The French Consul Wounded in an Israeli Attack on a Palestinian Navy Site

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
On Monday, 14 November 2011, the French Consul in the Gaza Strip, Majdi Jameel Yaseen Shaqqoura, 44, and his two children were wounded in an Israeli attack on the Palestinian Navy site in the southwest of Beit Lahia, located in northern Gaza. They were in their home when they were injured by shrapnel. Additionally, as a result of the same attack the consul's wife suffered from hemorrhage that led to a miscarriage.

The French Consul Wounded in an Israeli Attack on a Palestinian Navy Site
Former Gazan Nonie Darwish, Human Rights Activist, Founder, Arabs For Israel... An Arab-Made Misery -
International donors pledged almost $4.5 billion in aid for Gaza earlier this month. It has been very painful for me to witness over the past few years the deteriorating humanitarian situation in that narrow strip where I lived as a child in the 1950s.

It is Hamas, an Islamist terror organization supported by Iran, which is using and abusing Palestinians... While Hamas leaders hid in the well-stocked bunkers and tunnels they prepared before they provoked Israel into attacking them, Palestinian civilians were exposed and caught in the deadly crossfire between Hamas and Israeli soldiers.

Both Israel and Egypt are fearful of terrorist infiltration from Gaza -- all the more so since Hamas took over -- and have always maintained tight controls over their borders with Gaza. The Palestinians continue to endure hardships because Gaza continues to serve as the launching pad for terror attacks against Israeli citizens. Those attacks come in the form of Hamas missiles that indiscriminately target Israeli kindergartens, homes and businesses.

And Hamas continued these attacks more than two years after Israel withdrew from Gaza in the hope that this step would begin the process of building a Palestinian state, eventually leading to a peaceful, two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. There was no "cycle of violence" then, no justification for anything other than peace and prosperity. But instead, Hamas chose Islamic jihad. Gazans' and Israelis' hopes have been met with misery for Palestinians and missiles for Israelis.

Hamas, an Iran proxy, has become a danger not only to Israel, but also to Palestinians as well as to neighboring Arab states, who fear the spread of radical Islam could destabilize their countries.

Arabs claim they love the Palestinian people, but they seem more interested in sacrificing them. If they really loved their Palestinian brethren, they'd pressure Hamas to stop firing missiles at Israel. In the longer term, the Arab world must end the Palestinians' refugee status and thereby their desire to harm Israel. It's time for the 22 Arab countries to open their borders and absorb the Palestinians of Gaza who wish to start a new life. It is time for the Arab world to truly help the Palestinians, not use them.
France summoned the Israeli ambassador in Paris to a meeting at the foreign ministry Wednesday to protest after an air strike wounded a French diplomat in Gaza along with his wife and daughter.

A spokesman for the ministry said that France's ambassador in Tel Aviv had complained to Israeli authorities over the bombing, and that Israel's envoy had been required to meet with senior officials in Paris.

The head of France's Gaza consulate, Majdi Shakura, was hurt in an Israeli airstrike on the Palestinian territory on the night of Sunday to Monday.

He told AFP earlier this week that he and his daughter suffered cuts from flying glass when the windows of their house blew in, and that his wife, who was two months pregnant, suffered a miscarriage.

France summons Israeli envoy over wounded diplomat - Yahoo! News
Arabs are the most fucked up people on the planet

Arab Author Anwar Malek...:lol:
The Arabs are afflicted with fantasies and obsolete bravado. False, empty bravado, which does no good to anybody. The Arabs invented or discovered the zero--but what did they do with it? Some of them sat on it, some put it on their heads, while others wore it around their waists and began shaking their hips, their belies, and their breasts in order to sell to the world the idea that modern Arabs are doing something

Today, the Arabs constitute nothing but thousands of zeros to the left. The Arabs have lost their worth, their humanity, their culture, and everything. There is nothing to suggest that the Arabs can be relied upon to produce anything. This false bravado is deeply rooted in the Arabs to an unimaginable degree. It is so deeply rooted that the Arabs believe they can go to the moon. If you asked your viewers whether the Arabs would be able to reach the moon by 2015, they would say, "Yes, the Arabs will get to the moon" By Allah, the Arabs will not go more than a few hundred kilometers from their doorsteps.

In all honesty, the Arabs are backward and are not fit for civilization at all. I am talking about the Arabs of today who have begun to export shawarma, falafel and lupin beans to Europe and they purport to be bringing something Arab to Europe

the reality of the Arabs is one of defeat, hitting rock bottom We are defeated, politically and militarily and economically, socially, and even psychologically. We have a discourse of conspiracy, and we blame everything on others. Take Egypt--What does Egypt--that superpower--have to offer? Nothing, it is incapable of doing anything. It has nothing but lupin beans. It is incapable of anything.

Look at how the Arabs live in the West. By Allah, they are a bad example. If you hear about thieves, they are always Arabs. Whenever a young man harasses a girl on the streets of London or Paris, he turns out to be an Arab. All the negative moral values are to be found in the Arab individual
[ame=]Algerian author Anwar Malek talks about the arab world. - YouTube[/ame]
France summoned the Israeli ambassador in Paris to a meeting at the foreign ministry Wednesday to protest after an air strike wounded a French diplomat in Gaza along with his wife and daughter.
The french knew where they had been sending that ethnic idiot. France's fault , of course.
What do u expect from the most deviant armed groupe in the history:

French Philosopher and Human Rights Activist Bernard Henri Levy: Democracy in Israel
Much can and should be learned from Israel. I've covered many wars, and I've never seen any army that asks itself so many questions related to morals.

In a region where dictatorships and truly fascist regimes rule, Israel represents an island of democracy. Zionism is the only movement that has not failed and turned into a caricature. It is the only movement that has preserved its spirit.

