The Equality Act, another lawyers' full employment Act and an attack on inalienable rights


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
See: NEW POLL: 7 In 10 Voters Support the Equality Act

March 17, 2021

In poll after poll, we see that Americans overwhelmingly believe that LGBTQ people should be able to live free from fear of harassment and discrimination by guaranteeing the same federal anti-discrimination protections that other Americans have enjoyed for decades.The Equality Act is supported by a bipartisan majority of voters, the business community, faith and civil rights leaders, and communities in virtually every corner of the nation. It’s time for the Senate to catch up to the American public and finally pass the Equality Act so that all Americans can be treated equally in the eyes of the law.

Perhaps the support for the “Equality Act” is high because some who support it do so to be socially accepted in certain circles, rather than on its merits which would open a Pandora’s box and allow government force to be used to dictate almost every aspect of our social and commercial activities.

The truth is, the proposed “Equality Act” as it is called, has nothing to do with equality, and everything to do with creating, under law, a privileged protected class with the government’s muscle behind it.

Keep in mind, when the same type of legislation was advanced as a constitutional amendment in the 1980s ___ the Equal Rights Amendment ___ it was rejected by the people of the United States, and for good cause, as they knew it would open a Pandora’s Box with countless unintended consequences, both disruptive and dangerous to a freedom loving people.

In fact, if adopted, the Equality Act would subvert the people’s right to mutually agree in their contracts and associations, both of which are fundamental inalienable rights of mankind.

And here we are again today, but this time the Democrat controlled House has decided to ignore our Constitution’s required amendment process ___ a process required to lawfully adopt the “Equality Act” ___ which is the same kind of legislation rejected by the American People when they rejected the Equal Rights Amendment in the 1980s.

Once again our socialist revolutionary democrat Leadership has chose to ignore Article V, our Constitution’s amendment process, and instead, have decided to impose their personal views of fairness, reasonableness and social justice as the rule of law, and screw the Constitution.

Let us recall the wisdom put forth by one of our Supreme Court Justices: "The public welfare demands that constitutional cases must be decided according to the terms of the Constitution itself, and not according to judges’ views of fairness, reasonableness, or justice." – Justice Hugo L. Black ( U.S. Supreme Court Justice, 1886 - 1971) Source: Lecture, Columbia University, 1968

Now, with regard to the unintended consequences of such legislation __ legislation using the force of government to meddle in and control our lives with respect to a "protected class” ___ and the Pandora’s Box it would open, the Americans with Disabilities Act serves as a wonderful example and a warning.

It was predicted by some, including me, that the Act would most certainly lead to business owners paying out millions upon millions of dollars to stop frivolous court actions filed by blood-sucking shyster lawyers. And was this prediction accurate?

See, e.g., Florida man sues dozens of Colorado businesses - KMGH-TV

Also see: Drive-By Lawsuits and the Abuse of the Americans with …

And especially see:

The ADA Litigation Monster | Americans with Disabilities Act

“The notion that the ADA would not “lead endlessly to litigation” was also wrong. (See “The ADA Shakedown Racket,” Winter 2004.) ADA claims against employers filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), now numbering more than 26,000 per year, have become as common as sex-discrimination claims. And the volume keeps rising, as does the number of ADA lawsuits against employers filed in federal court yearly.”

The bottom line is, like the Americans with Disabilities Act, the “Equality Act” ought to be referred to as another Lawyers Full Employment Act and an outright attack on allowing people to be free to mutually agree in the contracts and associations, and that includes their daily social and commercial activities.

Be careful of what you ask for!


