The GOP is lost


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
I took the liberty of copying this from another web site.

I give up... the country is lost...

Drudge Put It Perfectly: Congressional Republicans Flail and Fail

Drudge Put It Perfectly: Congressional Republicans Flail and Fail

On February 8, 2017, Matt Drudge tweeted, “No Obamacare repeal, tax cuts!” and “Republican party should be sued for fraud. NO discussion of tax cuts now.” Drudge was spot on.

This week, Sen. Rand Paul (my former boss, it should be pointed out) stormed out of a meeting with Speaker of the House Paul Ryan when he heard talk of keeping Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion intact and creating tax credits. Paul worried these tax credits would be a Republican-created entitlement program.

Unfortunately, the leadership and establishment in the Republican party is incompetent. When you compare the accomplishments of President Barack Obama at the same point in his presidency as President Donald Trump, it shows that Republicans are not doing their job.

Jonathan Weisman, deputy Washington editor at The New York Times, encapsulated Republicans’ lack of accomplishment in one tweet.
Weisman points out that at this point in the Obama administration, the Democratic-controlled Congress had passed his stimulus package, the Lilly Ledbetter bill, and started serious talks about healthcare reform. Right now, House and Senate Republicans have passed a budget that sets the table for Obamacare partial repeal, yet they don’t seem to have the stomach to pass the partial repeal measure that they passed last year. That bill gutted some of the core elements of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) by repealing Medicaid expansion, exchange subsidies and most of the healthcare related tax hikes.

Conservatives, including The Heritage Foundation, are pushing Congress to use this measure as the basis for reconciliation this year, yet moderate senators Lamar Alexander, Bill Cassidy, and Susan Collins are pushing ideas that will save the core of Obamacare.

Now that Republicans have control of Congress, they seem to have lost focus. On February 16, The New York Times reported, “After moving to start rolling back the Affordable Care Act just days after President Trump was sworn in last month, Republican lawmakers and Mr. Trump have yet to deliver on any of the sweeping legislation they promised. Efforts to come up with a replacement for the healthcare law have been stymied by disagreements among Republicans about how to proceed. The same is true for a proposed overhaul of the tax code.”

The large infrastructure bill that both Democrats and Trump were eager to pursue has barely been mentioned, other than a general hearing to discuss well-documented needs for infrastructure improvements. Even a simple emergency spending bill that the Trump administration promised weeks ago—which was expected to include a proposal for his wall on the Mexican border—has not materialized, leaving appropriators idle.

Implementing the Trump agenda is impossible if Republicans don’t try. One of my favorite quotes is Wayne Gretzky’s “You miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take.” Republicans are not taking any shots right now.

Republicans know that it would be easy to roll out and pass a massive $1 trillion infrastructure bill that would have bipartisan support. Members love roads and bridges, and Congressional pork is proven to create bipartisan support. Yet, Congress hasn’t started the process of passing Trump’s version of a stimulus bill.

Republicans ran on promising to “repeal and replace” Obamacare, and they are falling flat on their faces trying to figure out the “replace” part. Sen. Rand Paul has teamed up with forces in the House Freedom Caucus to introduce a bill to repeal Obamacare and replace with healthcare freedom, including a massive expansion of Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and the freedom to purchase healthcare plans across state lines. This is a good option if Republicans feel the need to “replace” Obamacare.

Additionally, Congress has done nothing to forward the ball on Trump’s plan for a historic reform of the tax code that would include massive tax cuts for average Americans.

Republican leadership in the House and Senate are thwarting the Trump agenda with their gross incompetence. Drudge was spot on to accuse them of fraud, and Sen. Rand Paul is correct to team up with freedom loving members of the House and Senate to jump start the process of repealing Obamacare. At some point, establishment Republicans need to understand that if they continue to break promises to right-leaning Trump voters, they will hand over power to the Democrats.
Do you really think the Trump voters voted to cut their govt sponsored healthcare?

Trump so far hasn't put forth his agenda, or anything he's said he's also backtracked from.

The gop will do tax reform. But, the gop is split between those who demand more military spending and those who want to cut soc sec / medicare. Trump promised he wouldn't and the dems won't vote for it. The question is whether the anti-tax gopers will allow for extra taxes to "buy" the McCain wing. They can pass a budget with 50 votes.

The gop will not find 50 votes for tariffs or "border taxes."

Regulations are already being cut, and give Trump credit for that.

The Trump team is moving to replace TPP with individual trade deals with countries.

The wall? Schmall. Trump will double down on Obama trying to deport criminals.
The GOP is not lost, but it has definitely morphed. The Bushes, McCains and Romneys of yesteryear are gone.

The question is what is to become of the Democrats. Even though they are in deep disarray, there is little coverage of the battle between the traditional limousine liberals, the socialists, the working-class and the minority wings of the party.
"Republicans need to understand that if they continue to break promises to right-leaning Trump voters, they will hand over power to the Democrats."

