The extreme UNWISDOM of using retail to push culture


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
Right about now Target probably wishes they never even heard of the word Pride. Was it really a business decision to make a push in the public's face to sell products which were already available there and being sold there but now were being super promoted beyond what was necessary? Or....was it some kind of socio-political pressure that made them appear to become proselytizers of the Alternate lifestyle church? Not smart....people don't like being told what to do, what to like, what to believe.....especially when they show up with their wallets to get what they need from a place they like to shop at. Shopping for your needs is a vital activity that people like to do in peace, on their own, unmolested ( pun intended) and independently. Take that away from them and they will simply disappear. Not a very good sequence of events for a retail dependent organization where foot traffic is god. Having made the initial blunder they suffered pushback and the loss of billions in company value.....even trying to correct the initial blunder they have placed themselves squarely in the middle of a culture war with no allies at all....none. Retail is about foot traffic and customer base....that's all it should ever be about....beyond that you are simply in the wrong business.

Hey time you get the bright idea to become a spokesman for a cause check with you stockholders first.....cuz if you don't're going to have to check with them later.

Right about now Target probably wishes they never even heard of the word Pride. Was it really a business decision to make a push in the public's face to sell products which were already available there and being sold there but now were being super promoted beyond what was necessary? Or....was it some kind of socio-political pressure that made them appear to become proselytizers of the Alternate lifestyle church? Not smart....people don't like being told what to do, what to like, what to believe.....especially when they show up with their wallets to get what they need from a place they like to shop at. Shopping for your needs is a vital activity that people like to do in peace, on their own, unmolested ( pun intended) and independently. Take that away from them and they will simply disappear. Not a very good sequence of events for a retail dependent organization where foot traffic is god. Having made the initial blunder they suffered pushback and the loss of billions in company value.....even trying to correct the initial blunder they have placed themselves squarely in the middle of a culture war with no allies at all....none. Retail is about foot traffic and customer base....that's all it should ever be about....beyond that you are simply in the wrong business.

Hey time you get the bright idea to become a spokesman for a cause check with you stockholders first.....cuz if you don't're going to have to check with them later.

Perfectly said....
Right about now Target probably wishes they never even heard of the word Pride. Was it really a business decision to make a push in the public's face to sell products which were already available there and being sold there but now were being super promoted beyond what was necessary? Or....was it some kind of socio-political pressure that made them appear to become proselytizers of the Alternate lifestyle church? Not smart....people don't like being told what to do, what to like, what to believe.....especially when they show up with their wallets to get what they need from a place they like to shop at. Shopping for your needs is a vital activity that people like to do in peace, on their own, unmolested ( pun intended) and independently. Take that away from them and they will simply disappear. Not a very good sequence of events for a retail dependent organization where foot traffic is god. Having made the initial blunder they suffered pushback and the loss of billions in company value.....even trying to correct the initial blunder they have placed themselves squarely in the middle of a culture war with no allies at all....none. Retail is about foot traffic and customer base....that's all it should ever be about....beyond that you are simply in the wrong business.

Hey time you get the bright idea to become a spokesman for a cause check with you stockholders first.....cuz if you don't're going to have to check with them later.


The for sure underestimated the amount of hate in this country for gay people.

I have to admit, I was a bit surprised by it as well.
When everything is about hate, nothing is about hate.

This is what shows you as an SJW nutter, and not the moderate you claim to be.

You see a pride display and choose to punish a store for having it.

If not hate, then why?

Could you not just walk by it like I do when I see a Cubs display?
The for sure underestimated the amount of hate in this country for gay people.

I have to admit, I was a bit surprised by it as well.
Gays are not hated. As you have been told repeatedly. Even the LGBT community is sick of the kook fringe trans activism bull crap.
Gays are not hated. As you have been told repeatedly. Even the LGBT community is sick of the kook fringe trans activism bull crap.

You see a pride display and choose to punish a store for having it.

If not hate, then why?

Could you not just walk by it like I do when I see a Cubs display?
The for sure underestimated the amount of hate in this country for gay people.

I have to admit, I was a bit surprised by it as well.
They underestimated their customer base which is pretty stupid for a national retail chain. I don't think it has as much to do with PRIDE as it does with people just wanting to shop for what they want in a private and relaxed manner. If I am doing my shopping I don't want somebody jumping up and down in my face telling me what to buy, what to root for, what to believe or what to support.....that simple. It has happened to me before in other places with other issues and my reaction is always the same....I simply leave. It doesn't always have to be about like/dislike of a certain thing or people. Just because the customer base doesn't want to be preached to that does not make them haters of makes them instead lovers of their own independent decision making JUST LIKE ANYONE ELSE.
They underestimated their customer base which is pretty stupid for a national retail chain. I don't think it has as much to do with PRIDE as it does with people just wanting to shop for what they want in a private and relaxed manner. If I am doing my shopping I don't want somebody jumping up and down in my face telling me what to buy, what to root for, what to believe or what to support.....that simple. It has happened to me before in other places with other issues and my reaction is always the same....I simply leave. It doesn't always have to be about like/dislike of a certain thing or people. Just because the customer base doesn't want to be preached to that does not make them haters of makes them instead lovers of their own independent decision making JUST LIKE ANYONE ELSE.

