The Cosmos

Did a man named George Washington ever exist? Yes, we have books and movies about a man named George Washington.
Have you ever seen George Washington yourself or heard his voice? No? Then how do you know for certain George Washington ever existed?

You claim God does not exist. We have books and movies about God. You have never seen God nor have you heard His voice. Now, do you still claim George Washington existed but God doesn't?

No one said Washington parted the Delaware or performed miracles. I have no reason not to believe in Washington.

He was a lot like you though.

He never told a lie??????
He tossed a penny across the Delaware??????
Did a man named George Washington ever exist? Yes, we have books and movies about a man named George Washington.
Have you ever seen George Washington yourself or heard his voice? No? Then how do you know for certain George Washington ever existed?

You claim God does not exist. We have books and movies about God. You have never seen God nor have you heard His voice. Now, do you still claim George Washington existed but God doesn't?

No one said Washington parted the Delaware or performed miracles. I have no reason not to believe in Washington.

He was a lot like you though.

He never told a lie??????
He tossed a penny across the Delaware??????

Have you watched the Cosmos yet? I seriously doubt it. Because it is better than any holy book or preacher. It explains our human history/existence and god is such a primitive concept that we came up with a long time ago when we were not very bright. I don't care if people think I'm mean. Boo fucking hoo. Religious thought has held us back for far too long. It is time to rid our species of the idea that we are special. How many appendages do you have? 5? So does a duck, cow, dog, lion. We all have basically 2 arms, legs and one head.

Think about it. Life has been on this planet for millions of years and us humans only 1 million. For millions of years the dinosaurs ruled and before them the Trilobites ruled for 300 million years before them.

Us humans have only begun to understand. Stop with the superstitious super natural shit that doesn't exist. Stop worshipping Saint Nick and all the other saints. Time to make Newton and Einstein and Gallaleo and Bruno into saints. If not for them we'd still be in the stone ages. Religion held us back for thousands of years. No more.

At least in America and Europe you hear very very little about god now a days. And most people you ask don't take those bible stories literally. About time.
There are more things in heaven and earth, than are dreamed of in our philosophy.

I was enthralled by Carl Sagan's Cosmos. I used to make sure I was home every Sunday to watch it.

I really wanted to like the new one, but just couldn't Part of it was the cartoons - it often came off like a Jack Chick tract, crudely animated with contrived messages. The actual science presented was mostly on a 6th grade level. But the worst element was how "preachy" the damned thing was. I watched all of it, but was very disappointed in it.

I wonder if I would still be as interested in the old Sagan series now, or if nostalgia plays a part?
There are more things in heaven and earth, than are dreamed of in our philosophy.

I was enthralled by Carl Sagan's Cosmos. I used to make sure I was home every Sunday to watch it.

I really wanted to like the new one, but just couldn't Part of it was the cartoons - it often came off like a Jack Chick tract, crudely animated with contrived messages. The actual science presented was mostly on a 6th grade level. But the worst element was how "preachy" the damned thing was. I watched all of it, but was very disappointed in it.

I wonder if I would still be as interested in the old Sagan series now, or if nostalgia plays a part?

I found the old one at my local library. Seriously, watch it again. And it's better now because you can rewind and watch again and no commerccials. Only a few updates from what we knew then and what new has been discovered.

The old one comes to the same conclusion that religion and superstition have held us back. The Great Alexander Library, great knowledge that came from the middle east and Asia and South America. People thousands of years figured shit out and it all got lost and we went through 2000 years of a religious/superstitious mind fuck. Astrology won over Astronomy. They use to be one and the same but they split. Astronomy became science and astrology became religion.

I can't remember the name of the ruler but one Catholic ruler said he'd rather burn the country down than rule over Heretics. What is that? A person believing in or practicing religious heresy. So religion breaks science rule #1. Challenge authority.

For example, we now know evolution is a fact. Our biology is the same as trees and birds and snakes and dinosaurs. And life has been around for millions of years before humans evolved. Trilobites and Dinosaurs ruled for millions of years. Us only for a blink of an eye. And if it weren't for this knowledge we wouldn't have a lot of the cures we have today. But this was herecy up until 1700.

