The Dictator Cinema(?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a commerce-parable (politically subliminal) inspired by recent commerce-fixation related news regarding 'TrumpUSA,' the Trump Administration's commercial relations with democratic trading-partner South Korea (neighbor of nuclear-warfare controversy-ridden North Korea), and the news of 300 Sufi Muslims murdered on Black Friday (the annual customary shopping-day following Thanksgiving in America) 2017.

This 'message-rich parable' was inspired by Wag the Dog, and I wrote it in this board to posit the question, "What is considered incendiary in this age of commerce?" Would this kind of parable be frustrating for the Trump Administration?

Would such storytelling be left purely for Democrats?




An Internet-blogger costuming himself as the Scarecrow (DC Comics) was concerned how American movie superstars Tom Cruise (Valkyrie) and Tom Hanks (The Ladykillers) were becoming so media-vainglorious after completing their obviously historico-culturally symbolic (and intellectually heavy!) films. This 'Scarecrow' blogger believed that Planet Hollywood had nothing politically beneficial to offer in this modern world of commerce-gauged geopolitical etiquette (e.g., European Union, Wall Street, World Bank, NATO). However, Scarecrow did not realize that the media and social celebrities were the new age 'diplomats' of populism-traffic (e.g., Facebook, Bazaar, MTV, etc.).

Scarecrow decided to write a letter to U.S. President Donald Trump:

"I believe Tom Cruise is like the ironical media 'Big Brother' who just might sway the American masses to mindlessly absorb mainstream culture symbols as 'consumerism prescriptions' (e.g., Burger King). I also believe Tom Hanks is the subconscious 'Lord Protectorate' (reminiscent of Oliver Cromwell arguably!) of the American sociocultural landscape, making films that go to the heart of American psychiatry (e.g., Forrest Gump, Philadelphia, Cast Away, Saving Private Ryan, The Ladykillers, etc.). Wouldn't it therefore be prudent, Mr. President, to consider how these new age 'media diplomats' could be resourced for geoculturally-symbolic films? I propose you recommend to Hollywood film-studios that Cruise/Hanks be approached for commerce-themed films about 'hot-nations' such as North Korea and India!"

Well, President Trump really liked Scarecrow's ideas and passed them onto his PR-advisor in the White House who then contacted Paul Thomas Anderson who was planning a film about democracy-comparisons between America and Scandinavia (Sweden and Norway) in this new age of commerce-gauged political relations (e.g., European Union). Anderson loved the idea and wanted to cast Cruise and Hanks as counterpart politicians (one American, the other Norwegian!). When filming began, Cruise and Hanks were asked (in one scene) to work on a special model of a clay model village together, which would help them work on their social values meditation. After filming completed, Cruise and Hanks stated in an interview that working on that special little clay model village was the 'highlight' of their filming-experience.

Scarecrow read that interview and wrote again to President Trump suggesting that inspiring American media-celebrities (e.g., Cruise/Hanks) to work with their hands on special values-oriented projects (e.g., village-models, culture-relations films, etc.) would send the signal to the world that the American people were actively invested in 'democracy lifestyle.' Once again, Trump liked Scarecrow's suggestion and contacted Cruise and Hanks personally to discuss with them the possibility of working on a Spielberg film about an American casino being owned, operated, and orchestrated in the Middle East. The film would be titled Gambling Away Deuteronomy. Would it ever be made?



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