The dominion lawsuit against Fox News And the gullible insane far left response to it


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Glenn Greenwald, yes the man who used to be a hero to the left but now apparently they hate for whatever reason covered this story. He talked about the attacks on freedom of speech in America. And I really admire Glenn Greenwald. I don’t know what happened to so many Democrats in this country who have gone nuts they have gone to the extreme far left.

I’m also going to provide my opinion …. I cannot believe how gullible the far left is. So what that Fox News settled a lawsuit with dominion. So what. We live in a country where the government is using judges and the law to destroy free-speech.

Maybe Fox News should not have settled maybe they should’ve thought this one over more but often when one is dealing with an uphill climb… this is what people say in the legal world…. they settle. To avoid a further possible punishment even though they know they are in the right. The sickening part of this is that we used to have a Democrat party that showed up for free speech. Al Gore felt that he was robbed in the 2000 election but he accepted the results he never agreed with it that’s on camera. How wrong the far left is when they think that Democrats have never contested a election but only Republicans have. Straight up propaganda.

Donald Trump did not agree with the 2020 election results but he accepted it otherwise he would be doing whatever he could to stay in office…. he’s not the president now to the far leftist maniacs. Wake the hell up Joe Biden is our president.

How pathetic and insane some far left Democrats are that whatever Fox News shows them even if it’s say 100 Black people going on a rampage beating the living shit out of a white woman they’ll just say “ no it’s fake “ even though the evidence is literally staring them in the face. This is the evil insanity of the far left. Like the Black Lives Matter lawyer Benjamin Crump who lies his brains out and he gets praised as a “civil rights advocate” as he takes in millions upon millions of dollars just like the dominion lawyers who got perhaps hundreds of millions of dollars and they’re laughing their ass off all the way up to the banks.

But the American people are the ones who speak their minds not some corrupt judge not some corrupt Democrat politicians. Not Fox News producers or higher-ups who would agree to settle a lawsuit… no it’s the American people. By large the American people do not watch legacy media they’re fed up with the antiwhite racism from CNN, from ESPN from MSNBC ….they continue to watch Tucker Carlson he’s the most watched news program in this country.

That’s it folks this is now the country we live in where no matter what is broadcast on tucker Carlson even if it is a video evidence showing BLM riots far left people will say “ oh it’s not real. “ And so this is the difference between the far left and every patriotic American who is a democrat and a republican. Any patriot sees a video that CNN shows even though CNN openly has racist anchors who say whatever they want about white people without repercussion and there is no repercussion because we live in a lopsided country with a lopsided law system that only targets conservatives but not the racists on the far left who lie all the time.

That’s the difference Fox News has to pay for it CNN and MSNBC don’t have to pay for it …even though the lies that CNN engages in Is dangerous, destructive to our country. Whereas with Fox News they say or some of the anchors might have said the 2020 election was rigged which is their right to free speech just as it was with Al gore who never agreed with the 2000 election results but he accepted it.

Here it is folks. Here it is my fellow Democrat you look at it at the 14:40 mark in the following video Al Gore says he does not agree with the result of the 2000 election. ….uh oh !!! Where is the lawsuits.? Are democrats going to call Al Gore a fraud now?

Im urging democrats to stop being brainwashed by blm, cnn and msnbc. This is America people have a right to freedom of speech whether they are a democrat or republican…. it is their God-given right to not agree with the result of the 2000 election or the 2020 election. Joe Biden is our president now it’s not Donald Trump.

I’ll say this much more look at the way Franklin Roosevelt and John F Kennedy talked those are American heroes.

John F Kennedy, Robert F Kennedy and Franklin Roosevelt will go down in history as the great leaders of the 20th century democratic party. Today’s democratic party has completely and utterly lost its way. But no matter what at least we have the glorious 20th century to look back on we have nothing to fear but fear itself.
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An opinion on the lawsuit? You don't say?

Well it surely needed its own thread. The many other ones could never fit another opinion among the many others.
Faux intentionally lost this.

Faux loves these machines because these machines pick the candidates Faux really supports...

including Lula de la Silva
How pathetic and insane some far left Democrats are

Don't worry Frank. If the left really thought they were on the right side of the issues and were really winning, they wouldn't be trying to pretend so hard like their whole world was just righted by a legal settlement somewhere to dismiss a case with a news corp they say was fake news anyway.

But the reality is that they too are stuck with the flabby POS in the WH as we are, paying just as much high prices for food, gas, energy, rent and everything else as jobs crumble, banks, crumble and our Dollar falls apart.
Don't worry Frank. If the left really thought they were on the right side of the issues and were really winning, they wouldn't be trying to pretend so hard like their whole world was just righted by a legal settlement somewhere to dismiss a case with a news corp they say was fake news anyway.

