The educated liberals and unconventional beliefs


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
I have been reading that recent studies have determined that people with a college degree are less likely to believe in the scientific validity of unconventional beliefs such as Fortune Tellers, Astrology, Creationism, Psychic hotlines, the Evil Eye, being in touch with the dead, ghosts etc. This is not surprising.

I have also read that liberals are more likely to have a college degree than conservatives.

I have also read that liberals are more likely to believe in the scientific validity of all of those things listed above except Creationism. If liberals are more likely to have a college degree and people with a college degree are less likely to believe in those things, how can liberals be more likely to believe in those things? Think about that for a minute.

The answer is that leftists have undermined our educational system with an anti-Western bias. The leftists don't necessarily sneer at ideas that are contrary to Western Science unless they also happen to be affiliated with Western culture, such as Christianity. This is what is producing the result you are seeing. The belief in flimsy ideas is because Critical Thinking is replacing Objective Analysis and there is more of a focus on defending your claims rather than supporting them. It is becoming more and more about simply trying to keep the other person on the defensive with criticism, so as to avoid calm analysis of your claims. We are replacing emotionally detached skepticism that accepts nothing except factual evidence with a view that is less dismissive of emotionally charged argumentative discourse. Don't bother with factual evidence, simply shift the burden of proof and shout down and disrupt any rebuttal. In my experience, argumentative "Critical Thinkers" often believe the most BS and paranoid skeptics tend to believe the least. Never risk believing in something without mountains of factual evidence and you will rarely be wrong. It is no coincidence that the more likely a college major is to require courses in Critical Thinking, the lower the average SAT score of the students in the major and the more heavily infested it is with pseudo-intellectual BS like Postmodernism, which produces nothing tangible and drips poison into society. The problem isn't the Liberal Arts themselves, it's the leftist radicals that are destroying them.

Again, leftists overall, even though they are more likely to have a college degree, are more likely to believe in all of the beliefs listed in the first paragraph except Christianity and that is simply because they reject Christianity more from their anti-Western, anti-traditional bias. They don't sneer at Tarot cards the way they do the Bible. Putting political affiliation aside, STEM majors tend to sneer at both equally.
I have been reading that recent studies have determined that people with a college degree are less likely to believe in the scientific validity of unconventional beliefs such as Fortune Tellers, Astrology, Creationism, Psychic hotlines, the Evil Eye, being in touch with the dead, ghosts etc. This is not surprising.

I have also read that liberals are more likely to have a college degree than conservatives.

I have also read that liberals are more likely to believe in the scientific validity of all of those things listed above except Creationism. If liberals are more likely to have a college degree and people with a college degree are less likely to believe in those things, how can liberals be more likely to believe in those things? Think about that for a minute.

The answer is that leftists have undermined our educational system with an anti-Western bias. The leftists don't necessarily sneer at ideas that are contrary to Western Science unless they also happen to be affiliated with Western culture, such as Christianity. This is what is producing the result you are seeing. The belief in flimsy ideas is because Critical Thinking is replacing Objective Analysis and there is more of a focus on defending your claims rather than supporting them. It is becoming more and more about simply trying to keep the other person on the defensive with criticism, so as to avoid calm analysis of your claims. We are replacing emotionally detached skepticism that accepts nothing except factual evidence with a view that is less dismissive of emotionally charged argumentative discourse. Don't bother with factual evidence, simply shift the burden of proof and shout down and disrupt any rebuttal. In my experience, argumentative "Critical Thinkers" often believe the most BS and paranoid skeptics tend to believe the least. Never risk believing in something without mountains of factual evidence and you will rarely be wrong. It is no coincidence that the more likely a college major is to require courses in Critical Thinking, the lower the average SAT score of the students in the major and the more heavily infested it is with pseudo-intellectual BS like Postmodernism, which produces nothing tangible and drips poison into society. The problem isn't the Liberal Arts themselves, it's the leftist radicals that are destroying them.

