The Democrat/Republican Scam

Jun 21, 2015
US politics are all about whether you are left or right, Democrat or Republican. We believe that we have a choice between these two ideologies. However, in reality we are going to get the same old thing at the end of the day regardless of which party currently holds power. And it is very naive to think that it's not by design. states"Adolf Hitler could run for president as a Democrat and Joseph Stalin as a Republican and one of them would lead our country." As scary of a thought that this is, it's really not that far from our current reality. Our president opened our borders without signing a law or so much as an executive order. He literally just dictated verbally to the border control not to stop illegals, and even went to the extent of releasing violent illegal immigrant criminals from jails and setting them loose in our country. But just because a Democrat was in power when this happened doesn't mean a Republican would have done any different. As usual, the root of all evil is money.

Big corporations, unions, pacs, and other elites support candidates from both sides ensuring that they win regardless of who is elected. If George Bush and Barack Obama both get campaign contributions from the same corporation, than they are going to receive the same conditions from said corporarion.

And since the deck is so rigged at the top, even an uncorrupted president would not be able to steer us back in the right direction. The answer is state and local government. We need constitutional, liberty defending elected representatives starting at the grass roots on a local scale all across the country. Obama and other establishment government officials are currently pushing hard to federalize local police to end this possibility, but it is still a possibility none the less. With the unprecedented centralization of power occurring around us, we are close to the point of no return before we become the next North Korea. It is not hard to argue that Obama is already every bit as much of a dictator Kim Jung Un as it is.
US politics are all about whether you are left or right, Democrat or Republican. We believe that we have a choice between these two ideologies. However, in reality we are going to get the same old thing at the end of the day regardless of which party currently holds power. And it is very naive to think that it's not by design. states"Adolf Hitler could run for president as a Democrat and Joseph Stalin as a Republican and one of them would lead our country." As scary of a thought that this is, it's really not that far from our current reality. Our president opened our borders without signing a law or so much as an executive order. He literally just dictated verbally to the border control not to stop illegals, and even went to the extent of releasing violent illegal immigrant criminals from jails and setting them loose in our country. But just because a Democrat was in power when this happened doesn't mean a Republican would have done any different. As usual, the root of all evil is money.

Big corporations, unions, pacs, and other elites support candidates from both sides ensuring that they win regardless of who is elected. If George Bush and Barack Obama both get campaign contributions from the same corporation, than they are going to receive the same conditions from said corporarion.

And since the deck is so rigged at the top, even an uncorrupted president would not be able to steer us back in the right direction. The answer is state and local government. We need constitutional, liberty defending elected representatives starting at the grass roots on a local scale all across the country. Obama and other establishment government officials are currently pushing hard to federalize local police to end this possibility, but it is still a possibility none the less. With the unprecedented centralization of power occurring around us, we are close to the point of no return before we become the next North Korea. It is not hard to argue that Obama is already every bit as much of a dictator Kim Jung Un as it is.
Anybody agree, disagree, or have anything to add?
US politics are all about whether you are left or right, Democrat or Republican. We believe that we have a choice between these two ideologies. However, in reality we are going to get the same old thing at the end of the day regardless of which party currently holds power. And it is very naive to think that it's not by design. states"Adolf Hitler could run for president as a Democrat and Joseph Stalin as a Republican and one of them would lead our country." As scary of a thought that this is, it's really not that far from our current reality. Our president opened our borders without signing a law or so much as an executive order. He literally just dictated verbally to the border control not to stop illegals, and even went to the extent of releasing violent illegal immigrant criminals from jails and setting them loose in our country. But just because a Democrat was in power when this happened doesn't mean a Republican would have done any different. As usual, the root of all evil is money.

Big corporations, unions, pacs, and other elites support candidates from both sides ensuring that they win regardless of who is elected. If George Bush and Barack Obama both get campaign contributions from the same corporation, than they are going to receive the same conditions from said corporarion.

And since the deck is so rigged at the top, even an uncorrupted president would not be able to steer us back in the right direction. The answer is state and local government. We need constitutional, liberty defending elected representatives starting at the grass roots on a local scale all across the country. Obama and other establishment government officials are currently pushing hard to federalize local police to end this possibility, but it is still a possibility none the less. With the unprecedented centralization of power occurring around us, we are close to the point of no return before we become the next North Korea. It is not hard to argue that Obama is already every bit as much of a dictator Kim Jung Un as it is.