As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression. In both instances there is a twilight where everything remains seemingly unchanged. And it is in such twilight that we all must be aware of change in the air - however slight - lest we become unwitting victims of darkness. ___Supreme Court Justice William Douglas
See: NEW POLL: 7 In 10 Voters Support the Equality Act

March 17, 2021

In poll after poll, we see that Americans overwhelmingly believe that LGBTQ people should be able to live free from fear of harassment and discrimination by guaranteeing the same federal anti-discrimination protections that other Americans have enjoyed for decades.The Equality Act is supported by a bipartisan majority of voters, the business community, faith and civil rights leaders, and communities in virtually every corner of the nation. It’s time for the Senate to catch up to the American public and finally pass the Equality Act so that all Americans can be treated equally in the eyes of the law.

Perhaps the support for the “Equality Act” is high because some who support it do so to be socially accepted in certain circles, rather than on its merits which would open a Pandora’s box and allow government force to be used to dictate almost every aspect of our social and commercial activities.

The truth is, the proposed “Equality Act” as it is called, has nothing to do with equality, and everything to do with creating, under law, a privileged protected class with the government’s muscle behind it.

Keep in mind, when the same type of legislation was advanced as a constitutional amendment in the 1980s ___ the Equal Rights Amendment ___ it was rejected by the people of the United States, and for good cause, as they knew it would open a Pandora’s Box with countless unintended consequences, both disruptive and dangerous to a freedom loving people.

In fact, if adopted, the Equality Act would subvert the people’s right to mutually agree in their contracts and associations, both of which are fundamental inalienable rights of mankind.

And here we are again today, but this time the Democrat controlled House has decided to ignore our Constitution’s required amendment process ___ a process required to lawfully adopt the “Equality Act” ___ which is the same kind of legislation rejected by the American People when they rejected the Equal Rights Amendment in the 1980s.

Once again our socialist revolutionary democrat Leadership has chose to ignore Article V, our Constitution’s amendment process, and instead, have decided to impose their personal views of fairness, reasonableness and social justice as the rule of law, and screw the Constitution.

Let us recall the wisdom put forth by one of our Supreme Court Justices: "The public welfare demands that constitutional cases must be decided according to the terms of the Constitution itself, and not according to judges’ views of fairness, reasonableness, or justice." – Justice Hugo L. Black ( U.S. Supreme Court Justice, 1886 - 1971) Source: Lecture, Columbia University, 1968

Now, with regard to the unintended consequences of such legislation __ legislation using the force of government to meddle in and control our lives with respect to a "protected class” ___ and the Pandora’s Box it would open, the Americans with Disabilities Act serves as a wonderful example and a warning.

It was predicted by some, including me, that the Act would most certainly lead to business owners paying out millions upon millions of dollars to stop frivolous court actions filed by blood-sucking shyster lawyers. And was this prediction accurate?

See, e.g., Florida man sues dozens of Colorado businesses - KMGH-TV

Also see: Drive-By Lawsuits and the Abuse of the Americans with …

And especially see:

The ADA Litigation Monster | Americans with Disabilities Act

“The notion that the ADA would not “lead endlessly to litigation” was also wrong. (See “The ADA Shakedown Racket,” Winter 2004.) ADA claims against employers filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), now numbering more than 26,000 per year, have become as common as sex-discrimination claims. And the volume keeps rising, as does the number of ADA lawsuits against employers filed in federal court yearly.”

The bottom line is, like the Americans with Disabilities Act, the “Equality Act” ought to be referred to as another Lawyers Full Employment Act and an outright attack on allowing people to be free to mutually agree in the contracts and associations, and that includes their daily social and commercial activities.

Be careful of what you ask for!


As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression. In both instances there is a twilight where everything remains seemingly unchanged. And it is in such twilight that we all must be aware of change in the air - however slight - lest we become unwitting victims of darkness. ___Supreme Court Justice William Douglas
So people who are being unfairly treated might sue ? OK.
Keep in mind, when the same type of legislation was advanced as a constitutional amendment in the 1980s ___ the Equal Rights Amendment ___ it was rejected by the people of the United States, and for good cause, as they knew it would open a Pandora’s Box with countless unintended consequences, both disruptive and dangerous to a freedom loving people.

