The difference between a Patriot and...


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
If you're so partisan you wont criticize your own government, even when they deserve it, you're not a patriot but a propagandist.

A patriot loves their country, but wants it to do better so when it screws up, they'll act like a good parent would and scold, punish, spank, and correct in the hope of improving behaviour. A propagandist tows the party line, remains silent during political crises, and deny bad things ever happen.

We need more patriots, not more propagandists.
If you're so partisan you wont criticize your own government, even when they deserve it, you're not a patriot but a propagandist.

A patriot loves their country, but wants it to do better so when it screws up, they'll act like a good parent would and scold, punish, spank, and correct in the hope of improving behaviour. A propagandist tows the party line, remains silent during political crises, and deny bad things ever happen.

We need more patriots, not more propagandists.

And that works for both sides of the aisle Left and Right. No more of this "My Party Right or Wrong" crap.

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