Yea, the Left and the Right are both "purchased" by big investors.

The Libertarian party wants the gold standard. Wonder why Fox News has a "gold investment" video every 30 seconds.

When CERTAIN Republicans didn't want to admit they voted for major flaws under Bush, they joined the Libertarian party. A basic, "It wasn't me" tactic.

The Libertarian party has the political knowledge base of a pre-schooler. Liberty no matter what, always.

Liberty is awesome. But Libertarians are too dumb to understand some Liberties infringe the Liberties of others.

Ron Paul and Jesse Ventura were actually smart and bold. What Fox News made Libertarians into is what we have today.
US politics are all about whether you are left or right, Democrat or Republican. We believe that we have a choice between these two ideologies. However, in reality we are going to get the same old thing at the end of the day regardless of which party currently holds power. And it is very naive to think that it's not by design. states"Adolf Hitler could run for president as a Democrat and Joseph Stalin as a Republican and one of them would lead our country." As scary of a thought that this is, it's really not that far from our current reality. Our president opened our borders without signing a law or so much as an executive order. He literally just dictated verbally to the border control not to stop illegals, and even went to the extent of releasing violent illegal immigrant criminals from jails and setting them loose in our country. But just because a Democrat was in power when this happened doesn't mean a Republican would have done any different. As usual, the root of all evil is money.

Big corporations, unions, pacs, and other elites support candidates from both sides ensuring that they win regardless of who is elected. If George Bush and Barack Obama both get campaign contributions from the same corporation, than they are going to receive the same conditions from said corporarion.

And since the deck is so rigged at the top, even an uncorrupted president would not be able to steer us back in the right direction. The answer is state and local government. We need constitutional, liberty defending elected representatives starting at the grass roots on a local scale all across the country. Obama and other establishment government officials are currently pushing hard to federalize local police to end this possibility, but it is still a possibility none the less. With the unprecedented centralization of power occurring around us, we are close to the point of no return before we become the next North Korea. It is not hard to argue that Obama is already every bit as much of a dictator Kim Jung Un as it is.

Yea, the Left and the Right are both "purchased" by big investors.

The Libertarian party wants the gold standard. Wonder why Fox News has a "gold investment" video every 30 seconds.

When CERTAIN Republicans didn't want to admit they voted for major flaws under Bush, they joined the Libertarian party. A basic, "It wasn't me" tactic.

The Libertarian party has the political knowledge base of a pre-schooler. Liberty no matter what, always.

Liberty is awesome. But Libertarians are too dumb to understand some Liberties infringe the Liberties of others.

Ron Paul and Jesse Ventura were actually smart and bold. What Fox News made Libertarians into is what we have today.
I don't know where you got the idea that fox news is Libertarian. They are about as establishment as it gets. And liberties don't trample on other's liberties. Americans are just at a point where they think it should be illegal if it offends them, I don't think it tramples on a gay persons liberty if I hold Christian values. But Obama says christians, conservatives, and veterans are terrorists.
The left claims to be tolerant, but the truth is that they are only tolerant if you agree with them 100% on every single issue. Otherwise your mentally ill or something
US politics are all about whether you are left or right, Democrat or Republican. We believe that we have a choice between these two ideologies. However, in reality we are going to get the same old thing at the end of the day regardless of which party currently holds power. And it is very naive to think that it's not by design. states"Adolf Hitler could run for president as a Democrat and Joseph Stalin as a Republican and one of them would lead our country." As scary of a thought that this is, it's really not that far from our current reality. Our president opened our borders without signing a law or so much as an executive order. He literally just dictated verbally to the border control not to stop illegals, and even went to the extent of releasing violent illegal immigrant criminals from jails and setting them loose in our country. But just because a Democrat was in power when this happened doesn't mean a Republican would have done any different. As usual, the root of all evil is money.

Big corporations, unions, pacs, and other elites support candidates from both sides ensuring that they win regardless of who is elected. If George Bush and Barack Obama both get campaign contributions from the same corporation, than they are going to receive the same conditions from said corporarion.

