The Democratic Party / Russia Scandal in a Nutshell


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Hillary hires a BRITISH spy to buy unsubstantiated information on Trump from the RUSSIANS and then Obama uses this information as an excuse to wiretap the Trump campaign.

Nixon was a little leaguer compared to today’s Democrats.
The worst part about Democrat corruption is that the Press protects them.
The Press is supposed to be the watch-dog for the Public, not the guard-dog for the Dirty Democrats.
Let's not forget McCain's role in it.

McCain y released his own new defense budget: five years – five trillion dollar defense budget; a lot of that is aimed at Russia. It is great for the American military-industrial complex, which is what keeps John McCain in office. So that is one of the reasons he does this. One of the reasons why he cannot stand Donald Trump and he could not stand to have any change in Washington’s anti-Russia policies… If anyone is hurting American democracy, it’s people like John McCain

Most people will remember the salacious details of this dossier; they won’t remember all the finer points about how it came about, McCain’s role in it. They don’t remember this; they remember the headlines. So I would say as a propaganda ploy this will probably be very successful.

‘John McCain passed dossier to make Trump look bad; now he’s trying to save his hide’
Hillary hires a BRITISH spy to buy unsubstantiated information on Trump from the RUSSIANS and then Obama uses this information as an excuse to wiretap the Trump campaign.

Nixon was a little leaguer compared to today’s Democrats.
Moron doesn’t know that the commission Trump put together to prove Obama wiretapped him has concluded there’s NO EVIDENCE it happened. But it won’t stop him from lying about it..
and why is it always a democrat with a secret past of showing their private parts to much much younger women when they were in their 30's and 40's? and sometimes even on the web!:omg:
It's been obvious from the beginning.

If you don't like TRUMP, you don't care about Hillary's corruption.

The Dem Propaganda division, the liberal MSM, will minimally report on anything that makes their heros look bad.

Look how NBC news refused to take the HARVEY WEINSTEIN story from Ronan Farrow.

It's interesting, my buddy was in Europe for the past 3 weeks, and he said it was interesting how little they reported on the ISIS murders in New York...but they reported alot on the church shooting and how bad guns are.

Those liberal Europeans don't want ANY bad light put on their MIGRANT issues, but they love to point fingers at gun violence in America.

It's interesting, my buddy was in Europe for the past 3 weeks, and he said it was interesting how little they reported on the ISIS murders in New York...but they reported alot on the church shooting and how bad guns are.

Those liberal Europeans don't want ANY bad light put on their MIGRANT issues, but they love to point fingers at gun violence in America.

Very true. Wife's best friend lives in Frankfurt, while into news and events she is clueless as to Islamo violence.

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