The good news and the bad news for the next four years...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
The bad news first: Biden was elected President of the United States. He probably stole the election, but the courts seem unwilling to do anything about it. So he will be sworn in in January and after that, we will have to deal.

The next four years will be a rough ride.

Democrats have very stupid ideas on many topics and they will do their damndest to implement as many of their stupid ideas as possible.

The result will be higher taxes, high unemployment, and massive numbers of business failures, especially small businesses who don't have the resources to ride out bad times.

We can also assume the Democrats will take a sledge hammer and try to destroy as many American institutions they can. Their goal is a one-party all powerful state, and anything that isn't part of the government is a threat to that goal and something to be done away with.

The infiltration of universities, media corporations, Wall Street firms, Big Tech companies, schools, churches will continue.

The "cancel culture" will continue, terrorizing people into silence to avoid losing their careers.

Expect that the left-wing fringe of the Democratic Party will run roughshod over Biden because he lacks the strength to resist them.

But, there is good news too.

In 2022, the American people will be so angry at the Democrats that Republicans will win massive victories at all levels of government: federal, state and local.

In 2024, the Republican candidate for President will defeat Biden, or Harris, because at that point the American people will be so sick of the Democrats that no amount of cheating can possibly change the outcome of the election.

The memory of what Democrats have done in four years will be so unpleasant to everyone that the Democrat Party will become a permanent minority party.

So there hope for the future.

The only thing we must do now is ride out the next four years, endure the pain and punishment the Democrats inflict on us, and try to survive.

Because for many people, merely surviving will be a strenuous effort.

Good luck to all of us.
The best news is that the economic cratering due to the tyrannical Wuhan Flu shutdowns will happen on Obamala Biden's watch. That places the blame exactly on those who caused it.
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The Obama/Biden years were extremely difficult for me. I hope I do better during the Biden/Harris years.
The bad news first: Biden was elected President of the United States. He probably stole the election, but the courts seem unwilling to do anything about it. So he will be sworn in in January and after that, we will have to deal.

The next four years will be a rough ride.

Democrats have very stupid ideas on many topics and they will do their damndest to implement as many of their stupid ideas as possible.

The result will be higher taxes, high unemployment, and massive numbers of business failures, especially small businesses who don't have the resources to ride out bad times.

We can also assume the Democrats will take a sledge hammer and try to destroy as many American institutions they can. Their goal is a one-party all powerful state, and anything that isn't part of the government is a threat to that goal and something to be done away with.

The infiltration of universities, media corporations, Wall Street firms, Big Tech companies, schools, churches will continue.

The "cancel culture" will continue, terrorizing people into silence to avoid losing their careers.

Expect that the left-wing fringe of the Democratic Party will run roughshod over Biden because he lacks the strength to resist them.

But, there is good news too.

In 2022, the American people will be so angry at the Democrats that Republicans will win massive victories at all levels of government: federal, state and local.

In 2024, the Republican candidate for President will defeat Biden, or Harris, because at that point the American people will be so sick of the Democrats that no amount of cheating can possibly change the outcome of the election.

The memory of what Democrats have done in four years will be so unpleasant to everyone that the Democrat Party will become a permanent minority party.

So there hope for the future.

The only thing we must do now is ride out the next four years, endure the pain and punishment the Democrats inflict on us, and try to survive.

Because for many people, merely surviving will be a strenuous effort.

Good luck to all of us.
I still think that there is going to be a surprise coming soon....We shall see....
The bad news first: Biden was elected President of the United States. He probably stole the election, but the courts seem unwilling to do anything about it. So he will be sworn in in January and after that, we will have to deal.

The next four years will be a rough ride.

Democrats have very stupid ideas on many topics and they will do their damndest to implement as many of their stupid ideas as possible.

The result will be higher taxes, high unemployment, and massive numbers of business failures, especially small businesses who don't have the resources to ride out bad times.

We can also assume the Democrats will take a sledge hammer and try to destroy as many American institutions they can. Their goal is a one-party all powerful state, and anything that isn't part of the government is a threat to that goal and something to be done away with.

The infiltration of universities, media corporations, Wall Street firms, Big Tech companies, schools, churches will continue.

The "cancel culture" will continue, terrorizing people into silence to avoid losing their careers.

Expect that the left-wing fringe of the Democratic Party will run roughshod over Biden because he lacks the strength to resist them.

But, there is good news too.

In 2022, the American people will be so angry at the Democrats that Republicans will win massive victories at all levels of government: federal, state and local.

In 2024, the Republican candidate for President will defeat Biden, or Harris, because at that point the American people will be so sick of the Democrats that no amount of cheating can possibly change the outcome of the election.

The memory of what Democrats have done in four years will be so unpleasant to everyone that the Democrat Party will become a permanent minority party.

So there hope for the future.

The only thing we must do now is ride out the next four years, endure the pain and punishment the Democrats inflict on us, and try to survive.

Because for many people, merely surviving will be a strenuous effort.