Actually, the two arguments against the ERA at the time were that it would make women eligible for the draft. (Now meaningless because women serve in all roles in the Armed Forces, and we haven't had a draft since the 1970's) and that it would outlaw gender specific bathrooms (which was just silly.) The argument was also made that gender equality was made under the 14th Amendment and civil rights laws.

In fact, if adopted, the Equality Act would subvert the people’s right to mutually agree in their contracts and associations, both of which are fundamental inalienable rights of mankind.

And here we are again today, but this time the Democrat controlled House has decided to ignore our Constitution’s required amendment process ___ a process required to lawfully adopt the “Equality Act” ___ which is the same kind of legislation rejected by the American People when they rejected the Equal Rights Amendment in the 1980s.

What is this Republican Brain disease that those with money and power need to be protected from the rest of us?
Perhaps the support for the “Equality Act” is high because some who support it do so to be socially accepted in certain circles........

Or maybe it's because they support it.
See: NEW POLL: 7 In 10 Voters Support the Equality Act

March 17, 2021

In poll after poll, we see that Americans overwhelmingly believe that LGBTQ people should be able to live free from fear of harassment and discrimination by guaranteeing the same federal anti-discrimination protections that other Americans have enjoyed for decades.The Equality Act is supported by a bipartisan majority of voters, the business community, faith and civil rights leaders, and communities in virtually every corner of the nation. It’s time for the Senate to catch up to the American public and finally pass the Equality Act so that all Americans can be treated equally in the eyes of the law.

Perhaps the support for the “Equality Act” is high because some who support it do so to be socially accepted in certain circles, rather than on its merits which would open a Pandora’s box and allow government force to be used to dictate almost every aspect of our social and commercial activities.

The truth is, the proposed “Equality Act” as it is called, has nothing to do with equality, and everything to do with creating, under law, a privileged protected class with the government’s muscle behind it.

Keep in mind, when the same type of legislation was advanced as a constitutional amendment in the 1980s ___ the Equal Rights Amendment ___ it was rejected by the people of the United States, and for good cause, as they knew it would open a Pandora’s Box with countless unintended consequences, both disruptive and dangerous to a freedom loving people.

In fact, if adopted, the Equality Act would subvert the people’s right to mutually agree in their contracts and associations, both of which are fundamental inalienable rights of mankind.

And here we are again today, but this time the Democrat controlled House has decided to ignore our Constitution’s required amendment process ___ a process required to lawfully adopt the “Equality Act” ___ which is the same kind of legislation rejected by the American People when they rejected the Equal Rights Amendment in the 1980s.

Once again our socialist revolutionary democrat Leadership has chose to ignore Article V, our Constitution’s amendment process, and instead, have decided to impose their personal views of fairness, reasonableness and social justice as the rule of law, and screw the Constitution.

Let us recall the wisdom put forth by one of our Supreme Court Justices: "The public welfare demands that constitutional cases must be decided according to the terms of the Constitution itself, and not according to judges’ views of fairness, reasonableness, or justice." – Justice Hugo L. Black ( U.S. Supreme Court Justice, 1886 - 1971) Source: Lecture, Columbia University, 1968

Now, with regard to the unintended consequences of such legislation __ legislation using the force of government to meddle in and control our lives with respect to a "protected class” ___ and the Pandora’s Box it would open, the Americans with Disabilities Act serves as a wonderful example and a warning.

It was predicted by some, including me, that the Act would most certainly lead to business owners paying out millions upon millions of dollars to stop frivolous court actions filed by blood-sucking shyster lawyers. And was this prediction accurate?

See, e.g., Florida man sues dozens of Colorado businesses - KMGH-TV

Also see: Drive-By Lawsuits and the Abuse of the Americans with …

And especially see:

The ADA Litigation Monster | Americans with Disabilities Act

“The notion that the ADA would not “lead endlessly to litigation” was also wrong. (See “The ADA Shakedown Racket,” Winter 2004.) ADA claims against employers filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), now numbering more than 26,000 per year, have become as common as sex-discrimination claims. And the volume keeps rising, as does the number of ADA lawsuits against employers filed in federal court yearly.”

