The GOP Is Already Showing Their Willingness & Aptitude To Cheat In Elections


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
As you already know, Willard Raw Money didn't actually win Iowa, apparently, Santorum won. However, it's been stated that many ballots are missing and will never be recovered and can never be certified.

Somehow some polling lady, an old fart, fell asleep and they got lost. If you can believe that swill. :rolleyes:

Memories of ballots in a trunk come to mind anyone?!?

And this is WITHIN their OWN primaries, no Democrats in sight.

Imagine what these SOBs will do come the generals.


This is why these ppl are always screaming and shrieking about voter fraud and stopping ppl from voting, it's because they know that THEY are more than willing, capable and able to cheat and win so they think every one else is too.

How do you guys reconcile this RWers and Republicans of USMB?
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Surely you jest! The Democrats have been stealing and trying to steal elections for decades. They have perfected the art of political sleaziness and dishonesty.
Surely you jest! The Democrats have been stealing and trying to steal elections for decades. They have perfected the art of political sleaziness and dishonesty.

Got links? A link!??
Funny how Mr Obsessed About Racism manages to fail to see the hypocrisy of calling someone an "old fart".

If you want others to treat racism as inappropriate, perhaps you should set an example and not refer to someone older than you as an 'old fart'. Just an idea.

Surely you jest! The Democrats have been stealing and trying to steal elections for decades. They have perfected the art of political sleaziness and dishonesty.

Got links? A link!??

sfuckin' common knowledge! The Chicago political machine (from whence cometh the lib's current messiah) has been known for it since before I was born.

Libs have their heads in the sand and cannot fathom the truth about their own history.
As you already know, Willard Raw Money didn't actually win Iowa, apparently, Santorum won. However, it's been stated that many ballots are missing and will never be recovered and can never be certified.

Santorum finished 34 votes ahead of Romney in new Iowa tally; votes from 8 precincts missing - The Washington Post
Santorum hails delayed Iowa victory as 'huge upset' -
Rick Santorum Finishes Ahead Of Mitt Romney: Iowa Caucus Results

Somehow some polling lady, an old fart, fell asleep and they got lost. If you can believe that swill. :rolleyes:

Memories of ballots in a trunk come to mind anyone?!?

And this is WITHIN their OWN primaries, no Democrats in sight.

Imagine what these SOBs will do come the generals.


This is why these ppl are always screaming and shrieking about voter fraud and stopping ppl from voting, it's because they know that THEY are more than willing, capable and able to cheat and win so they think every one else is too.

How do you guys reconcile this RWers and Republicans of USMB?

The learned from Obama.

[ame=]Obama Stole Election Against Hillary Fraud Runs Rampant 07-10.flv - YouTube[/ame]

Either that, or everyone is full of shit.
As you already know, Willard Raw Money didn't actually win Iowa, apparently, Santorum won. However, it's been stated that many ballots are missing and will never be recovered and can never be certified.

Santorum finished 34 votes ahead of Romney in new Iowa tally; votes from 8 precincts missing - The Washington Post
Santorum hails delayed Iowa victory as 'huge upset' -
Rick Santorum Finishes Ahead Of Mitt Romney: Iowa Caucus Results

Somehow some polling lady, an old fart, fell asleep and they got lost. If you can believe that swill. :rolleyes:

Memories of ballots in a trunk come to mind anyone?!?

And this is WITHIN their OWN primaries, no Democrats in sight.

Imagine what these SOBs will do come the generals.


This is why these ppl are always screaming and shrieking about voter fraud and stopping ppl from voting, it's because they know that THEY are more than willing, capable and able to cheat and win so they think every one else is too.

How do you guys reconcile this RWers and Republicans of USMB?

How do you feel about the cases of Democratic voter fraud posted all over the board recently, including the ones where the Democrats in question plead GUILTY?

