The GOP's weak 2012 front-runner

I am a registered Republican and have never voted a straight ticket in my life

You are a Government Employee paid by tax dollars while you spread Democrat propaganda. You are a straight ticket Democrat voter. The only reason you register Republican is so you can vote for the worst Republican candidate in the Republican primary to increase the chance of a Democrat winning the general election. You are a lying deceitful scumbag.
I am a registered Republican and have never voted a straight ticket in my life

You are a Government Employee paid by tax dollars while you spread Democrat propaganda. You are a straight ticket Democrat voter. The only reason you register Republican is so you can vote for the worst Republican candidate in the Republican primary to increase the chance of a Democrat winning the general election. You are a lying deceitful scumbag.

And you are a nuckfit. RW is a registered republican, I am a registered republican, I think Huggy is, and several of the other centrists here are. We are tired of fauxcon far right wing noids having screwed the party up for 30 years, selling out the working man in return for bribery by Big Business and the Social Values set. You need to kiss you ass, KissMy. What a tuckfit.
Yea...thats a funny joke!
A fern could beat Obama

What is really funny is that the Republicans think they could win an election against Obama without a viable candidate. The very fact that in this entire thread, the right can't name a single candidate that they give a shit about.

Lookin bad for the GOP

A fake fern at that....:lol:

I'm not a Republican... They have a while to pick their choice and I doubt the opinions of the far leftists such as yourself and Jokey really matter to them...

You're just going to do the usual straight D ticket... You should think about maybe switching out 0bama for a viable candidate yourself...:eusa_think:

I am a registered Republican and have never voted a straight ticket in my life

You are a shill for the DNC... Kudos...
JokeStarkey said:
I am a registered Republican and have never voted a straight ticket in my life

You are a Government Employee paid by tax dollars while you spread Democrat propaganda. You are a straight ticket Democrat voter. The only reason you register Republican is so you can vote for the worst Republican candidate in the Republican primary to increase the chance of a Democrat winning the general election. You are a lying deceitful scumbag.

And you are a nuckfit. RW is a registered republican, I am a registered republican, I think Huggy is, and several of the other centrists here are. We are tired of fauxcon far right wing noids having screwed the party up for 30 years, selling out the working man in return for bribery by Big Business and the Social Values set. You need to kiss you ass, KissMy. What a tuckfit.

...and the JokeStarkey lies continue...
And you are a nuckfit. RW is a registered republican, I am a registered republican, I think Huggy is, and several of the other centrists here are. We are tired of fauxcon far right wing noids having screwed the party up for 30 years, selling out the working man in return for bribery by Big Business and the Social Values set. You need to kiss you ass, KissMy. What a tuckfit.

Was I talking about you? Is your name Rightwinger?

BTW the Obama Joker pictured in your avatar was created by a democrat, not the TEA Party. Next time you Wuck Fit, get the facts straight.
Can we get 2010 in the can first, before thinking of 2012? I don't know who's even going to be a player by then, outside of Tim Pawlenty running.
The one thing you people should remember, and take the messiah Obama as your example: Once they're a candidate they are already a member of the status quo. So fundamentally, that means, they're owned by Wall Street, and the military industrial complex, and other powers behind the throne. So they're already corrupted, and will essentially stay the course where it matters in terms of foreign policy, globalism and big government.
A fake fern at that....:lol:

I'm not a Republican... They have a while to pick their choice and I doubt the opinions of the far leftists such as yourself and Jokey really matter to them...

You're just going to do the usual straight D ticket... You should think about maybe switching out 0bama for a viable candidate yourself...:eusa_think:

I am a registered Republican and have never voted a straight ticket in my life

You are a shill for the DNC... Kudos...

You are a shittenpuppy, House. You are certainly neither conservative nor republican, and you are at best a subpar reactionary. So neg rep all you want, and I will still :lol: at you. Oh, stop your whining, makes you look pathetic.
I am a registered Republican and have never voted a straight ticket in my life

You are a Government Employee paid by tax dollars while you spread Democrat propaganda. You are a straight ticket Democrat voter. The only reason you register Republican is so you can vote for the worst Republican candidate in the Republican primary to increase the chance of a Democrat winning the general election. You are a lying deceitful scumbag.

I am a proud civil servant of over 30 years with the Department of Defense. Over that 30 years I have seen the products I have helped to develop save the lives of thousands of American soldiers.
I am a registered Republican and have never voted a straight ticket in my life

You are a Government Employee paid by tax dollars while you spread Democrat propaganda. You are a straight ticket Democrat voter. The only reason you register Republican is so you can vote for the worst Republican candidate in the Republican primary to increase the chance of a Democrat winning the general election. You are a lying deceitful scumbag.

And you are a nuckfit. RW is a registered republican, I am a registered republican, I think Huggy is, and several of the other centrists here are. We are tired of fauxcon far right wing noids having screwed the party up for 30 years, selling out the working man in return for bribery by Big Business and the Social Values set. You need to kiss you ass, KissMy. What a tuckfit.

I voted for Reagan and Daddy Bush four times. They understood that the priority of their office was to get things done and to work both sides of the aisle to reach compromises that were for the good of the country. With the emergence of the Gingrich Republicans and selling the Parties soul to the Rush Limbaugh element, I became repulsed at what my party had become.
I am still a registered Republican. Republicans run at all levels of Government. My town and county are 80% Republican. To vote in the primaries for these positions you need to be registered for that party. I still vote primarilly Republican up to state levelpositions. At the national level, I am embarassed at what the party has become and will continue to say so
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House is a subpar conceptualist and certainly not a critical thinker in any sense. He is what he is: a marginalized white male who blames others because he has not achieved in life what he thinks he should have.
The repub doesn't matter who will win in 2012......................and by late 2913 will realise he/she is even worse than BHO who was worse than GWB, who was worse than BC, who was worse than Bush that point people will be ready to accept Rule by a Caesar.
House is a subpar conceptualist and certainly not a critical thinker in any sense. He is what he is: a marginalized white male who blames others because he has not achieved in life what he thinks he should have.

He is a phony libertarian who yearns for Lyndon LaRouche
House really does not understand what libertarianism means. He doesn't have the brain power to make informed independent decisions. Most so-called libertarians don't. Geez, think of The Rabbi for starters.
You I undestand Oscar Wao. A couple of others, including Paulie. The the rest are simply-half baked concepts by half-baked individuals.
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Seven Pages into this thread and nobody from the right can name a single candidate that they would endorse as the front-runner.

Most Americans cannot name a single Republican other than Sarah Palin....pretty scary for the GOP
There have been a number named here, RW. The fauxcon loons of the far right, though, can't think beyond Palin the quitter and some of the libertarian loon candidates.
Seven Pages into this thread and nobody from the right can name a single candidate that they would endorse as the front-runner.

Most Americans cannot name a single Republican other than Sarah Palin....pretty scary for the GOP

Bullshit I said in the beginning that I & most of the TEA Party would endorse Ron Paul as the front-runner. Republicans hate him because he is not a Neo-Con.

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