The "death" of the Republican Party will "save" America.

I haven't learned French because I have no plans to ever speak it.

I do speak German, but due to a lack of practice, not really the same thing.

Not even comparable to a religion at all. Not that I consider Mormonism to be a valid religion. If the purpose of starting a religion was to have sex with 34 women, that's a cult.

You don't think Joseph Smith was talking to God any more than I do. But Mitt Romney thinks he was. And if he really believes that, how can we trust his judgement on anything else?
Look at the amazingly stupid shit you believe. By your own standards, your judgement is untrustworthy.

Again, irrational haters always believe their hatred is justified. So stop insisting yours is.

Yeah, I know, I have crazy ideas like if I work for an insurance policy, they shouldn't fire me if I get sick.

And that if you believe in magic sky men, that's kind of silly.

BUt I'm not asking to have control of a nuclear arsenal.... Romney is.

Shit, man, I don't think there's a USMB poster I'd trust with nukes...
You keep proving my point. Thanks.

Dumbass. :lol:
We just have to outwait the Republicans, until they collapse demographically. The old bitter white males that make up their base are dropping like flies and not being replaced. Even Texas will turn blue around 2025.

The #1 reason as to why Republicans have to be knocked down to a minor regional party? Because they're delusional moral relativistic cranks who lie about _everything_. Their base is so rage-addled and conspiracy-driven that they drive out any candidate who doesn't lie to them. The GOP is now a party of delusion and paranoia, and that creates disaster when it gets implemented at a national level.

It's not possible for the Republicans to fix themselves. They sent themselves into political hell by selling their souls to their rabid base, and they can't ever climb out again. The fix has to be imposed from outside, basically by exterminating them as a political force and allowing them to start over.
The only point you have is at the top of your head...
No, no, not at all. You've repeatedly stated that you have logical reasons for your irrational hatred...then fail to provide them, choosing instead to restate your irrationality.

Actually, they are only illogical to you beause your hate for Obama blinds you to anything else.

Romney could be sacrificing goats to the Voodoo Gods, and you'd still support him because you hate Obama so much.
We just have to outwait the Republicans, until they collapse demographically. The old bitter white males that make up their base are dropping like flies and not being replaced. Even Texas will turn blue around 2025.

The #1 reason as to why Republicans have to be knocked down to a minor regional party? Because they're delusional moral relativistic cranks who lie about _everything_. Their base is so rage-addled and conspiracy-driven that they drive out any candidate who doesn't lie to them. The GOP is now a party of delusion and paranoia, and that creates disaster when it gets implemented at a national level.

It's not possible for the Republicans to fix themselves. They sent themselves into political hell by selling their souls to their rabid base, and they can't ever climb out again. The fix has to be imposed from outside, basically by exterminating them as a political force and allowing them to start over.

I think the Republicans CAN fix themselves...

I think, first, they have to get right with working folks.

I think they need to get rid of hte Nativists- Most Hispanics are socially and fiscally conservative and would be a good fit, if you didn't have the Sherrif Joe faction chasing them off.

The thing is that George W. Bush was able to get the fringe right behind him with little trouble, and then was able to largely ignore it and even take it to task.

Romney isn't trusted by the far right, he has to constantly reassure them, and he comes off as clinging and kind of phony.
We just have to outwait the Republicans, until they collapse demographically. The old bitter white males that make up their base are dropping like flies and not being replaced. Even Texas will turn blue around 2025.

The #1 reason as to why Republicans have to be knocked down to a minor regional party? Because they're delusional moral relativistic cranks who lie about _everything_. Their base is so rage-addled and conspiracy-driven that they drive out any candidate who doesn't lie to them. The GOP is now a party of delusion and paranoia, and that creates disaster when it gets implemented at a national level.

It's not possible for the Republicans to fix themselves. They sent themselves into political hell by selling their souls to their rabid base, and they can't ever climb out again. The fix has to be imposed from outside, basically by exterminating them as a political force and allowing them to start over.

We just have to outwait the Republicans, until they collapse demographically. The old bitter white males that make up their base are dropping like flies and not being replaced.

Evangelicals don't have a higher birthrate than pro-abort libs?
Their kids tend to be liberals. Most young people are. And the political affiliation you have at age 30 is generally the one you'll keep your whole life, which spells major problems for the GOP.
Their kids tend to be liberals. Most young people are. And the political affiliation you have at age 30 is generally the one you'll keep your whole life, which spells major problems for the GOP.

Again, not really.

When I was a young conservative, most of my peers were pretty liberal, even with the resounding success of the Reagan presidency.

Now I'm finding a lot of those folks are more right wing than I ever was on my worst pre-2008 day.
Their kids tend to be liberals. Most young people are. And the political affiliation you have at age 30 is generally the one you'll keep your whole life, which spells major problems for the GOP.

Their kids tend to be liberals.

Most kids tend to be liberal.
Then they smarten up and become conservative.
Obama's failures have turned a chunk of recent, unemployed grads conservative.
That spells major problems for him in November.
Just one more reason why he'll be gone.
The only point you have is at the top of your head...
No, no, not at all. You've repeatedly stated that you have logical reasons for your irrational hatred...then fail to provide them, choosing instead to restate your irrationality.

Actually, they are only illogical to you beause your hate for Obama blinds you to anything else.

Romney could be sacrificing goats to the Voodoo Gods, and you'd still support him because you hate Obama so much.
Y'know, you have yet to actually point out any of this alleged hatred.

You ever going to get around to that?

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