Good luck to all of us.
I still think that there is going to be a surprise coming soon....We shall see....
Yes, aliens will expose themselves in public, space aliens that is...What a twist!
In 2024, the Republican candidate for President will defeat Biden, or Harris, because at that point the American people will be so sick of the Democrats that no amount of cheating can possibly change the outcome of the election.

The memory of what Democrats have done in four years will be so unpleasant to everyone that the Democrat Party will become a permanent minority party.
Wishful thinking. Every four years, 10% of experienced voters are replaced by new voters who have little or no personal experience upon which to evaluate the propaganda to which they have been subjected.
In the Obama years, economic growth was under 2% once the recession was over in June 2010. I think it was like 1.9% or something; On Biden's watch I don't think it'll be even that, with the lockdowns ongoing. The proposed democratic policies are NOT going to foster growth. But the good news is, if the GOP can retain their Senate majority then all that bullshit won't happen.
The bad news first: Biden was elected President of the United States. He probably stole the election, but the courts seem unwilling to do anything about it. So he will be sworn in in January and after that, we will have to deal.

The next four years will be a rough ride.

Democrats have very stupid ideas on many topics and they will do their damndest to implement as many of their stupid ideas as possible.

The result will be higher taxes, high unemployment, and massive numbers of business failures, especially small businesses who don't have the resources to ride out bad times.

We can also assume the Democrats will take a sledge hammer and try to destroy as many American institutions they can. Their goal is a one-party all powerful state, and anything that isn't part of the government is a threat to that goal and something to be done away with.

The infiltration of universities, media corporations, Wall Street firms, Big Tech companies, schools, churches will continue.

The "cancel culture" will continue, terrorizing people into silence to avoid losing their careers.

Expect that the left-wing fringe of the Democratic Party will run roughshod over Biden because he lacks the strength to resist them.

But, there is good news too.

In 2022, the American people will be so angry at the Democrats that Republicans will win massive victories at all levels of government: federal, state and local.

In 2024, the Republican candidate for President will defeat Biden, or Harris, because at that point the American people will be so sick of the Democrats that no amount of cheating can possibly change the outcome of the election.

The memory of what Democrats have done in four years will be so unpleasant to everyone that the Democrat Party will become a permanent minority party.

So there hope for the future.

The only thing we must do now is ride out the next four years, endure the pain and punishment the Democrats inflict on us, and try to survive.

Because for many people, merely surviving will be a strenuous effort.

Good luck to all of us.
You say with the dems there ;will be 'high unemployment, and massive numbers of business failures, especially small businesses who don't have the resources to ride out bad times'. We have it now with Trump. Obama left a very good economy and Trump ruined it. Viva Joe Biden.
The important fact to keep in mind is that the Biden regime will be forced to endure the taint of illegitimacy that comes from stealing an election. People will not give Biden the respect that is normally the due an elected President. There will be acts of resistance, big and small, including a great deal more cheating on taxes and defiance of government mandates. There may be more armed confrontations between angry citizens and federal agents.

Of course, we have already seen Democrats and the left act this way during the Trump administration. Now, the tables will be turned and the Democrats will learn what it's like to run a government that is hated and despised by nearly half of the people.

At some point down the road, the veneer of civilization might be torn away, and we find ourselves in the midst of an all-out shooting war. Should that happen, families will be divided, friends will turn against each other, it will be just as brutal as the terrorism the people in the border states inflicted on each other during the Civil War.

Democrats, here's the thing.

There's a price to be paid for everything evil you ever do.

I'm not talking about punishment from God, I am speaking of the karma rule that when one does wicked deeds, bad things tend to happen to that person.

Your open and obvious stealing of this election was a smack of contempt against the American people. Now you will try to run a country where millions of Americans have contempt for you.

This has happened twice in American history, and I think it will happen a third.

It will start small, with such small acts like a post office employee finding his truck ransacked or his mail burned.

Federal agents might find themselves cornered in alleys and beaten up by a mob.

Democrats have resorted to these tactics for the past year, but you will discover that Republicans can be just as dangerous when riled up.

I'm not cheering this on, I am simply saying it might happen.

My resolve is to stay within the law in all my personal conduct.
No one can know for sure what the next four years will bring.

This kind of thing is just mental masturbation.
I don't need a scrying device to see the future.

If Democrats deliver on even half the promises they've made to the hard left, the result will be unmitigated economic disaster.

We will have an economic recession as bad as the Great Depression of the 1930's.

There might be a war, because when America looks weak, enemies get aggressive and we end up in a war.

The liberals' war on education will continue and children will grow up not knowing how to read and write, but knowing everything there is to know about transgenderism and homosexuality.

Our society and culture will continue to deteriorate.

In the end, when a civilization decays as much as ours has, the barbarians invade and loot the city.

BLM and Antifa are the barbarians and they've already started the process of turning the United States from nation of peace and prosperity into a failed third-world hellhole where no one is safe on the streets, in their businesses or in their homes.

The Democrats, instead of stopping the violence and chaos, are actively encouraging it, making them traitors to our nation.

Our nation can't long survive from this dual attack from the corrupt Democrats and their allied mobs wreaking death and destruction in the streets.

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