I saw no outrage from you in any of those threads.
As you already know, Willard Raw Money didn't actually win Iowa, apparently, Santorum won. However, it's been stated that many ballots are missing and will never be recovered and can never be certified.

Santorum finished 34 votes ahead of Romney in new Iowa tally; votes from 8 precincts missing - The Washington Post
Santorum hails delayed Iowa victory as 'huge upset' -
Rick Santorum Finishes Ahead Of Mitt Romney: Iowa Caucus Results

Somehow some polling lady, an old fart, fell asleep and they got lost. If you can believe that swill. :rolleyes:

Memories of ballots in a trunk come to mind anyone?!?

And this is WITHIN their OWN primaries, no Democrats in sight.

Imagine what these SOBs will do come the generals.


This is why these ppl are always screaming and shrieking about voter fraud and stopping ppl from voting, it's because they know that THEY are more than willing, capable and able to cheat and win so they think every one else is too.

How do you guys reconcile this RWers and Republicans of USMB?

How do you feel about the cases of Democratic voter fraud posted all over the board recently, including the ones where the Democrats in question plead GUILTY?

I saw no outrage from you in any of those threads.
Libs generally do not acknowledge evidence of other libs lying and cheating. It is accepted behavior from that side. It's unacceptable only when their opponents do it.
As you already know, Willard Raw Money didn't actually win Iowa, apparently, Santorum won. However, it's been stated that many ballots are missing and will never be recovered and can never be certified.

Santorum finished 34 votes ahead of Romney in new Iowa tally; votes from 8 precincts missing - The Washington Post
Santorum hails delayed Iowa victory as 'huge upset' -
Rick Santorum Finishes Ahead Of Mitt Romney: Iowa Caucus Results

Somehow some polling lady, an old fart, fell asleep and they got lost. If you can believe that swill. :rolleyes:

Memories of ballots in a trunk come to mind anyone?!?

And this is WITHIN their OWN primaries, no Democrats in sight.

Imagine what these SOBs will do come the generals.


This is why these ppl are always screaming and shrieking about voter fraud and stopping ppl from voting, it's because they know that THEY are more than willing, capable and able to cheat and win so they think every one else is too.

How do you guys reconcile this RWers and Republicans of USMB?

How do you feel about the cases of Democratic voter fraud posted all over the board recently, including the ones where the Democrats in question plead GUILTY?

I saw no outrage from you in any of those threads.

Don't hold your breath. You are dealing with a true believer.
That's what I thought...bupkiss.

is bupkiss an insult - if so it's a personal insult - you don't know me well enough to do that

SORRY! I missed the ... you were referring NOT to me but to what I said. That's fair

It's slang for "ya got nuthin bub."

That's all.

Check out the video in this link:

Edith and Carolyn solve Iowa vote mystery: On CNN with Blitzer, King - Lynn Sweet

The whole thing STINKS!! Stinks I say!
As you already know, Willard Raw Money didn't actually win Iowa, apparently, Santorum won. However, it's been stated that many ballots are missing and will never be recovered and can never be certified.

Santorum finished 34 votes ahead of Romney in new Iowa tally; votes from 8 precincts missing - The Washington Post
Santorum hails delayed Iowa victory as 'huge upset' -
Rick Santorum Finishes Ahead Of Mitt Romney: Iowa Caucus Results

Somehow some polling lady, an old fart, fell asleep and they got lost. If you can believe that swill. :rolleyes:

Memories of ballots in a trunk come to mind anyone?!?

And this is WITHIN their OWN primaries, no Democrats in sight.

Imagine what these SOBs will do come the generals.


This is why these ppl are always screaming and shrieking about voter fraud and stopping ppl from voting, it's because they know that THEY are more than willing, capable and able to cheat and win so they think every one else is too.

How do you guys reconcile this RWers and Republicans of USMB?

How do you feel about the cases of Democratic voter fraud posted all over the board recently, including the ones where the Democrats in question plead GUILTY?

I saw no outrage from you in any of those threads.

still waiting....

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