So think about the history of the universe and how long us humans have been around. The Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago. Put it on a calendar. Jan 1 Big Bang. 11 billion years ago the Milky Way formed. Our sun didn't form until Sept 1st of the Cosmic calendar. Sept 21st life started. 3.5 billion years ago life started. Nov 9th Microbes and sex, eating, breathing started to happen. December 17th the first land animals, Dinosaurs, birds, reptiles, insects. December 28th the first flower. 1 million years the Dinosaurs ruled. All of human history that has been recorded happened in the last 14 seconds of the cosmic calendar. Everyone you know or have ever heard of exists on the last hour of the last day.

Our ancestors are 3.5 million years old. Humans have existed for over 40.000 generations. Oh yea, in the Cosmos they'll tell a story about a guy who figured out the earth was a lot older than 6500 years. He did the math and the theists suppressed that knowledge from us.

At 11:59 of the Cosmic calendar, we started painting. 30,000 years ago. We started writing 14 seconds ago. Moses 7 sec, Jesus 5, Mohammad 3.

The Cosmos points out the truth about our history no matter how uncomfortable that makes people.
Forget the big bang and single cell organisms. How many other times have you guys been proven wrong. Has it ever mattered to you? No. So even if we are one day able to prove conclusively that we did come from single cell organisms, that won't change your mind. You'll just say that's how god did it. He planted a seed. See, I use to be a person who believed in a god and evolution so I was able to use cognitive dissonance and cherry picking to decide what I wanted to believe. What I want to be true has no bearing on my conclusions.

If all things are possible, why isn't the big bang possible? Most theists believe in the big bang now. You're just a hold out.

Can't your god defy math? Then the big bang and evolution are possible. Right?

With God ALL things are possible. We accept the Big Bang. God spoke and (bang!!!) it was so. Why should God defy math? God created math for us.

See? It won't matter to you either way. The thing about science is the truth is so much better than your ancient stories. And the thing about your religion is since science your god has gotten smaller and smaller. Its called god of the gaps. Once god did lightening and thunder. Then science explained those things and you just moved on to all the other things we don't know. Now those things are because of a god.

Even if one day you realized your religion is just one of 1000 and it isn't real, you'll still believe in a generic god. No full blown theist goes from theist to atheist. They might get mad at god but they aren't smart enough to ever grasp that there is no need for a god. The universe is eternal.

God spoke and bang? Then 13.5 million years later humans evolved to have a brain big enough to learn to write and make up stories and have a history. We've been around for a mere 40,000 years. Maybe 1 million at the most. Hell, you say only 6500. If we are so special, why did it take so long? Did the dinosaurs sin or were they a mistake?

When you read the bible or any other book it is so clear that ancient men wrote it. Christianity is so outdated.

PS. Do you know who is sure there is a god? The guys in ISIS and the guys running around Paris shooting people for them drawing their god Allah or Mohammad in a satirical magazine. They are pathetic and so are you.
With the preponderance of evidence supporting both biological and cosmic evolution, all but the the most Fundamentalist Christians will eventually accept some form of theistic evolution most probably that there is a God, but he was not directly involved in the origin of life. He may have created the building blocks, He may have created the natural laws, He may even have created these things with the eventual emergence of life in mind, but at some point early on He stepped back and let His creation take over. He let it do what it does, whatever that is, and life eventually emerged from non-living material. This view is similar to atheistic evolution in that it presumes a naturalistic origin of life.

What is theistic evolution

There actually may be a creator of our universe. When you look at our bodies on a molecular level, you see a tiny universe within us. If you look at a drop of water you see a tiny planet of many living things. After watching the Cosmos I truly believe in Multiverses. Our universe is just one universe in an infinate number of universes. Like bubbles one might die out but another one appears and each one lasts billions and billions of years. Maybe we are just a universe in some giant cows body on a planet somewhere called Merth? And that cow lives on just one planet in his solar system in his galaxy in his universe and he too can see billions of universes. And remember, we're just the size of an atom in his body. The possibilities are amazing.

