The Democrats Are Getting Desperate

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
I can't believe how many hecklers Trump has had recently. Do the democrats really believe that they're going to scare him out of running?

I know that they just want to get rid of him because he's the frontrunner in the race for the white house and he's scared he's going to win, but it's still pretty pathetic because he's not afraid of them or losing. With DeSantis and Ramaswamy gone, Trump has definitely got the nomination now.

I think that America's government is getting close to desperation and is actively looking for a solution.

Suspect that replacing Biden will happen before any extreme measures are taken to stop him. Jail?
I can't believe how many hecklers Trump has had recently. Do the democrats really believe that they're going to scare him out of running?

I know that they just want to get rid of him because he's the frontrunner in the race for the white house and he's scared he's going to win, but it's still pretty pathetic because he's not afraid of them or losing. With DeSantis and Ramaswamy gone, Trump has definitely got the nomination now.

And you think Trump is immune. Hah Hah Ha!
What rallies?
Oddball I do know that I'm just feeling the love people have for Biden right now. Loving to hate him that is.

Oh and those cheers you hear are for the boos and heckler.
I can't believe how many hecklers Trump has had recently. Do the democrats really believe that they're going to scare him out of running?

I know that they just want to get rid of him because he's the frontrunner in the race for the white house and he's scared he's going to win, but it's still pretty pathetic because he's not afraid of them or losing. With DeSantis and Ramaswamy gone, Trump has definitely got the nomination now.

I am continually fascinated by the sheer delusion of the Trump supporters. Trump may very well be the Republican nominee for president, I certainly hope so. If he is, not only will Biden win in a landslide that will make Reagan's victory over Carter look like a squeaker, but the down ballot impact will propel Democrats to a majority in both the House and the Senate. It may very well be the death knell of the Republican party.

Not like you couldn't see this coming. The Republican primaries are inundated with the most extreme Republicans. Take Iowa, Trump won by a huge margin, with only 15% of Iowa Republicans showing up. The delusion of the Trump supporters is the belief that the most committed supporters represent the majority. They do not. It was cold as hell on caucus night, only the most steadfast supporters showed up to caucus, actually, only the crazy ass loons.

New Hampshire is going to play out differently. Haley may very well pull out a win. But that in no way indicates she could win the election. It will be due to Democrats registering as independents just to cast a vote for Haley. Hell, if I was in New Hampshire I would do the same, except I would vote for Trump, like I said, I hope he gets the nomination.

I mean it has always been this way. To win the primaries you have to appeal to the base, then you have to quickly shift to the center. Trump can't do that, it is impossible. Sure, he has a rabid base, one that the nutless members of Congress fear, but he has no appeal to the center, zero, zip, nada, nothing. If anything, they are sick of his tired fat orange ass.

DeSantis a case in point. I mean what a coward, endorsing Trump after dropping out. For the love of God, the man has no principals. It is pretty easy to see how Hitler achieved and maintained his power. Trump is following the same template, and while it might work within the dysfunctional Republican party, it won't work with the majority of Americans.

And here is the thing. In the end, well it "is the economy stupid". And come November, well it is going to be rip-roaring like nobody's business. I filled my gas tank up today, $2.64 a gallon. I have noticed all those "I did this" stickers with Biden's picture have been maddingly stripped away. Maybe I will look into buying some, as if the company that sold them is still in business.

Interest rates dropping, stock market at record levels, unemployment at record levels, incomes increasing greater than the inflation that is now under control. And Republicans in Congress, not doing a damn thing. A SCOTUS that is completely off the chain. Actually, hard to imagine where we could be if Republicans were relegated to the scrap heap of history. And that should be the driving point behind Biden's reelection.

Embrace it Trump supporters. You are all LOSERS. And I know, sore losers at that, because God knows you will kick up a fuss and attempt a coup. Do it, I double dog dare you.
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I am continually fascinated by the sheer delusion of the Trump supporters. Trump may very well be the Republican nominee for president, I certainly hope so. If he is, not only will Biden win in a landslide that will make Reagan's victory over Carter look like a squeaker, but the down ballot impact will propel Democrats to a majority in both the House and the Senate. It may very well be the death knell of the Republican party.

Not like you couldn't see this coming. The Republican primaries are inundated with the most extreme Republicans. Take Iowa, Trump won by a huge margin, with only 15% of Iowa Republicans showing up. The delusion of the Trump supporters is the belief that

The Irish Ram, how do you tell somebody that they're full of shit in a Christian way?

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