The Gaystapo is at it again

Yet another transvestite sexual deviant raping a child. And the shit-hole state of California continues the left’s commitment to child rape.

It doesn’t take a psychiatrist to realize that any man who wants to put on a dress and lipstick is a sick fuck’n child molester and/or serial killer.
The left is absolutely terrified that they won’t be able to indoctrinate children.

I say We the People accommodate her and fire her!
The left is absolutely terrified that they won’t be able to indoctrinate children.

I say We the People accommodate her and fire her!
Yep, we're in a cultural civil war.
This is what America's enemies want desperately to think. There is a great deal of cultural bovine feces circulating, true, but we are very very far from "war" unless people start taking it that way.
Yep, those "mostly peaceful demonstrations" leading up to the 2020 election that went on for a couple of years that left cities burning were just Kumbaya rallies.

Or something like that.
This is what America's enemies want desperately to think. There is a great deal of cultural bovine feces circulating, true, but we are very very far from "war" unless people start taking it that way.
Ok, how about a cold civil war?
I aint gay but liberty is liberty.

You'd probably bring back slavery, child labor and keep women from voting...So you certainly don't believe in it...Maybe 18th century form of it but not todays that is for sure.
What?! On what possible basis do you claim that Iceweasel would “probably” bring back slavery. Etc? You’re a special brand of stupid.

But then, in your pinhead, It strikes you as logical to go from “probably” to “for sure.” You have no ability to employ logic and you lack credibility. Your post is now in contention for dildo post of the day.
All you have to do is stand up to the disgusting Gaystapo and you will win.
Oof! Brutal week for the disgusting Gaystapo. We are winning just like President Trump said we would!
Oof! Brutal week for the disgusting Gaystapo. We are winning just like President Trump said we would!
Imagine being such a devout fascist that you actually cry if someone doesn't promote your sick and extreme sexual deviance
"When I found out chris Pratt was republican and homophobic I cried but years later fast forward to now I’m so happy his star lord has to be subtly gay with Thor. I just Chris Pratt is feeling suicidal," read another tweet.
So this mentally disturbed, sexual deviant believes that he can mandate to society what he is called?

It is not "bullying" to accept science and biology. And it is not "bullying" to speak the truth.

Cop facing discipline after ‘mis-gendering’ transgender person on driving ticket

I find it highly laughable that right wingers keep insisting that the election was stolen, and think that they can mandate who is President just because they say so.

It is NOT bullying to say that Trump lost the election, and that you will have no credibility whatsoever in life as long as you say otherwise. It is not bullying to speak the truth.

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