And since the deck is so rigged at the top, even an uncorrupted president would not be able to steer us back in the right direction. The answer is state and local government. We need constitutional, liberty defending elected representatives starting at the grass roots on a local scale all across the country. Obama and other establishment government officials are currently pushing hard to federalize local police to end this possibility, but it is still a possibility none the less. With the unprecedented centralization of power occurring around us, we are close to the point of no return before we become the next North Korea. It is not hard to argue that Obama is already every bit as much of a dictator Kim Jung Un as it is.

Yea, the Left and the Right are both "purchased" by big investors.

The Libertarian party wants the gold standard. Wonder why Fox News has a "gold investment" video every 30 seconds.

When CERTAIN Republicans didn't want to admit they voted for major flaws under Bush, they joined the Libertarian party. A basic, "It wasn't me" tactic.

The Libertarian party has the political knowledge base of a pre-schooler. Liberty no matter what, always.

Liberty is awesome. But Libertarians are too dumb to understand some Liberties infringe the Liberties of others.

Ron Paul and Jesse Ventura were actually smart and bold. What Fox News made Libertarians into is what we have today.
I don't know where you got the idea that fox news is Libertarian. They are about as establishment as it gets. And liberties don't trample on other's liberties. Americans are just at a point where they think it should be illegal if it offends them, I don't think it tramples on a gay persons liberty if I hold Christian values. But Obama says christians, conservatives, and veterans are terrorists.
The left claims to be tolerant, but the truth is that they are only tolerant if you agree with them 100% on every single issue. Otherwise your mentally ill or something
Any sufficiently dogmatic political ideology can be used as a basis for tyranny, just add fear. Libertarianism is every bit as dogmatic as Nazism or Communism and as fearful and angry as anything I have ever seen.
US politics are all about whether you are left or right, Democrat or Republican. We believe that we have a choice between these two ideologies. However, in reality we are going to get the same old thing at the end of the day regardless of which party currently holds power. And it is very naive to think that it's not by design. states"Adolf Hitler could run for president as a Democrat and Joseph Stalin as a Republican and one of them would lead our country." As scary of a thought that this is, it's really not that far from our current reality. Our president opened our borders without signing a law or so much as an executive order. He literally just dictated verbally to the border control not to stop illegals, and even went to the extent of releasing violent illegal immigrant criminals from jails and setting them loose in our country. But just because a Democrat was in power when this happened doesn't mean a Republican would have done any different. As usual, the root of all evil is money.

Big corporations, unions, pacs, and other elites support candidates from both sides ensuring that they win regardless of who is elected. If George Bush and Barack Obama both get campaign contributions from the same corporation, than they are going to receive the same conditions from said corporarion.

And since the deck is so rigged at the top, even an uncorrupted president would not be able to steer us back in the right direction. The answer is state and local government. We need constitutional, liberty defending elected representatives starting at the grass roots on a local scale all across the country. Obama and other establishment government officials are currently pushing hard to federalize local police to end this possibility, but it is still a possibility none the less. With the unprecedented centralization of power occurring around us, we are close to the point of no return before we become the next North Korea. It is not hard to argue that Obama is already every bit as much of a dictator Kim Jung Un as it is.

Yea, the Left and the Right are both "purchased" by big investors.

The Libertarian party wants the gold standard. Wonder why Fox News has a "gold investment" video every 30 seconds.

When CERTAIN Republicans didn't want to admit they voted for major flaws under Bush, they joined the Libertarian party. A basic, "It wasn't me" tactic.

The Libertarian party has the political knowledge base of a pre-schooler. Liberty no matter what, always.

Liberty is awesome. But Libertarians are too dumb to understand some Liberties infringe the Liberties of others.

