Democrats and the media are merely tools of a handful of New York/Hollywood liberals


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
They control you and tell you what to think.

You lack the capacity to think for yourselves.
They control you and tell you what to think.

You lack the capacity to think for yourselves.

with all respect

talk for yourself....they don't control me. :nono:

no way! for me Hollyweird is dead and buried.
They control you and tell you what to think.

You lack the capacity to think for yourselves.
Actually the media is no longer liberal. Here are 4 reasons you are wrong

4 Reasons the Corporate Media Refuses to Talk About Things That Matter

large TV and radio news operations simply like what the GOP stands for. They also know that if GOP policies were widely understood, the Republican Party would fade into the kind of powerless obscurity it enjoyed for most of the FDR-to-Reagan era, when working peopleā€™s salaries were growing faster than management and the middle class was solid and stable.

TV networks donā€™t like unions or uppity workers or regulation any more than any other billion-dollar corporation. Theyā€™d prefer the salaries of their senior corporate management werenā€™t debated (or even known). They prefer to live in todayā€™s semi-monopolistic system where theyā€™re only minimally held accountable, and want to keep it that way.

This is the core of GOP ideology that media shares: Cut taxes on rich people, kill off the unions, cut welfare so more of that money can go to rich peopleā€™s tax cuts, deregulate big corporations so they can act without regard to the public good, and subsidize big corporations with government funds whenever and wherever possible.

But if any of these issues were ever explicitly discussed on TV, all hell would break loose. Can you imagine if Bill Kristol or Rick Santorum or any of the other dozens of right-wing trolls who inhabit cable TV were ever asked about their actual positions on policy?

Should we sell off (privatize) Social Security to the big New York banks as the GOP has wanted to do since the 1930s? Should we end Medicare and Medicaid and turn everybody over to the tender mercies of the insurance industry? Should we stop subsidizing the fossil fuel industry? What should we do about the audit that found $21 trillion (yes, with a T) missing from the Pentagon? How do we break the stranglehold monopolistic drug corporations have on the pricing of our pharmaceuticals?

Similarly, the networks are equally terrified of having actual progressives on to discuss actual progressive issuesā€”because the majority of American voters largely supports these issues and, if well informed, will start to vote out Republicans and vote in progressive Democrats.

Imagine how things would go down if the networks started having actual discussions and debates about free college education, free national health care, the environmental impact of big oil, how well publicly owned utilities and internet services (like Chattanooga) work?

The simple reality is that the media oligopoly and the GOP work hand-in-glove, and the Democrats (and particularly the progressives) have been locked out since the Reagan era.


The solutions to these problems are not particularly complex, although the GOP will fight them tooth-and-nail.

Reinstate the Fairness Doctrine, put back into place ownership rules, and break up the big media monopolies so thereā€™s a diversity of voices across America. Overrule the Supreme Courtā€™s (by legislation or constitutional amendment) Citizens United (and similar) ruling to regulate money in politics, diminishing the power of big corporations and billionaires (and foreign governments).

In other words, restore to America a rational media landscape.

Today, you can drive from coast to coast and never miss a moment of Hannity or Limbaugh on the radio, so complete and widespread is the nationā€™s network of corporate-owned radio stations that will only carry right-wing talk. Youā€™ll be hard-pressed, outside of a few major cities, to find any progressive or even moderate talk programming.

This has corrupted Americaā€™s politics and led to a nation divided.

We can do better.

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