But the reality is that they too are stuck with the flabby POS in the WH as we are, paying just as much high prices for food, gas, energy, rent and everything else as jobs crumble, banks, crumble and our Dollar falls apart.
I hear you brother I just saw by me the gas prices went up quite a bit. It’s going to keep going up until we have better leader ship in this country. You know during the World War II era America pumped out 90% of the oil that we and our allies our brothers in the British empire, the Soviet Union and China used to defeat the German third Reich and the empire of Japan who were hell-bent on world domination. That’s 90% of the oil the allies used. How far we have fallen since those days.
White 6


You’re seeing the video evidence in the original post. You see people have a right to not accept the results of the 2000 election or the 2020 election. There’s no more excuses folks our president is not Donald Trump there was never any way that a few dozen people could’ve overturn the country on January 6. Guess who’s our president now ….it’s Joe Biden unfortunately for all of us Democrats or Republicans we’re paying at the pump, we’re paying more for homes, paying more for groceries. All we have at this point is look back at the glorious American past and learn from it and apply those ideas to today. We need to be the number one producer of oil in the world there’s no excuse for it not to be that way… we had that in the World War II era we have to get it back today…
White 6


You’re seeing the video evidence in the original post. You see people have a right to not accept the results of the 2000 election or the 2020 election. There’s no more excuses folks our president is not Donald Trump there was never any way that a few dozen people could’ve overturn the country on January 6. Guess who’s our president now ….it’s Joe Biden unfortunately for all of us Democrats or Republicans we’re paying at the pump, we’re paying more for homes, paying more for groceries. All we have at this point is look back at the glorious American past and learn from it and apply those ideas to today. We need to be the number one producer of oil in the world there’s no excuse for it not to be that way… we had that in the World War II era we have to get it back today…
Think what you like, if I could go back to 2020 and vote again, I would still vote for Joe over Donny, hands down. And, Donny should not have sent those people to the capital.
Think what you like, if I could go back to 2020 and vote again, I would still vote for Joe over Donny, hands down. And, Donny should not have sent those people to the capital.

And I'd still vote for Jo.
Glenn Greenwald, yes the man who used to be a hero to the left but now apparently they hate for whatever reason covered this story. He talked about the attacks on freedom of speech in America. And I really admire Glenn Greenwald. I don’t know what happened to so many Democrats in this country who have gone nuts they have gone to the extreme far left.

I’m also going to provide my opinion …. I cannot believe how gullible the far left is. So what that Fox News settled a lawsuit with dominion. So what. We live in a country where the government is using judges and the law to destroy free-speech.

Maybe Fox News should not have settled maybe they should’ve thought this one over more but often when one is dealing with an uphill climb… this is what people say in the legal world…. they settle. To avoid a further possible punishment even though they know they are in the right. The sickening part of this is that we used to have a Democrat party that showed up for free speech. Al Gore felt that he was robbed in the 2000 election but he accepted the results he never agreed with it that’s on camera. How wrong the far left is when they think that Democrats have never contested a election but only Republicans have. Straight up propaganda.

Donald Trump did not agree with the 2020 election results but he accepted it otherwise he would be doing whatever he could to stay in office…. he’s not the president now to the far leftist maniacs. Wake the hell up Joe Biden is our president.

How pathetic and insane some far left Democrats are that whatever Fox News shows them even if it’s say 100 Black people going on a rampage beating the living shit out of a white woman they’ll just say “ no it’s fake “ even though the evidence is literally staring them in the face. This is the evil insanity of the far left. Like the Black Lives Matter lawyer Benjamin Crump who lies his brains out and he gets praised as a “civil rights advocate” as he takes in millions upon millions of dollars just like the dominion lawyers who got perhaps hundreds of millions of dollars and they’re laughing their ass off all the way up to the banks.

But the American people are the ones who speak their minds not some corrupt judge not some corrupt Democrat politicians. Not Fox News producers or higher-ups who would agree to settle a lawsuit… no it’s the American people. By large the American people do not watch legacy media they’re fed up with the antiwhite racism from CNN, from ESPN from MSNBC ….they continue to watch Tucker Carlson he’s the most watched news program in this country.

That’s it folks this is now the country we live in where no matter what is broadcast on tucker Carlson even if it is a video evidence showing BLM riots far left people will say “ oh it’s not real. “ And so this is the difference between the far left and every patriotic American who is a democrat and a republican. Any patriot sees a video that CNN shows even though CNN openly has racist anchors who say whatever they want about white people without repercussion and there is no repercussion because we live in a lopsided country with a lopsided law system that only targets conservatives but not the racists on the far left who lie all the time.

That’s the difference Fox News has to pay for it CNN and MSNBC don’t have to pay for it …even though the lies that CNN engages in Is dangerous, destructive to our country. Whereas with Fox News they say or some of the anchors might have said the 2020 election was rigged which is their right to free speech just as it was with Al gore who never agreed with the 2000 election results but he accepted it.