Ron Paul and Jesse Ventura were actually smart and bold. What Fox News made Libertarians into is what we have today.
I don't know where you got the idea that fox news is Libertarian. They are about as establishment as it gets. And liberties don't trample on other's liberties. Americans are just at a point where they think it should be illegal if it offends them, I don't think it tramples on a gay persons liberty if I hold Christian values. But Obama says christians, conservatives, and veterans are terrorists.
The left claims to be tolerant, but the truth is that they are only tolerant if you agree with them 100% on every single issue. Otherwise your mentally ill or something
Any sufficiently dogmatic political ideology can be used as a basis for tyranny, just add fear. Libertarianism is every bit as dogmatic as Nazism or Communism and as fearful and angry as anything I have ever seen.
Libertarianism is about freedom, not fear and anger. It represents small and limited government specifically because big government will lead to tyranny. Personal liberties lead to prosperity. Anarchy on the other hand will lead to nothing but gangs such as Isis. It's never been perfectly balanced by any nation, but the fundamentals of libertarianism will make a country great like we once were.
US politics are all about whether you are left or right, Democrat or Republican. We believe that we have a choice between these two ideologies. However, in reality we are going to get the same old thing at the end of the day regardless of which party currently holds power. And it is very naive to think that it's not by design. states"Adolf Hitler could run for president as a Democrat and Joseph Stalin as a Republican and one of them would lead our country." As scary of a thought that this is, it's really not that far from our current reality. Our president opened our borders without signing a law or so much as an executive order. He literally just dictated verbally to the border control not to stop illegals, and even went to the extent of releasing violent illegal immigrant criminals from jails and setting them loose in our country. But just because a Democrat was in power when this happened doesn't mean a Republican would have done any different. As usual, the root of all evil is money.

Big corporations, unions, pacs, and other elites support candidates from both sides ensuring that they win regardless of who is elected. If George Bush and Barack Obama both get campaign contributions from the same corporation, than they are going to receive the same conditions from said corporarion.

And since the deck is so rigged at the top, even an uncorrupted president would not be able to steer us back in the right direction. The answer is state and local government. We need constitutional, liberty defending elected representatives starting at the grass roots on a local scale all across the country. Obama and other establishment government officials are currently pushing hard to federalize local police to end this possibility, but it is still a possibility none the less. With the unprecedented centralization of power occurring around us, we are close to the point of no return before we become the next North Korea. It is not hard to argue that Obama is already every bit as much of a dictator Kim Jung Un as it is.

Yea, the Left and the Right are both "purchased" by big investors.

The Libertarian party wants the gold standard. Wonder why Fox News has a "gold investment" video every 30 seconds.

When CERTAIN Republicans didn't want to admit they voted for major flaws under Bush, they joined the Libertarian party. A basic, "It wasn't me" tactic.

The Libertarian party has the political knowledge base of a pre-schooler. Liberty no matter what, always.

Liberty is awesome. But Libertarians are too dumb to understand some Liberties infringe the Liberties of others.

Ron Paul and Jesse Ventura were actually smart and bold. What Fox News made Libertarians into is what we have today.
I don't know where you got the idea that fox news is Libertarian. They are about as establishment as it gets. And liberties don't trample on other's liberties. Americans are just at a point where they think it should be illegal if it offends them, I don't think it tramples on a gay persons liberty if I hold Christian values. But Obama says christians, conservatives, and veterans are terrorists.
The left claims to be tolerant, but the truth is that they are only tolerant if you agree with them 100% on every single issue. Otherwise your mentally ill or something
Any sufficiently dogmatic political ideology can be used as a basis for tyranny, just add fear. Libertarianism is every bit as dogmatic as Nazism or Communism and as fearful and angry as anything I have ever seen.
Libertarianism is about freedom, not fear and anger. It represents small and limited government specifically because big government will lead to tyranny. Personal liberties lead to prosperity. Anarchy on the other hand will lead to nothing but gangs such as Isis. It's never been perfectly balanced by any nation, but the fundamentals of libertarianism will make a country great like we once were.
In the real world ideals and political fundamentals get thrown in the trash when briefcases full of cash show up. In some ways Libertarianism is more vulnerable to corruption than anything else because letting the wealthy do whatever they want can always be painted as advancing liberty even if they are more free to exploit, scam and pollute.
US politics are all about whether you are left or right, Democrat or Republican. We believe that we have a choice between these two ideologies. However, in reality we are going to get the same old thing at the end of the day regardless of which party currently holds power. And it is very naive to think that it's not by design. states"Adolf Hitler could run for president as a Democrat and Joseph Stalin as a Republican and one of them would lead our country." As scary of a thought that this is, it's really not that far from our current reality. Our president opened our borders without signing a law or so much as an executive order. He literally just dictated verbally to the border control not to stop illegals, and even went to the extent of releasing violent illegal immigrant criminals from jails and setting them loose in our country. But just because a Democrat was in power when this happened doesn't mean a Republican would have done any different. As usual, the root of all evil is money.