Again, leftists overall, even though they are more likely to have a college degree, are more likely to believe in all of the beliefs listed in the first paragraph except Christianity and that is simply because they reject Christianity more from their anti-Western, anti-traditional bias. They don't sneer at Tarot cards the way they do the Bible. Putting political affiliation aside, STEM majors tend to sneer at both equally.
Looks like a wild theory

Have anything other than opinion to support it?
I have been reading that recent studies have determined that people with a college degree are less likely to believe in the scientific validity of unconventional beliefs such as Fortune Tellers, Astrology, Creationism, Psychic hotlines, the Evil Eye, being in touch with the dead, ghosts etc. This is not surprising.

I have also read that liberals are more likely to have a college degree than conservatives.

I have also read that liberals are more likely to believe in the scientific validity of all of those things listed above except Creationism. If liberals are more likely to have a college degree and people with a college degree are less likely to believe in those things, how can liberals be more likely to believe in those things? Think about that for a minute.

The answer is that leftists have undermined our educational system with an anti-Western bias. The leftists don't necessarily sneer at ideas that are contrary to Western Science unless they also happen to be affiliated with Western culture, such as Christianity. This is what is producing the result you are seeing. The belief in flimsy ideas is because Critical Thinking is replacing Objective Analysis and there is more of a focus on defending your claims rather than supporting them. It is becoming more and more about simply trying to keep the other person on the defensive with criticism, so as to avoid calm analysis of your claims. We are replacing emotionally detached skepticism that accepts nothing except factual evidence with a view that is less dismissive of emotionally charged argumentative discourse. Don't bother with factual evidence, simply shift the burden of proof and shout down and disrupt any rebuttal. In my experience, argumentative "Critical Thinkers" often believe the most BS and paranoid skeptics tend to believe the least. Never risk believing in something without mountains of factual evidence and you will rarely be wrong. It is no coincidence that the more likely a college major is to require courses in Critical Thinking, the lower the average SAT score of the students in the major and the more heavily infested it is with pseudo-intellectual BS like Postmodernism, which produces nothing tangible and drips poison into society. The problem isn't the Liberal Arts themselves, it's the leftist radicals that are destroying them.

Again, leftists overall, even though they are more likely to have a college degree, are more likely to believe in all of the beliefs listed in the first paragraph except Christianity and that is simply because they reject Christianity more from their anti-Western, anti-traditional bias. They don't sneer at Tarot cards the way they do the Bible. Putting political affiliation aside, STEM majors tend to sneer at both equally.
Looks like a wild theory

Have anything other than opinion to support it?



Look at that. 17% of college graduates believe that fortune telling is based in science. 9% of Republicans vs. 22% of Democrats believe in the scientific validity of it, despite Democrats being more likely to have a college degree. There is a segment of the Democratic party which simply refuses to admit that Western Science, specifically the "hard sciences", is the best authority we have on all matters. It's as simple as that. There is only one interpretation of the facts here.
Here is an example of liberal argumentativeness on this specific topic. When it was pointed out that a higher percentage of liberals than conservatives believe in astrology, liberals claimed it was because they were confusing it with astronomy. In order for that to be true, liberals would have to be more likely than conservatives to confuse astrology and astronomy. Otherwise, the supposed mass confusion would affect both groups equally. I don't buy it.
Here is an example of liberal argumentativeness on this specific topic. When it was pointed out that a higher percentage of liberals than conservatives believe in astrology, liberals claimed it was because they were confusing it with astronomy. In order for that to be true, liberals would have to be more likely than conservatives to confuse astrology and astronomy. Otherwise, the supposed mass confusion would affect both groups equally. I don't buy it.
Perhaps your dividing line is bogus.
Liberals scream that they are the most educated, but in reality, they hate facts and science, and instead rely on FEELINGS to determine their political stances.

Case in point, there are two genders - male and female. There are also a few rare genetic abnormalities.

But liberal insist that some people simply FEEL like they are a different gender, with no basis for giving that feeling any credit whatsoever want to change laws and everything else accommodate those feelings.
wish we had more conversations about how things are run as apposed to what party they belong 2.
Only Have 2 years of college, still cant spell, don't agree with either end of what the 2 party's promote.
Depend on my life experience more for the views I hold.
have been lucky enough to have been able to travel to many parts of the world. and lived for many years in both the most liberal of states and the most conservative.
I think that allows me to understand if not agree with some of what seems just plain crazy.

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