The bottom line is, like the Americans with Disabilities Act, the “Equality Act” ought to be referred to as another Lawyers Full Employment Act and an outright attack on allowing people to be free to mutually agree in the contracts and associations, and that includes their daily social and commercial activities.

Be careful of what you ask for!


As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression. In both instances there is a twilight where everything remains seemingly unchanged. And it is in such twilight that we all must be aware of change in the air - however slight - lest we become unwitting victims of darkness. ___Supreme Court Justice William Douglas
So people who are being unfairly treated might sue ? OK.

Unfairly treated?

What is this Republican Brain disease that those with money and power need to be protected from the rest of us?

The very point of the Equality Act is to create, under law, a privileged protected sexual deviant class with the government’s muscle behind it.

With all the hate, juvenile and venomous comments coming from those in our sexual deviant community who want to use government force to compel others to engage in contracts and associations with them, is it not obvious they are suffering from an inferiority complex?

Aside from that, I cannot imagine why there is such an outcry and vocal demanding by some to use government force to compel others who may feel uncomfortable associating with them, to force them into unwanted contracts and associations. I thought we were a society which supports "inclusiveness" and freedom of choice in ones intercourse with others. But it appears there is a segment in our society which would deny "inclusiveness' to those wishing to not associate with them.

What is this Republican Brain disease that those with money and power need to be protected from the rest of us?

The very point of the Equality Act is to create, under law, a privileged protected sexual deviant class with the government’s muscle behind it.

With all the hate, juvenile and venomous comments coming from those in our sexual deviant community who want to use government force to compel others to engage in contracts and associations with them, is it not obvious they are suffering from an inferiority complex?

Aside from that, I cannot imagine why there is such an outcry and vocal demanding by some to use government force to compel others who may feel uncomfortable associating with them, to force them into unwanted contracts and associations. I thought we were a society which supports "inclusiveness" and freedom of choice in ones intercourse with others. But it appears there is a segment in our society which would deny "inclusiveness' to those wishing to not associate with them.

Thanks for this clarifying post. Another weirdo thread.
Keep in mind, when the same type of legislation was advanced as a constitutional amendment in the 1980s ___ the Equal Rights Amendment ___ it was rejected by the people of the United States, and for good cause, as they knew it would open a Pandora’s Box with countless unintended consequences, both disruptive and dangerous to a freedom loving people.

Actually, the two arguments against the ERA at the time were that it would make women eligible for the draft. (Now meaningless because women serve in all roles in the Armed Forces, and we haven't had a draft since the 1970's) and that it would outlaw gender specific bathrooms (which was just silly.) The argument was also made that gender equality was made under the 14th Amendment and civil rights laws.

In fact, if adopted, the Equality Act would subvert the people’s right to mutually agree in their contracts and associations, both of which are fundamental inalienable rights of mankind.

And here we are again today, but this time the Democrat controlled House has decided to ignore our Constitution’s required amendment process ___ a process required to lawfully adopt the “Equality Act” ___ which is the same kind of legislation rejected by the American People when they rejected the Equal Rights Amendment in the 1980s.

What is this Republican Brain disease that those with money and power need to be protected from the rest of us?
That is the only answer. Get rid of Gender bathrooms. Means getting rid of urinals but it's the least of the bad choices to make to satisfy everyones sensibilities.
The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.
And? I'm not sure how that is intended to relate to the subject of the thread.

The very point of the Equality Act is to create, under law, a privileged protected sexual deviant class with the government’s muscle behind it.

With all the hate, juvenile and venomous comments coming from those in our sexual deviant community who want to use government force to compel others to engage in contracts and associations with them, is it not obvious they are suffering from an inferiority complex?

So your problem here is that the government won't share your hatred of LGBTQ.

The thing is, we already have laws that protect people on the basis or race, religion and gender.