Israel is a miracle because since its inception it has been in a constant state of war, yet, it never gave up on the democratic values at its core.

Democracy was created in Israel out of nothing. People had no experience in democracy, but through willpower and a miracle, they invented a functioning democracy. Israel is proof that democracy does not require time. In France a newspaper was shut down every two weeks during the war in Algeria.

The Talmud is democracy in practice. The Jewish nation invented the notion that the truth lies in the most heated argument.
Bernard-Henri Levy: Israel secular miracle - Israel News, Ynetnews
What do u expect from the most deviant armed groupe in the history:

My message to the loathed Jews is that there is no god but allah, we will chase you everywhere We are a nation that drinks blood, and we know that there is no better blood than the blood of the Jews. We will not leave you alone until we have quenched our thirst with your blood, and our children's thirst with your blood, we will not rest until you leave the Muslim countries.
[ame=]Palestinian - Terrorism - YouTube[/ame]
I don't understand why this isn't bigger news
Maybe because the french will realise their Majdi Jameel Yaseen Shaqqoura is an ethnic idiot?

Maybe also because the French have tripped over themselves to apologise for Sarkozy's open-mike gaffe about Netenyahu.

Maybe, the French who hate the muslimes understand what Israel faces with the muslime Pallie excrement.
as a result of the same attack the consul's wife suffered from hemorrhage that led to a miscarriage.

Where are the pro lifers?

Muslimes value death over life according to the religion of peace.

"We Desire Death Like You Desire Life"
[ame=]Hamas - "We desire death like you desire life" - YouTube[/ame]
Where are the pro lifers?

Where was child protective services? The woman should have been arrested for endangering her children by liveing next to known terrorists.

Terrorist is an Israeli propaganda thing.

US State Department: Terrorist Designation of HAMAS Operative Muhammad Hisham Muhammad Isma'il Abu Ghazala
The State Department has designated Muhammad Hisham Muhammad Isma’il Abu Ghazala under E.O. 13224, which targets terrorists and those providing support to terrorists or acts of terrorism. This action will help stem the flow of finances to Abu Ghazala by prohibiting U.S. persons from engaging in transactions with him and freezing any assets he may have under U.S. jurisdiction.
Designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization since 1997, HAMAS has carried out attacks – such as suicide bombings, rocket launches, improvised explosive device attacks, and shootings – against civilian targets inside Israel

Terrorist Designation of HAMAS Operative Muhammad Hisham Muhammad Isma'il Abu Ghazala
Where was child protective services? The woman should have been arrested for endangering her children by liveing next to known terrorists.

Terrorist is an Israeli propaganda thing.

US State Department: Terrorist Designation of HAMAS Operative Muhammad Hisham Muhammad Isma'il Abu Ghazala
The State Department has designated Muhammad Hisham Muhammad Isma’il Abu Ghazala under E.O. 13224, which targets terrorists and those providing support to terrorists or acts of terrorism. This action will help stem the flow of finances to Abu Ghazala by prohibiting U.S. persons from engaging in transactions with him and freezing any assets he may have under U.S. jurisdiction.
Designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization since 1997, HAMAS has carried out attacks – such as suicide bombings, rocket launches, improvised explosive device attacks, and shootings – against civilian targets inside Israel

Terrorist Designation of HAMAS Operative Muhammad Hisham Muhammad Isma'il Abu Ghazala

Well, Israel and its lackeys.
Terrorist is an Israeli propaganda thing.

US State Department: Terrorist Designation of HAMAS Operative Muhammad Hisham Muhammad Isma'il Abu Ghazala
The State Department has designated Muhammad Hisham Muhammad Isma’il Abu Ghazala under E.O. 13224, which targets terrorists and those providing support to terrorists or acts of terrorism. This action will help stem the flow of finances to Abu Ghazala by prohibiting U.S. persons from engaging in transactions with him and freezing any assets he may have under U.S. jurisdiction.
Designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization since 1997, HAMAS has carried out attacks – such as suicide bombings, rocket launches, improvised explosive device attacks, and shootings – against civilian targets inside Israel

Terrorist Designation of HAMAS Operative Muhammad Hisham Muhammad Isma'il Abu Ghazala

Well, Israel and its lackeys.

European Union: List of Terrorists and Terrorist Groups
Hamas-Izz al-Din al-Qassem (terrorist wing of Hamas]
PIJ (Palestinian Islamic Jihad
Freezing funds: list of terrorists and terrorist groups

US State Department: Terrorist Designation of HAMAS Operative Muhammad Hisham Muhammad Isma'il Abu Ghazala

Well, Israel and its lackeys.

European Union: List of Terrorists and Terrorist Groups
Hamas-Izz al-Din al-Qassem (terrorist wing of Hamas]
PIJ (Palestinian Islamic Jihad
Freezing funds: list of terrorists and terrorist groups

From your link:

"Terrorist acts" are defined as intentional acts that may seriously damage a country or an international organisation by intimidating a population, exerting undue compulsion of various types or by destabilising or destroying its fundamental political, constitutional, economic or social structures. The list of terrorist acts includes:
attacks on a person’s life or physical integrity;
kidnapping or hostage-taking;
causing extensive destruction to a public or private facility, including information systems;
seizure of means of public transport, such as aircrafts and ships;
manufacture, possession, acquisition, transport or use of weapons, explosives, or nuclear, biological or chemical weapons;
release of dangerous substances or causing fires, explosions or floods;
interfering with or disrupting the supply of water, power or any other fundamental natural resource;
directing or participating in the activities of a terrorist group, including by funding its activities or supplying material resources.

Israel does all those things.

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