Only in the minds of those programmed to operate under the tyranny of the status quo. One party down, one to go.
Trumpsters voted for Trump because they don't know the difference between reality and reality T.V.
Good, hope it dies completely.
I also hope the slimy ass Dem party is next
Cheer up, the do-nothings will out themselves and be replaced in 2018. :)

What was the "GOP" is about 2/3 gone already and been replaced with better.

2018 will sweep out the last of the bitter clingers.
I took the liberty of copying this from another web site.

I give up... the country is lost...

Drudge Put It Perfectly: Congressional Republicans Flail and Fail

Drudge Put It Perfectly: Congressional Republicans Flail and Fail

On February 8, 2017, Matt Drudge tweeted, “No Obamacare repeal, tax cuts!” and “Republican party should be sued for fraud. NO discussion of tax cuts now.” Drudge was spot on.

This week, Sen. Rand Paul (my former boss, it should be pointed out) stormed out of a meeting with Speaker of the House Paul Ryan when he heard talk of keeping Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion intact and creating tax credits. Paul worried these tax credits would be a Republican-created entitlement program.

Unfortunately, the leadership and establishment in the Republican party is incompetent. When you compare the accomplishments of President Barack Obama at the same point in his presidency as President Donald Trump, it shows that Republicans are not doing their job.

Jonathan Weisman, deputy Washington editor at The New York Times, encapsulated Republicans’ lack of accomplishment in one tweet.
Weisman points out that at this point in the Obama administration, the Democratic-controlled Congress had passed his stimulus package, the Lilly Ledbetter bill, and started serious talks about healthcare reform. Right now, House and Senate Republicans have passed a budget that sets the table for Obamacare partial repeal, yet they don’t seem to have the stomach to pass the partial repeal measure that they passed last year. That bill gutted some of the core elements of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) by repealing Medicaid expansion, exchange subsidies and most of the healthcare related tax hikes.

Conservatives, including The Heritage Foundation, are pushing Congress to use this measure as the basis for reconciliation this year, yet moderate senators Lamar Alexander, Bill Cassidy, and Susan Collins are pushing ideas that will save the core of Obamacare.

Now that Republicans have control of Congress, they seem to have lost focus. On February 16, The New York Times reported, “After moving to start rolling back the Affordable Care Act just days after President Trump was sworn in last month, Republican lawmakers and Mr. Trump have yet to deliver on any of the sweeping legislation they promised. Efforts to come up with a replacement for the healthcare law have been stymied by disagreements among Republicans about how to proceed. The same is true for a proposed overhaul of the tax code.”

The large infrastructure bill that both Democrats and Trump were eager to pursue has barely been mentioned, other than a general hearing to discuss well-documented needs for infrastructure improvements. Even a simple emergency spending bill that the Trump administration promised weeks ago—which was expected to include a proposal for his wall on the Mexican border—has not materialized, leaving appropriators idle.

Implementing the Trump agenda is impossible if Republicans don’t try. One of my favorite quotes is Wayne Gretzky’s “You miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take.” Republicans are not taking any shots right now.

Republicans know that it would be easy to roll out and pass a massive $1 trillion infrastructure bill that would have bipartisan support. Members love roads and bridges, and Congressional pork is proven to create bipartisan support. Yet, Congress hasn’t started the process of passing Trump’s version of a stimulus bill.

Republicans ran on promising to “repeal and replace” Obamacare, and they are falling flat on their faces trying to figure out the “replace” part. Sen. Rand Paul has teamed up with forces in the House Freedom Caucus to introduce a bill to repeal Obamacare and replace with healthcare freedom, including a massive expansion of Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and the freedom to purchase healthcare plans across state lines. This is a good option if Republicans feel the need to “replace” Obamacare.

Additionally, Congress has done nothing to forward the ball on Trump’s plan for a historic reform of the tax code that would include massive tax cuts for average Americans.

Republican leadership in the House and Senate are thwarting the Trump agenda with their gross incompetence. Drudge was spot on to accuse them of fraud, and Sen. Rand Paul is correct to team up with freedom loving members of the House and Senate to jump start the process of repealing Obamacare. At some point, establishment Republicans need to understand that if they continue to break promises to right-leaning Trump voters, they will hand over power to the Democrats.

Dear Votto
The point being missed is that the people who don't believe in federalized health care
aren't responsible for replacing that: the people who WANT to keep it are responsible.

When Roe V Wade overturned abortion laws, that ruling went through WITHOUT
"first replacing the law" with other protective legislation that DIDN'T violate "due process."

Republican and Constitutional opponents should merely revise that part to be optional
and pass the burden to the people or states who WANT it to find the best way to support it.

I suggest tying health care coverage to crime and prison budgets per state :
give people the INCENTIVE to reduce waste of tax resources on failed
mental health and criminal justice, where the more they save, those resources
can cover more and more health care per year for that state's populations.

Set up a schedule of goals for the next 5, 10, 20 years.
The more crime is reduced by better preventative care, the more
resources can be saved and invested in expanding health care services
including medical education, teaching hospitals and clinics per district to meet public demand.
Let Me Get This Straight...

