevant). That's done and over with. The present is that we need a budget. We need it now. A government shut down is NOT what the country needs and both sides need to stop throwing their little temper tantrums and get on with it.
You need to talk to Harry and barak. The house did it's job.
John Boehner is Speaker for three months and shuts down the government

That's because Pelosi understood that when you are Speaker, you take your votes where you can find them. Unlike Boehner, who doesn't seem to understand that he is the Speaker of the entire House of Representatives and not the House majority leader.
You're not actually serious are you?

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