Aside from that, I cannot imagine why there is such an outcry and vocal demanding by some to use government force to compel others who may feel uncomfortable associating with them, to force them into unwanted contracts and associations. I thought we were a society which supports "inclusiveness" and freedom of choice in ones intercourse with others. But it appears there is a segment in our society which would deny "inclusiveness' to those wishing to not associate with them.

You absolutely have freedom of choice.

Your business does not. If you don't want to do business with gays or Mormons or blacks, then you have the option to close your business down and find something else to do for a living.
The very point of the Equality Act is to create, under law, a privileged protected sexual deviant class with the government’s muscle behind it.

With all the hate, juvenile and venomous comments coming from those in our sexual deviant community who want to use government force to compel others to engage in contracts and associations with them, is it not obvious they are suffering from an inferiority complex?

So your problem here is that the government won't share your hatred of LGBTQ.

The thing is, we already have laws that protect people on the basis or race, religion and gender.

Aside from that, I cannot imagine why there is such an outcry and vocal demanding by some to use government force to compel others who may feel uncomfortable associating with them, to force them into unwanted contracts and associations. I thought we were a society which supports "inclusiveness" and freedom of choice in ones intercourse with others. But it appears there is a segment in our society which would deny "inclusiveness' to those wishing to not associate with them.

You absolutely have freedom of choice.

Your business does not. If you don't want to do business with gays or Mormons or blacks, then you have the option to close your business down and find something else to do for a living.
I make christmas trees. If Muslim wants to buy a christmas tree I sell it to him. But if he wants to buy some religious Muslim thing fuck him. no sale for you.
Same for bakers who artistic style is Christian shouldn't be forced to makee non christian stuff.
I make christmas trees. If Muslim wants to buy a christmas tree I sell it to him. But if he wants to buy some religious Muslim thing fuck him. no sale for you.
Same for bakers who artistic style is Christian shouldn't be forced to makee non christian stuff.

If a baker was serious about "Christian Cakes", they shouldn't make wedding cakes at all.

Wedding cakes are a pagan Roman tradition that the Christians co-opted.
I make christmas trees. If Muslim wants to buy a christmas tree I sell it to him. But if he wants to buy some religious Muslim thing fuck him. no sale for you.
Same for bakers who artistic style is Christian shouldn't be forced to makee non christian stuff.

If a baker was serious about "Christian Cakes", they shouldn't make wedding cakes at all.

Wedding cakes are a pagan Roman tradition that the Christians co-opted.
So are Easter Eggs and the Bunny. Doesn't change their rights.
What is this Republican Brain disease that those with money and power need to be protected from the rest of us?

The very point of the Equality Act is to create, under law, a privileged protected sexual deviant class with the government’s muscle behind it.

With all the hate, juvenile and venomous comments coming from those in our sexual deviant community who want to use government force to compel others to engage in contracts and associations with them, is it not obvious they are suffering from an inferiority complex?

Aside from that, I cannot imagine why there is such an outcry and vocal demanding by some to use government force to compel others who may feel uncomfortable associating with them, to force them into unwanted contracts and associations. I thought we were a society which supports "inclusiveness" and freedom of choice in ones intercourse with others. But it appears there is a segment in our society which would deny "inclusiveness' to those wishing to not associate with them.

Thanks for this clarifying post. Another weirdo thread.

Why do you classify it as a "weirdo thread", when there appears to be a segment in our society which proposes to deny "inclusiveness' to those wishing to not associate with them in their social or public commercial activities?

I thought we have finally reached the stage of an all inclusive society. But it seems as though the mantra is, inclusiveness for me, but not for thee.