Big corporations, unions, pacs, and other elites support candidates from both sides ensuring that they win regardless of who is elected. If George Bush and Barack Obama both get campaign contributions from the same corporation, than they are going to receive the same conditions from said corporarion.

And since the deck is so rigged at the top, even an uncorrupted president would not be able to steer us back in the right direction. The answer is state and local government. We need constitutional, liberty defending elected representatives starting at the grass roots on a local scale all across the country. Obama and other establishment government officials are currently pushing hard to federalize local police to end this possibility, but it is still a possibility none the less. With the unprecedented centralization of power occurring around us, we are close to the point of no return before we become the next North Korea. It is not hard to argue that Obama is already every bit as much of a dictator Kim Jung Un as it is.

Yea, the Left and the Right are both "purchased" by big investors.

The Libertarian party wants the gold standard. Wonder why Fox News has a "gold investment" video every 30 seconds.

When CERTAIN Republicans didn't want to admit they voted for major flaws under Bush, they joined the Libertarian party. A basic, "It wasn't me" tactic.

The Libertarian party has the political knowledge base of a pre-schooler. Liberty no matter what, always.

Liberty is awesome. But Libertarians are too dumb to understand some Liberties infringe the Liberties of others.

Ron Paul and Jesse Ventura were actually smart and bold. What Fox News made Libertarians into is what we have today.
I don't know where you got the idea that fox news is Libertarian. They are about as establishment as it gets. And liberties don't trample on other's liberties. Americans are just at a point where they think it should be illegal if it offends them, I don't think it tramples on a gay persons liberty if I hold Christian values. But Obama says christians, conservatives, and veterans are terrorists.
The left claims to be tolerant, but the truth is that they are only tolerant if you agree with them 100% on every single issue. Otherwise your mentally ill or something
Any sufficiently dogmatic political ideology can be used as a basis for tyranny, just add fear. Libertarianism is every bit as dogmatic as Nazism or Communism and as fearful and angry as anything I have ever seen.
Libertarianism is about freedom, not fear and anger. It represents small and limited government specifically because big government will lead to tyranny. Personal liberties lead to prosperity. Anarchy on the other hand will lead to nothing but gangs such as Isis. It's never been perfectly balanced by any nation, but the fundamentals of libertarianism will make a country great like we once were.
In the real world ideals and political fundamentals get thrown in the trash when briefcases full of cash show up. In some ways Libertarianism is more vulnerable to corruption than anything else because letting the wealthy do whatever they want can always be painted as advancing liberty even if they are more free to exploit, scam and pollute.
I can't say I completely disagree, however some type of government is necesarry. And it would be hard to come up with something better than what our founding fathers did when our constitutional republic was born. The Constitution was written to where it could change over time and not become outdated, but with prosperity, people became lazy and obtained a false sense of entitlement which made it easy for corruption to sneak in. Giving individuals liberty and control over their own lives makes prosperity because you either EARN a living, or you fail. Nobody is going to pay for your healthcare so you can get a free sex change when all the gov. drugs mess up your brain. Limited government is the answer
we true American Patriots are losing our freedoms by the minute, as Rush said yesterday, the American flag will be the next assault by the fucking liberscum to ban as it represents racism just as badly as the Confederat flag. :up:

where Conservatives went wrong was giving in to the whiners, all backed by the commie left wing traitors :up:
we true American Patriots are losing our freedoms by the minute, as Rush said yesterday, the American flag will be the next assault by the fucking liberscum to ban as it represents racism just as badly as the Confederat flag. :up:

where Conservatives went wrong was giving in to the whiners, all backed by the commie left wing traitors :up:
The sad thing is that your right. A lot of schools have already banned the American flag because it is labeled as offensive by liberal whiners. Janet yelled left office and is now working at a college in California where she banned the expression "land of opportunity" along with many others because they could offend somebody who couldn't succeed. And while opportunities in America may be running low at the moment, patriotism should not die as a result. The problem should be fixed by returning to made us great in the first place

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