The Donald . . .

Are some of you people on drugs or something? The last thing I am is anywhere near left and yet because I call bullshit on Trump you somehow equate that to me being a Sanders supporter or something? wtf?

Had obama said he wouldn't take any contributions from anyone then took 4M in contributions from people, you all would be over him like white on rice and you know it. ftr, in case you morons missed it, I can't stand that lying, narcissistic asshat.

But because it's a 'republican' (and yes, I use that term very loosely when it comes to Trump) it's ok? What the hell happened to some of you?

The fucking point ISN"T the amount of money, the fucking point is that Trump is running on 'not being THAT kind of pol' .... then he turns around and lo and behold, he actually IS that kind of pol.

Not explaining it again, feel free to continue being blind when it comes to Trump. He isn't what he says he is, he's a life-long Dem in R clothing, pandering to sheep. 'Hope and change' and 'make America great again' ... slogans for the stupid.
Are some of you people on drugs or something? The last thing I am is anywhere near left and yet because I call bullshit on Trump you somehow equate that to me being a Sanders supporter or something? wtf?

Had obama said he wouldn't take any contributions from anyone then took 4M in contributions from people, you all would be over him like white on rice and you know it. ftr, in case you morons missed it, I can't stand that lying, narcissistic asshat.

But because it's a 'republican' (and yes, I use that term very loosely when it comes to Trump) it's ok? What the hell happened to some of you?

The fucking point ISN"T the amount of money, the fucking point is that Trump is running on 'not being THAT kind of pol' .... then he turns around and lo and behold, he actually IS that kind of pol.

Not explaining it again, feel free to continue being blind when it comes to Trump. He isn't what he says he is, he's a life-long Dem in R clothing, pandering to sheep. 'Hope and change' and 'make America great again' ... slogans for the stupid.

So who are you voting for ZB ?
Are some of you people on drugs or something? The last thing I am is anywhere near left and yet because I call bullshit on Trump you somehow equate that to me being a Sanders supporter or something? wtf?

Had obama said he wouldn't take any contributions from anyone then took 4M in contributions from people, you all would be over him like white on rice and you know it. ftr, in case you morons missed it, I can't stand that lying, narcissistic asshat.

But because it's a 'republican' (and yes, I use that term very loosely when it comes to Trump) it's ok? What the hell happened to some of you?

The fucking point ISN"T the amount of money, the fucking point is that Trump is running on 'not being THAT kind of pol' .... then he turns around and lo and behold, he actually IS that kind of pol.

Not explaining it again, feel free to continue being blind when it comes to Trump. He isn't what he says he is, he's a life-long Dem in R clothing, pandering to sheep. 'Hope and change' and 'make America great again' ... slogans for the stupid.

Please provide ONE SHRED of evidence that he is accepting money from anyone but small donors? There is a PAC - that is not directly connected to him - and he has specifically said that he has nothing to do with them.


And, the man is running a brilliant campaign. While the others are pouring money into the Election Machine that sucks up to BOTH parties, he gets endless hours of FREE coverage that they are unable to do.


That's what drives you Leftists and Progressives nuts.
Are some of you people on drugs or something? The last thing I am is anywhere near left and yet because I call bullshit on Trump you somehow equate that to me being a Sanders supporter or something? wtf?

Had obama said he wouldn't take any contributions from anyone then took 4M in contributions from people, you all would be over him like white on rice and you know it. ftr, in case you morons missed it, I can't stand that lying, narcissistic asshat.

But because it's a 'republican' (and yes, I use that term very loosely when it comes to Trump) it's ok? What the hell happened to some of you?

The fucking point ISN"T the amount of money, the fucking point is that Trump is running on 'not being THAT kind of pol' .... then he turns around and lo and behold, he actually IS that kind of pol.

Not explaining it again, feel free to continue being blind when it comes to Trump. He isn't what he says he is, he's a life-long Dem in R clothing, pandering to sheep. 'Hope and change' and 'make America great again' ... slogans for the stupid.

Please provide ONE SHRED of evidence that he is accepting money from anyone but small donors? There is a PAC - that is not directly connected to him - and he has specifically said that he has nothing to do with them.


And, the man is running a brilliant campaign. While the others are pouring money into the Election Machine that sucks up to BOTH parties, he gets endless hours of FREE coverage that they are unable to do.


That's what drives you Leftists and Progressives nuts.

Of course the Super PAC isn't "directly connected" to him - if it was, he'd be violating a number of election laws.

He's not telling them to stop, though.
Are some of you people on drugs or something? The last thing I am is anywhere near left and yet because I call bullshit on Trump you somehow equate that to me being a Sanders supporter or something? wtf?

Had obama said he wouldn't take any contributions from anyone then took 4M in contributions from people, you all would be over him like white on rice and you know it. ftr, in case you morons missed it, I can't stand that lying, narcissistic asshat.

But because it's a 'republican' (and yes, I use that term very loosely when it comes to Trump) it's ok? What the hell happened to some of you?

The fucking point ISN"T the amount of money, the fucking point is that Trump is running on 'not being THAT kind of pol' .... then he turns around and lo and behold, he actually IS that kind of pol.

Not explaining it again, feel free to continue being blind when it comes to Trump. He isn't what he says he is, he's a life-long Dem in R clothing, pandering to sheep. 'Hope and change' and 'make America great again' ... slogans for the stupid.

So who are you voting for ZB ?

Don't know but not Trump.
Are some of you people on drugs or something? The last thing I am is anywhere near left and yet because I call bullshit on Trump you somehow equate that to me being a Sanders supporter or something? wtf?

Had obama said he wouldn't take any contributions from anyone then took 4M in contributions from people, you all would be over him like white on rice and you know it. ftr, in case you morons missed it, I can't stand that lying, narcissistic asshat.

But because it's a 'republican' (and yes, I use that term very loosely when it comes to Trump) it's ok? What the hell happened to some of you?

The fucking point ISN"T the amount of money, the fucking point is that Trump is running on 'not being THAT kind of pol' .... then he turns around and lo and behold, he actually IS that kind of pol.

Not explaining it again, feel free to continue being blind when it comes to Trump. He isn't what he says he is, he's a life-long Dem in R clothing, pandering to sheep. 'Hope and change' and 'make America great again' ... slogans for the stupid.

Please provide ONE SHRED of evidence that he is accepting money from anyone but small donors? There is a PAC - that is not directly connected to him - and he has specifically said that he has nothing to do with them.


And, the man is running a brilliant campaign. While the others are pouring money into the Election Machine that sucks up to BOTH parties, he gets endless hours of FREE coverage that they are unable to do.


That's what drives you Leftists and Progressives nuts.

Go take a remedial reading class.

The stupid is strong in some of you.

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