The Democrat Party Leadership detests people being left free to mutually agree in their contracts and associations.
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See: NEW POLL: 7 In 10 Voters Support the Equality Act

March 17, 2021

In poll after poll, we see that Americans overwhelmingly believe that LGBTQ people should be able to live free from fear of harassment and discrimination by guaranteeing the same federal anti-discrimination protections that other Americans have enjoyed for decades.The Equality Act is supported by a bipartisan majority of voters, the business community, faith and civil rights leaders, and communities in virtually every corner of the nation. It’s time for the Senate to catch up to the American public and finally pass the Equality Act so that all Americans can be treated equally in the eyes of the law.

Perhaps the support for the “Equality Act” is high because some who support it do so to be socially accepted in certain circles, rather than on its merits which would open a Pandora’s box and allow government force to be used to dictate almost every aspect of our social and commercial activities.

The truth is, the proposed “Equality Act” as it is called, has nothing to do with equality, and everything to do with creating, under law, a privileged protected class with the government’s muscle behind it.

Keep in mind, when the same type of legislation was advanced as a constitutional amendment in the 1980s ___ the Equal Rights Amendment ___ it was rejected by the people of the United States, and for good cause, as they knew it would open a Pandora’s Box with countless unintended consequences, both disruptive and dangerous to a freedom loving people.

In fact, if adopted, the Equality Act would subvert the people’s right to mutually agree in their contracts and associations, both of which are fundamental inalienable rights of mankind.

And here we are again today, but this time the Democrat controlled House has decided to ignore our Constitution’s required amendment process ___ a process required to lawfully adopt the “Equality Act” ___ which is the same kind of legislation rejected by the American People when they rejected the Equal Rights Amendment in the 1980s.

Once again our socialist revolutionary democrat Leadership has chose to ignore Article V, our Constitution’s amendment process, and instead, have decided to impose their personal views of fairness, reasonableness and social justice as the rule of law, and screw the Constitution.

Let us recall the wisdom put forth by one of our Supreme Court Justices: "The public welfare demands that constitutional cases must be decided according to the terms of the Constitution itself, and not according to judges’ views of fairness, reasonableness, or justice." – Justice Hugo L. Black ( U.S. Supreme Court Justice, 1886 - 1971) Source: Lecture, Columbia University, 1968

Now, with regard to the unintended consequences of such legislation __ legislation using the force of government to meddle in and control our lives with respect to a "protected class” ___ and the Pandora’s Box it would open, the Americans with Disabilities Act serves as a wonderful example and a warning.

It was predicted by some, including me, that the Act would most certainly lead to business owners paying out millions upon millions of dollars to stop frivolous court actions filed by blood-sucking shyster lawyers. And was this prediction accurate?

See, e.g., Florida man sues dozens of Colorado businesses - KMGH-TV

Also see: Drive-By Lawsuits and the Abuse of the Americans with …

And especially see:

The ADA Litigation Monster | Americans with Disabilities Act

“The notion that the ADA would not “lead endlessly to litigation” was also wrong. (See “The ADA Shakedown Racket,” Winter 2004.) ADA claims against employers filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), now numbering more than 26,000 per year, have become as common as sex-discrimination claims. And the volume keeps rising, as does the number of ADA lawsuits against employers filed in federal court yearly.”

The bottom line is, like the Americans with Disabilities Act, the “Equality Act” ought to be referred to as another Lawyers Full Employment Act and an outright attack on allowing people to be free to mutually agree in the contracts and associations, and that includes their daily social and commercial activities.

Be careful of what you ask for!


As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression. In both instances there is a twilight where everything remains seemingly unchanged. And it is in such twilight that we all must be aware of change in the air - however slight - lest we become unwitting victims of darkness. ___Supreme Court Justice William Douglas
That is quite a mouthfull Dude. Allow me to point out a thing or two, and pose a few questions if I may.