Here it is folks. Here it is my fellow Democrat you look at it at the 14:40 mark in the following video Al Gore says he does not agree with the result of the 2000 election. ….uh oh !!! Where is the lawsuits.? Are democrats going to call Al Gore a fraud now?

Im urging democrats to stop being brainwashed by blm, cnn and msnbc. This is America people have a right to freedom of speech whether they are a democrat or republican…. it is their God-given right to not agree with the result of the 2000 election or the 2020 election. Joe Biden is our president now it’s not Donald Trump.

I’ll say this much more look at the way Franklin Roosevelt and John F Kennedy talked those are American heroes.

John F Kennedy, Robert F Kennedy and Franklin Roosevelt will go down in history as the great leaders of the 20th century democratic party. Today’s democratic party has completely and utterly lost its way. But no matter what at least we have the glorious 20th century to look back on we have nothing to fear but fear itself.

Here's a question.
You say so many Democrats have gone far left, I disagree, I think you're using far left when you mean further left, and even then I don't think many have gone even further left.

What I think is that Democrats follow their party, and their party, just like the Republican Party, has gone nuts.
Why? Because they will get elected NO MATTER WHAT. People have two viable choices, and the Democrats or Republicans can do ANYTHING and it won't hurt them because there are no more viable choices.

This is dragging the US to crazyland. Unless the US changes the way representatives are elected, it's just going to get even worse.

Look at Spain in the 1930s, so polarized they ended up killing each other.
Donald Trump did not agree with the 2020 election results but he accepted it otherwise he would be doing whatever he could to stay in office
WFT, trump has yet to accept the results, and you are suggesting he did?
but he accepted he didn't.
Wow, just wow.

Otherwise........ otherwise he would be doing whatever he could to stay in office.
That's all he has been doing.
Think what you like, if I could go back to 2020 and vote again, I would still vote for Joe over Donny, hands down. And, Donny should not have sent those people to the capital.
I’m glad you got to see Al gore not agreeing with the results of the 2000 election. This completely shoots down the insane far left that thinks that Republicans don’t have a right to free speech but Democrats in 2000 do.
WFT, trump has yet to accept the results, and you are suggesting he did?
but he accepted he didn't.
Wow, just wow.

Otherwise........ otherwise he would be doing whatever he could to stay in office.
That's all he has been doing.
You can say wow well you’re wrong big time. You see Al Gore did not agree with the 2000 results neither did Trump in 2020. That’s it man that’s all that has to be said Al Gore did not accept the results of the 2000 election ….oh but were told that only Republicans do that. It’s it man it’s over game, set and match it’s over for the far left

What you’re saying doesn’t hold any weight doesn’t hold any water simply because Joe Biden is the president now. Donald Trump accepted that result otherwise he would never have told the January 6 protesters to go home. Well do you see thats something the far left media just won’t show you.
Glenn Greenwald, yes the man who used to be a hero to the left but now apparently they hate for whatever reason covered this story. He talked about the attacks on freedom of speech in America. And I really admire Glenn Greenwald. I don’t know what happened to so many Democrats in this country who have gone nuts they have gone to the extreme far left.

I’m also going to provide my opinion …. I cannot believe how gullible the far left is. So what that Fox News settled a lawsuit with dominion. So what. We live in a country where the government is using judges and the law to destroy free-speech.
There's no right to defamation.

Ask Trump. He's sues people for defamation all the time. He's got a $475 million dollar lawsuit open right now against CNN.

Maybe Fox News should not have settled maybe they should’ve thought this one over more but often when one is dealing with an uphill climb… this is what people say in the legal world…. they settle. To avoid a further possible punishment even though they know they are in the right. The sickening part of this is that we used to have a Democrat party that showed up for free speech. Al Gore felt that he was robbed in the 2000 election but he accepted the results he never agreed with it that’s on camera. How wrong the far left is when they think that Democrats have never contested a election but only Republicans have. Straight up propaganda.

Or maybe you have no idea what you're talking about, while Fox's team of lawyers specializing in defamation did.
There's no right to defamation.

Ask Trump. He's sues people for defamation all the time. He's got a $475 million dollar lawsuit open right now against CNN.

Or maybe you have no idea what you're talking about, while Fox's team of lawyers specializing in defamation did.
You’re engaged in the tactic of ignoring almost everything that is said and hacking out huge portions of peoples post. You have a nice day man your trolling to not gonna work with me.

How do you use this word defamation is dangerous. This is America sir we have a right to free speech and your argument falls flat on its face. What occurred in 2020 occurred in 2000. That is a denial by Al Gore and Donald Trump of the election results. Go ahead and ignore it all you want same with White 6

Guess what I don’t agree with everything Donald Trump does. But he’s just engaging in the game. He’s getting treated like trash by CNN so he’s returning the favor.

