The Gaystapo is at it again

Make absolutely no mistake about it - this is a brainwashing campaign by the deviant and disturbed Gaystapo left to impact as many children as they can.
God Bless this wonderful mother.
I refused to accept her delusion with compassion
The world has reached its breaking point with the Gaystapo. No more. We are taking back our children (and society). Coming out swinging and swinging hard.
The fascist Gaystapo is at it again. End all comedy. End all speech. End all liberty. All of you can kindly fuck off. We're not eliminating free speech because you fascists want to procure power under the guise of "Wokeism".
Prescribing medications for physical conditions that do not exist, is an egregious violation of the Hippocratic Oath. And physicians across the world are being intimidated into prescribing this poison to appease the Gaystapo. That shit needs to end today.
The sick Gaystapo is in the classroom and they are gunning hard for your children.
The Gaystapo doing what they do best - making outrageously false accusations:
The report proposes a “solution” to Republican wins; namely, a narrative that weaves gender into the highly successful “Race Class Narrative” to “tell a convincing story of how our opposition uses strategic racism and transphobia to harm us all.”
There is no "racism" nor "transphobia". Hasn't been either in decades and decades. But if the left couldn't cry "Xyz-aphobe" then they wouldn't have a platform at all.
I aint gay but liberty is liberty.

You'd probably bring back slavery, child labor and keep women from voting...So you certainly don't believe in it...Maybe 18th century form of it but not todays that is for sure.
Liberty cuts both ways though. This guy has a right to think, act, dress, whatever like a woman. That doesn't require me or anyone else to act like he's a woman. I can if I want go around calling everyone he or she or it. I might not be a very popular person but YOU don't have a right to what I say any more than I have a right to what YOU say or believe. The problem the trans community (or at least some vocal portion) has is that it wants to force everyone else to participate in their fantasy backed by the force of government. Sorry but it just doesn't work that way. Frankly if someone using the "wrong" pronouns for your sends you over the edge, you have the issue not the person doing the "misgendering".
I aint gay but liberty is liberty.
Liberty cuts both ways though. This guy has a right to think, act, dress, whatever like a woman. That doesn't require me or anyone else to act like he's a woman.
100% spot-on. The sad part is, the Gaystapo already knows that as well. But how else can they coerce people into their sexual deviance? They have to pretend that not being a part of it is somehow "stripping" them of their "liberty".
You have a very serious obsession with homosexuality.
Literally every flaming-faggot uses that same 👆 false accusation. Not sure if it makes themselves feel better to think there are more people like them running around or what, but they do it for some reason. :dunno:
I don't know if you are trying very hard to suppress your own tendencies, or if you were molested, but you need help.
Literally every flaming-faggot uses that same 👆 false accusation. Not sure if it makes themselves feel better to think there are more people like them running around or what, but they do it for some reason. :dunno:
You have to wonder why g5000 is so bothered by anything that doesn't promote and/or support the LGBT deviants. He doesn't even use data. Just sees the data I post, and has a meltdown.

Me thinks he doth protest too much! :lmao:
Frankly if someone using the "wrong" pronouns for your sends you over the edge, you have the issue not the person doing the "misgendering".

It should be a given that anyone who is confused about the difference between men and women, and unclear as to which h'orsh'/it is, already has some pretty serious issues to begin with, far greater than those indicated by being offended that others refuse to play into any such freak's insane delusions.
You have to wonder why g5000 is so bothered by anything that doesn't promote and/or support the LGBT deviants. He doesn't even use data. Just sees the data I post, and has a meltdown.

Me thinks he doth protest too much! :lmao:

I think those who are deeply fucked-up in their heads and in their souls, and who know that they are fucked-up, want to believe that everyone else is similar fucked-up as well, so that they can feel better about how fucked-p they themselves are.

I think that is a big part of the basis for the claims made by and on behalf of flaming faggots that those who call their sick faggotry out for what it clearly and obviously is must do so motivated by some alleged latent faggotry on their own parts.
Of course this is going to piss off the cross-dressing queers like g5000 (aka G-string), but normal people don’t give a fuck. Facts matter.

The Gaystapo crowd is the most repugnantly narcissistic bunch the world has ever seen. The fact that they believe reality should be erased for their feeling is mind-boggling. The fact that they think the world has the time - or the inclination - to learn about them and what they prefer is fucking comical.

Matt Walsh obliterates these assholes with logic, facts, and reason.


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