The Dark Side Within


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
Are you human? Are you willing to admit that you too have a 'dark side'?

We all do. Have a dark side. Some embrace their dark side more than others.

Darkness needn't be criminal. Is the person who can't stop whining about everything any less dark than the candidate for anger management, the pervert, or the smarmy politician?

A dark-side embracing psychopath or sociopath can be positively dangerous. Although those pathologies are two traits that increase survivability in the grand scheme of free-market, survival-of-the-most-fit evolution.

Who among us can't site an example or two of highly successful, uncaring pricks?

The Dark Side. Celebrated in film, literature and music. The source of that primal voice within.

The selfish voice we know the best that tells me what is "mine."
The hungry, insecure voice that confidently urges "more."

The Dark Side. More than just a voice in the conversation.

A cruel urge to kill for the simple pleasure of watching that fucking cock-roach die.

Christians call it our 'sinful nature'.

Thank (insert your preferred Deity here) for that other voice. :)

The voice of reason, the voice of God, the voice of education and maturity, call it what you will... it's the other voice in our Sentient conversation within.

:dunno: Can you imagine the frustration of trying to have the conversation in your head without language?

And The Word was God. :thup:
Are you human? Are you willing to admit that you too have a 'dark side'?

We all do. Have a dark side. Some embrace their dark side more than others.

Darkness needn't be criminal. Is the person who can't stop whining about everything any less dark than the candidate for anger management, the pervert, or the smarmy politician?

A dark-side embracing psychopath or sociopath can be positively dangerous. Although those pathologies are two traits that increase survivability in the grand scheme of free-market, survival-of-the-most-fit evolution.

Who among us can't site an example or two of highly successful, uncaring pricks?


More empirically there's no dark side because there's no light side. There's just one side, the side. No light or dark, good or evil, just actions and consequences. Light-dark and good-evil are constructs we've developed to help explain different actions, but the fact that no one ever accuses other animals of being evil animals helps illustrate the nonexistance of good and evil.

Fight/Flight response is what's really going on when we describe actions as good or evil. A 'good' action is flight, an 'evil' actions fight.
Are you human? Are you willing to admit that you too have a 'dark side'?

We all do. Have a dark side. Some embrace their dark side more than others.

Darkness needn't be criminal. Is the person who can't stop whining about everything any less dark than the candidate for anger management, the pervert, or the smarmy politician?

A dark-side embracing psychopath or sociopath can be positively dangerous. Although those pathologies are two traits that increase survivability in the grand scheme of free-market, survival-of-the-most-fit evolution.

Who among us can't site an example or two of highly successful, uncaring pricks?


More empirically there's no dark side because there's no light side. There's just one side, the side. No light or dark, good or evil, just actions and consequences. Light-dark and good-evil are constructs we've developed to help explain different actions, but the fact that no one ever accuses other animals of being evil animals helps illustrate the nonexistance of good and evil.

Fight/Flight response is what's really going on when we describe actions as good or evil. A 'good' action is flight, an 'evil' actions fight.
Hi there Delta :smile:..that's a hard concept for those who follow the dualist concepts hence the use of good and evil.
I am a believer in the non dualist concepts so i find your view quite logical.

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