Ah you will probably try and bring up January 6 while not saying one damn thing about the Black Lives Matter riots in 2020 in the summer that cost billions of dollars worth of damage and 25 murders. Not a single person was killed by any January 6 protester sir not a single one. Man are you a democrat? I hope you start to support RFK Junior. Our party is trash today nothing like we were back in the days of John F. Kennedy and Franklin Roosevelt ..what are you gonna say now now what are you gonna do. Im a FDR and JFK Democrat and I hope you are as well
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Here's a question.
You say so many Democrats have gone far left, I disagree, I think you're using far left when you mean further left, and even then I don't think many have gone even further left.

What I think is that Democrats follow their party, and their party, just like the Republican Party, has gone nuts.
Why? Because they will get elected NO MATTER WHAT. People have two viable choices, and the Democrats or Republicans can do ANYTHING and it won't hurt them because there are no more viable choices.

This is dragging the US to crazyland. Unless the US changes the way representatives are elected, it's just going to get even worse.

Look at Spain in the 1930s, so polarized they ended up killing each other.
There’s one party that is preaching racism and division right now it is the Democrats. And so many of their supporters of course have gone to the far left which is why they support BLM and trans men being able to compete in women’s sports and physically hurting women, getting dressed in a woman’s locker room. This is almost exclusively only supported by far left wing Democrats.

Now that we have Robert F Kennedy Junior I have a Democrat to support. So you look at everything I’ve said in thread after thread…. how many times I’ve praised Franklin Roosevelt John F Kennedy and I’m asking you to look at the video of the original post and there you can see great men providing speeches like Dwight Eisenhower, RFK Junior and FDR and those are the kind of men I admire and support.

Over 50% of Americans don’t have $1000 to their name to afford emergency. 15 million Americans have been taken off of Medicare. Millions of Americans have lost 90% of their food stamps….. these are Democrat issues and Democrats are not doing a darn thing about it you see it Joe Biden keeps talking about race and LGBT issues when we live in the freest country in the world. The Democrat party used to stand up for the workingman they don’t anymore with exception to Robert F Kennedy Junior.
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The settlement is a ruse to make sure the election stayed stolen, they are all working together.
Hard to understand when the stealing of the election through a devious, orchestrated attack on our free election system has been laid out in stark detail by Time Magazine just a few months after the election, so why is it still being debated?

Mainstream Media Celebrates FOX News Settlement with Dominion Voting Machines​

Likewise not sure what the media has to celebrate here--- don't they understand the huge chilling effect this will have on the freedom of the press, including THEM? Dershowitz lays out the bizarre aspects of the case in the first 15 minutes, not only including how Fox would have won on appeal, but the curious fact of how corrupt the state of Deleware is (where Biden is from) and how the entire court system there is a total sham.

There’s one party that is preaching racism and division right now it is the Democrats. And so many of their supporters of course have gone to the far left which is why they support BLM and trans men being able to compete in women’s sports and physically hurting women, getting dressed in a woman’s locker room. This is almost exclusively only supported by far left wing Democrats.

Now that we have Robert F Kennedy Junior I have a Democrat to support. So you look at everything I’ve said in thread after thread…. how many times I’ve praised Franklin Roosevelt John F Kennedy and I’m asking you to look at the video of the original post and there you can see great men providing speeches like Dwight Eisenhower, RFK Junior and FDR and those are the kind of men I admire and support.

Over 50% of Americans don’t have $1000 to their name to afford emergency. 15 million Americans have been taken off of Medicare. Millions of Americans have lost 90% of their food stamps….. these are Democrat issues and Democrats are not doing a darn thing about it you see it Joe Biden keeps talking about race and LGBT issues when we live in the freest country in the world. The Democrat party used to stand up for the workingman they don’t anymore with exception to Robert F Kennedy Junior.

I'm totally sure that your "analysis" of this topic is based more on what you want to believe, rather than anything real.
HOWEVER, I'm giving you the opportunity to make an argue, back up your claims, source your claims and all.... if not, then it's all just crap.
Don't worry Frank. If the left really thought they were on the right side of the issues and were really winning, they wouldn't be trying to pretend so hard like their whole world was just righted by a legal settlement somewhere to dismiss a case with a news corp they say was fake news anyway.

But the reality is that they too are stuck with the flabby POS in the WH as we are, paying just as much high prices for food, gas, energy, rent and everything else as jobs crumble, banks, crumble and our Dollar falls apart.
There are times I wonder if these people truly believe what they’re saying when they claim everything is fine and that Biden is so much better than Trump. It seems like they are forcing themselves to say that because they know they’ll suffer consequences if they don’t toe the party line.

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