Point: LGBT people are already a protected class and have been aince at least 2013

Why are transgender people considered a protected class?
The court defined transgender people as being a protected class because of the long history of severe discrimination they have suffered. It said, The Court also rules that, because transgender people have long been subjected to systemic oppression and forced to live in silence, they are a protected class.
Are Transgender People a Protected Class?
See all results for this question
Why did the Supreme Court declare gays a protected class?
That would not only have been largely uncontroversial but have had no practical impact, since the Obama administration isn’t enforcing the law anyway. Instead, the five justices in the majority have made sexual orientation a full-fledged protected class under the 5th (and presumably 14th) Amendment.
Supreme Court Declares Gays a Protected Class…

Point: If you had read the equality act, you would know that in effect, what it does is to extend the provisions of the Civil Rights Act to LGBT people

Question: You claim that when the same type of legislation was advanced as a constitutional amendment in the 1980s ___ the Equal Rights Amendment ___ it was rejected by the people of the United States, and for good cause, as they knew it would open a Pandora’s Box with countless unintended consequences, both disruptive and dangerous to a freedom loving people.

Your contention that the ERA has been rejected for "good cause " is questionable at best, but my qestion is "What are the unintended consequences that you fear? Please list them for the ERA and the Equality Act

Question: Having established and documented the fact that the Equality Act extends the protections of the Civil Rights Act to LGBT people, which you apparently disagree with, what have you not been up in arms about the protections that it afords racial and religious minorities.? How is the LGBT issue different?

Point and Qustion: You clainm that this type of legislation should be done as a Constitutional Amendment, but the original Civil Rights Act was not. What has changed?

Point: You also rail against the American's with Disabilities Act and point to all of the litigation that it spawned. The solution is simple. Do not discriminate. Period

That will be all....for now.
What is this Republican Brain disease that those with money and power need to be protected from the rest of us?

The very point of the Equality Act is to create, under law, a privileged protected sexual deviant class with the government’s muscle behind it.

With all the hate, juvenile and venomous comments coming from those in our sexual deviant community who want to use government force to compel others to engage in contracts and associations with them, is it not obvious they are suffering from an inferiority complex?

Aside from that, I cannot imagine why there is such an outcry and vocal demanding by some to use government force to compel others who may feel uncomfortable associating with them, to force them into unwanted contracts and associations. I thought we were a society which supports "inclusiveness" and freedom of choice in ones intercourse with others. But it appears there is a segment in our society which would deny "inclusiveness' to those wishing to not associate with them.

Thanks for this clarifying post. Another weirdo thread.
View attachment 496560

Why do you classify it as a "weirdo thread", when there appears to be a segment in our society which proposes to deny "inclusiveness' to those wishing to not associate with them in their social or public commercial activities?

I thought we have finally reached the stage of an all inclusive society. But it seems as though the mantra is, inclusiveness for me, but not for thee.


The Democrat Party Leadership detests people being left free to mutually agree in their contracts and associations.
WHAT?? Holy shit! Seriously? You think that the way to achieve an inclusive society is to allow people to exlude others in business and public accomodations.?? That is serious double speak. The Ministry of Truth will be proud of you.
So are Easter Eggs and the Bunny. Doesn't change their rights.

Quite right. You personally have the right to believe whatever you want.

Any business you own has to comply with the laws and regulations governoring businesses.

Let's say I have a religious belief that the mixing of the races is against God's will, and an interracial couple comes in looking for a wedding cake. To make it extra offensive to bigots, its a white girl and a big old black guy. Should I still have the right to refuse them service?
Your business does not. If you don't want to do business with gays or Mormons or blacks, then you have the option to close your business down and find something else to do for a living.

So, according to you, the inalienable right to mutually agree in one's contracts and associations may only be exercised in one's closet and not in public social gatherings or public commercial activities, essentially rendering the right meaningless.

Of course, the proposed “Equality Act” as it is called, would in fact create a priviledged protected class who could, under law, deny "inclusiveness' in our society to those wishing to not associate with them in their social or public commercial activities. Seems the advocates of this legislation may be suffering from a deeply rooted inferiority complex . . . and thus, the need for the muscle of government to succeed in society.

In any event, those promoting this intrusive legislation apparently support the mantra . . . inclusiveness for me, but not for thee.

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