The Facebook Crimes: American Folklore [TrumpUSA Proverbs?]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a TrumpUSA-protest parable meant to ask the question, "Will all these anti-TrumpUSA protests be remembered as signs of frustration or inventiveness?"

You decide...

I for one think that Trumponomics has the potential to create some modest and surprisingly inspiring doses of 'revolutionary folklore' (e.g., harmless SNL humor!).

This parable was inspired by the films Bulworth and Fun with Dick and Jane.



"An Algerian-American Internet-blogging self-proclaimed vigilante named Ajay Satan was dressing up in crazy costumes and masks and posting photos of himself in these 'get-ups' for his blogs about censorship/pornography in the modern age of media/Internet. A Swedish-American woman named Angela Williams who was a Bohemian was also blogging about media and censorship and came across Ajay's blogs. Ajay read Angela's blogs too. The two wanted to meet each other. They fell in love, even though there was an age difference. Ajay and Angela decided to become a modern-day Bonnie and Clyde."

{Ajay & Angela}


"Ajay donned a rabbit-mask, and Angela donned a gas-mask, and the two headed cross-country on a killing-rampage, determined to hunt down and kill corrupt American cops. Angela straightened out her dreadlocks, and Ajay purchased new brown-colored suits so no one would suspect their involvement in these 'terrorism-oriented crimes.' Ajay and Angela despised Americans' obsession with consumerism conveniences (e.g., eBay, eTrade, eSurance, eMail, etc., etc.) and the new age Facebook-hypnosis. That's why they lashed out against TrumpUSA and went on this cop-killing spree. The press labeled them as the new-age Bonnie and Clyde, but the FBI and U.S. President Donald Trump declared them as 'anti-social heretics'."

{Ajay & Angela in masks}


"Ajay and Angela were in their motel room somewhere in Arizona watching a Blu-ray copy of Arthur Penn's film Bonnie & Clyde (starring Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty) on their stolen Samsung Blu-ray player which was wired to their motel-TV thanks to Ajay's nifty skills. Suddenly, a hail of bullets flew through their motel room window and struck them dead. The bullets came from over a dozen cop cars parked outside their motel. FBI agent Thomas Starles had tracked Ajay and Angela to that Arizona motel and ordered his local assistants, Arizona policemen, to open fire on the motel room, since the motel manager told Starles that Ajay and Angela were sitting in their motel room with two machine-guns and a silver crossbow (their maid had found these weapons while Ajay and Angela were out). When Starles entered their room, he found Ajay and Angela bloodied and dead and Bonnie & Clyde playing on the TV-set and remarked that this was a triumph in law enforcement."


"Years later, an eco-activist and representative of the Green Party, also named Angela Williams declared Ajay Satan and (the other) Angela Williams to be the martyred Bonnie and Clyde of the modern era. Angela (of the Green Party) wrote an editorial in the New Yorker suggesting that the brutal gunning down of Ajay and Angela reflected our society's apparent lack of care for any kind of sentiment towards various forms of anti-TrumpUSA depression. Another individual, a photographer named Ali Mann also declared Ajay and Angela to be like Bonnie and Clyde and wrote an editorial in the New Yorker suggesting that TrumpUSA critics might be 'demonized' as hellraisers the same way that the emotionally-fragile Ajay and Angela were by FBI agent Starles. However, U.S. President Trump tweeted, 'All kinds of social rhetoric regarding the romanticizing of pedestrian passions/protests regarding Facebook-culture and consumerism-consciousness is simply a new form of hippie-immaturity but with a deadly violent twist.' However, Angela Williams (of the Green Party) and Ali Mann retorted by claiming that President Trump was being too biased to hear the strained emotions of everyday people. Were they right?"

{Angela Williams and Ali Mann}


"However, the FBI wanted this 'situation' to be tightly-managed by the press and by politicians, so D.C. Senators and Congressmen released statements regarding the importance of avoiding the temptation to 'glorify' or 'romanticize' TrumpUSA protesters, since modern-day anti-bureaucratic passions could raise up 'rebel-gods' who might be dangerously violent (like Ajay and Angela!). Meanwhile, more and more people began voicing sentiments similar to those expressed by Angela Williams (of the Green Party) and Ali Mann, claiming that TrumpUSA was too biased/myopic to see why Ajay and Angela was the new age Bonnie and Clyde. Some went so far as to say that Trumponomics was blinding citizens to the reality of commerce-based biases the same way Reaganomics did to yuppies in the 1980s. D.C. law-officials had to create security-perimeters to control the various protest-rallies and one riot that occurred that following summer as a response to the killing of Ajay and Angela."


"Ali Mann decided to write a novel about Ajay and Angela called The Facebook Crimes: TrumpUSA Tragedy and Trial. In the book, Ali suggested that the cop-killing spree committed by the radical Ajay and Angela done in the name of anti-Facebook culture angst should illuminate modern-era socialization insanity regarding the overuse of technologies and consumerism sloth that made everyday TrumpUSA criticism seem almost 'meaningless.' Ali also suggested that downplaying TrumpUSA frustrations would lead to a new form of socialization myopia arguably worse than ones seen in American history such as McCarthyism and the Jim Crow era. Meanwhile, Ajay and Angela's silver crossbow which was used by the killed terrorist-couple to kill at least 4 American cops was being auctioned for crime-historians and pulp-fiction enthusiasts. President Trump tweeted, 'This is no different than Charles Manson receiving all kinds of media confetti in the 1990s thanks to the glorification-hysteria of the rebellious rock-music group Guns 'n Roses!'. Who would win this 'aesthetics-argument?"


TRUMP: This whole Ajay-Angela media-buzz is insane!
STARLES: I agree with you, Mr. President...
TRUMP: Why should we equate protest with violence?
STARLES: Because Ajay and Angela were American, people don't cite terrorism.
TRUMP: Yes, you're right; Ajay and Angela were 'American hippies.'
STARLES: Right; it's similar to the romanticizing of Bonnie and Clyde.
TRUMP: Bonnie and Clyde were radicals/idealists but also criminals.
STARLES: And because they robbed banks during the Depression, they were glorified.
TRUMP: Well, Ajay and Angela killed numerous American cops.
STARLES: So did Bonnie and Clyde!
TRUMP: It seems anti-TrumpUSA protesters will blame me for Facebook-trends!
STARLES: Don't worry, sir; the FBI is working with local authorities in D.C. to ensure safety.
TRUMP: We can't let numerous protest-rallies develop in D.C. as a response to Ajay-Angela.
STARLES: Right; I believe the CIA is speaking to Ali Mann right now about his new novel.
TRUMP: Ali must appreciate why a story about 'Facebook Crimes' has to be objective/neutral.
STARLES: Ajay-Angela invokes 'Facebook-consciousness'; this was an anti-traffic gesture.
TRUMP: If Americans are 'bored' with eBay and Facebook, they should move to Europe!
STARLES: I think in the long run, people will consider Ajay-Angela as merely 'celebrities.'
TRUMP: Well, I'm a tad tired of hearing things like "TrumpUSA is a sign of apathy."
STARLES: Don't worry sir; they'll make a movie about Ajay-Angela, and movies never spoil.
TRUMP: I suppose you're right; let's go watch American Made on Netflix, Starles!
STARLES: I'm with you sir...



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