The GOP won the Presidential Election
The GOP controls the House and Senate
Democrats have lost over 1,000 seats / positions under Obama
Democrats have suffered back-to-back 'historic, record-setting' election losses
Democrats are so demoralized and lost they have created a fake web site that generates headlines and news as if Hillary won....
...and the GOP is 'lost'

Let Me Get This Straight...

The GOP won the Presidential Election
The GOP controls the House and Senate
Democrats have lost over 1,000 seats / positions under Obama
Democrats have suffered back-to-back 'historic, record-setting' election losses
Democrats are so demoralized and lost they have created a fake web site that generates headlines and news as if Hillary won....
...and the GOP is 'lost'

Dear easyt65
If Republicans didn't believe in the Constitution
there are any number of crazy ways to legislate "whatever it takes"
to fix this mess.
But trying to fix it where it gets back on track?
This isn't an overnight deal, yet politics DEMANDS people
fix things right away "or they're a failure"

Why do you think Obama pushed so hard to pass ACA in whatever form it took? It had to be done AT THAT TIME by his administration to legitimize his Presidency.

We need the focus on fixing things to be sustainable
and ethical, not just to look good for short term politics.

Again what I would do is divide the policies and create
a voluntary option for people or states to fund their own
health care collective exchanges using their own taxes
and tax breaks. If they don't want to fund prisons or war,
let them redirect their taxes into health care as conscientious
objectors who believe in funding social welfare.

If this is divided by party, the prolife believers can ensure
their taxes don't go to Planned Parenthood or abortion.
The right to healthers can pay for health care not drug wars.
Instead of fighting to impose one belief or another, let groups
fund their own beliefs and let the others do the same.
The Country will be better in The End if both THE GOP Establishment and the Leftist Establishment are neutered and The Power is returned to WE THE PEOPLE as Donald Trump has promised he will do.
Eight years to get us out of Afghanistan and Iraq. Plenty fast enough for liberals. A month into the Trump Administration, too slow.
The Republicans have already done too much. When big business jumps, Republicans just ask how high. We have seen a assault on regulations with little thought. When the FCC is done, consumers will see big jumps in their internet bills despite the fact that it is becoming a monopoly as the number of providers shrink.

The fact is that Obamacare is becoming more popular. Polls show that voters want it reformed or replaced. Subsidies are unfortunately going to have to be a part of the solution. There are people who fall through the cracks. For example, they may be forced to take 2 part time jobs because they can't find a full-time job with benefits. The American people will not stand for this. One aspect of Obamacare does make sense. A central exchange where people can look for policies. What needs to be done is give people more freedom to choose a policy that suits them. Subsidies should be based on income and health.

In terms of tax policy, the wounds are self inflicted. A straight tax cut would be less controversial but House Republicans have gotten into a mess with this border equalization tax scheme. It would hurt low and middle class people by driving up the cost of goods. Trump has not helped either. He refused to disown it and said instead that it was to complicated. That suggests he might prefer tariffs. Republicans in the Senate would rightfully desert it over either scheme.
This isn't an overnight deal, yet politics DEMANDS people
fix things right away "or they're a failure".
Agreed - screw politics'. Trump is also QUICKLY fulfilling his promises, which snowflakes are also complaining about.

Why do you think Obama pushed so hard to pass ACA in whatever form it took? It had to be done AT THAT TIME by his administration to legitimize his Presidency.
It had to be done THEN because at that moment Obama had enough Fascists to push the bill through, down the throats of the majority of Americans who did not want it and a GOP Congress that didn't have the numbers to stop it.[/QUOTE]

Liberals are pushing back fiercely in an attempt to ensure Trump and the GOPs do nothing to the ACA.

I say FINE - GIVE THEM WHAT THEY WANT. The ACA is collapsing, self-destructing, failing under it's own flaws, DNC/Obama-pushed LIES, and failures. LET IT DIE! Remind people 'This is what you / liberals wanted - this is what Obama and the Democrats gave you - FORCED upon you'. (I would also provide a list of current Liberals still in office who voted for the ACA...)

I would also have something n my back pocket, though, to immediately pull out.

If Obama / snowflakes want to ride the ACA into the ground, who are we to take that away from them?
Eight years to get us out of Afghanistan and Iraq. Plenty fast enough for liberals. A month into the Trump Administration, too slow.
All Obama had to do was MANAGE a situation, take care of a liberated Iraq...and f*ed THAT up...with Syria and running weapons to Al Qaeda and ISIS....and sticking his nose into Egypt...and Israel...and with arming Mexican Drug Cartels....and refusing to enforce US laws while helping Illegals....

How'd all that work out?
The Country will be better in The End if both THE GOP Establishment and the Leftist Establishment are neutered and The Power is returned to WE THE PEOPLE as Donald Trump has promised he will do.

When did you plan on neutering them?

My vet has an opening tomorrow at 5PM.

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