Isnt every ad on TV just a version of somebody jumping up and down in my face telling me what to buy?
You see a pride display and choose to punish a store for having it.

If not hate, then why?

Could you not just walk by it like I do when I see a Cubs display?
Dont push Pride crap on kids. No one cares if YOU want to dress with pride or Satan loves your pronoun logos.

You loons only do it to annoy people to begin with…not in support of “ Gays”

How much of this shit ends up in landfills?
You see a pride display and choose to punish a store for having it.

If not hate, then why?

Could you not just walk by it like I do when I see a Cubs display?

Not wanting your kids to see it because it is against your moral code, and also because it's targeted at kids.

Being a Cubs fan is not a moral issue, homosexuality, in particular homosexual acts, and the celebration of those acts, is.
You see a pride display and choose to punish a store for having it.

If not hate, then why?

Could you not just walk by it like I do when I see a Cubs display?

From what I understand it wasn't that easy.....not only was it a a veritable obstacle course at the front of the store.....there were rainbow enthusiasts pushing the stuff also....I see the same thing at retail outlets that allow phone companies to set up kiosks right inside the front door and harass people just trying to go in and get what they need. Myself, I am usually in a hurry and not willing to stand and listen to a sales pitch that can often be hard to escape. I don't know for sure what the Target program was like because I haven't been there for a long time....but I can imagine.
The for sure underestimated the amount of hate in this country for gay people.

I have to admit, I was a bit surprised by it as well.
Yeah, all that hate that was demonstrated over the course of years while Target did the same thing? The hate came when the freak show decided it had to be given access to C H I L D R E N. This isn't about hatred of gays. It's about that vile addition to their alphabet brand that demands to be accepted and given access to the kids. They're lucky parents haven't already taken more drastic steps against their degeneracy.
You see a pride display and choose to punish a store for having it.

If not hate, then why?

Could you not just walk by it like I do when I see a Cubs display?

Does this really need to be explained to you? I thought you were smarter than that. Not everyone has the same beliefs on homosexuality, that doesn't mean they hate homosexuals as individuals. Also, as has been explained a million times, people who understand that the whole "trans" thing is a lie don't want the insanity pushed on their children and shoved down all of our throats. If you still don't understand why parents don't want this crap shoved down their children's throats, then either you haven't been paying attention, or you see nothing wrong with full grown men acting in sexual ways right in front of children, sometimes exposing themselves, etc. Stop misrepresenting other people's positions, dishonesty is not a good look on you.
Isnt every ad on TV just a version of somebody jumping up and down in my face telling me what to buy?
I don't watch TV....unless its a documentary or some kind of course study..... but yes I suppose there is a similarity. But in this case it also includes cultural decision making...not something that should be for sale in a retail outlet that is trying to attract a wide swarth of the public. Set up a small store next door with a different name and put a great big sign on the front of it so people know what they are walking into when they walk in there. Much better idea I think.

Dont push Pride crap on kids. No one cares if YOU want to dress with pride or Satan loves your pronoun logos.

You loons only do it to annoy people to begin with…not in support of “ Gays”

How much of this shit ends up in landfills?

If you do not want your kid to have a rainbow shirt, do not buy them one. Kids cannot by anything without their parents.

Why do you care if someone else wants a rainbow shirt for their kids?
If you do not want your kid to have a rainbow shirt, do not buy them one. Kids cannot by anything without their parents.

Why do you care if someone else wants a rainbow shirt for their kids?
I don't think anyone does care......what they care about is having their routine shopping rhythms intruded upon.....I'm telling you it's really that simple. It's like having your favorite pic-nic spot invaded by a group of thugs playing 1000 watt car stereo speakers with Metallica all day long. You go find another spot....
Right about now Target probably wishes they never even heard of the word Pride. Was it really a business decision to make a push in the public's face to sell products which were already available there and being sold there but now were being super promoted beyond what was necessary? Or....was it some kind of socio-political pressure that made them appear to become proselytizers of the Alternate lifestyle church? Not smart....people don't like being told what to do, what to like, what to believe.....especially when they show up with their wallets to get what they need from a place they like to shop at. Shopping for your needs is a vital activity that people like to do in peace, on their own, unmolested ( pun intended) and independently. Take that away from them and they will simply disappear. Not a very good sequence of events for a retail dependent organization where foot traffic is god. Having made the initial blunder they suffered pushback and the loss of billions in company value.....even trying to correct the initial blunder they have placed themselves squarely in the middle of a culture war with no allies at all....none. Retail is about foot traffic and customer base....that's all it should ever be about....beyond that you are simply in the wrong business.

Hey time you get the bright idea to become a spokesman for a cause check with you stockholders first.....cuz if you don't're going to have to check with them later.


One of the places I shop because they have good organic produce, clean meat and dairy and clean packaged foods, hit me with a pride flag this week, so I will be shopping elsewhere. They are a small outlet who, I'd assume, needed my dollars more than the two other alternatives, which are larger and have a better selection and better prices. I'll drive the extra couple of miles. I shopped at both this week and wasn't propagandized in either.


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