And I love it how we've been on this planet for a million years. 200-40,000 years ago we got smart but only 5000 years ago we got smart enough to write and organize and have great societies who philosophized and imagined and low and behold god finally showed up only 5000 year ago and talked to the Jews? Then 2000 years ago Jesus and then 500 years ago Mohammad? What took him so long?

Anyways, I'm open to there being a creator. They'll just have to prove it and I am not going to accept their ancient lies.

There is no evidence to support any of the claims made in the Bible concerning the existence of a god. Any ‘evidence’ proposed by theists to support the Bible’s various historical and supernatural claims is non-existent at best, manufactured at worst.

The Bible is not self-authenticating; it is simply one of many religious texts. Like those other texts, it itself constitutes no evidence for the existence of a god. Its florid prose and fanciful content do not legitimise it nor distinguish it from other ancient works of literature.

The Bible is historically inaccurate, factually incorrect, inconsistent and contradictory. It was artificially constructed by a group of men in antiquity and is poorly translated, heavily altered and selectively interpreted. Entire sections of the text have been redacted over time.

There is no contemporary evidence for Jesus’ existence or the Bible’s account of his life; no artefacts, dwellings, works of carpentry, self-written manuscripts, court records, eyewitness testimony, official diaries, birth records, reflections on his significance or written disputes about his teachings. Nothing survives from the time in which he is said to have lived.

All historical references to Jesus derive from hearsay accounts written decades or centuries after his supposed death. These historical references generally refer to early Christians rather than a historical Jesus and, in some cases, directly contradict the Gospels or were deliberately manufactured.

The Gospels themselves contradict one-another [2] on many key events and were constructed by unknown authors up to a century after the events they describe are said to have occurred. They are not eyewitness accounts. The New Testament, as a whole, contains many internal inconsistencies as a result of its piecemeal construction and isfactually incorrect on several historical claims, such as the early existence of Nazareth, the reign of Herod and the Roman census. Like the Old Testament, it too has had entire books and sections redacted.

The Biblical account of Jesus has striking similarities with other mythologies and textsand many of his supposed teachings existed prior to his time. It is likely the character was either partly or entirely invented [2] by competing first century messianic cults from an amalgamation of Greco-Roman, Egyptian and Judeo-Apocalyptic myths and prophecies.

Even if Jesus’ existence could be established, this would in no way validate Christian theology or any element of the story portrayed in the Bible, such as the performance of miracles or the resurrection. Simply because it is conceivable a heretical Jewish preacher named Yeshua lived circa 30 AD, had followers and was executed, does not imply the son of a god walked the Earth at that time.

The motivation for belief in a divine, salvational Jesus breaks down when you accept evolution:

“Now, if the book of Genesis is an allegory, then sin is an allegory, the Fall is an allegory and the need for a Savior is an allegory – but if we are all descendants of an allegory, where does that leave us? It destroys the foundation of all Christian doctrine—it destroys the foundation of the gospel.” - Ken Ham
Although I think the BS from fundamentalist Christians is rather silly, the enormity and grandeur of the cosmos definitely suggest that a superior intelligence laid down the scientific laws that are the underpinnings of matter, energy, and creation. There just is no other reasonable explanation at this time.

And that's the thing. Us Atheists are completely open to the possibility that something created us. We seek the truth. And in the Cosmos Carl Sagan explains why the belief in a super natural being or creator is so appealing to us humans. Our primitive ancestors thought the same thing, naturally. It came natural to them. Curious, superstitious. Can't imagine any other way. Life is too perfect they said. Being at the top of the food chain it sure seems like we are gods favorite. But then we realize now that other animals have been around for a lot longer than us and we come from them.

Trilobites are a well-known fossil group of extinct marine arthropods that form the class Trilobita. Trilobites form one of the earliest known groups of arthropods. The first appearance of trilobites in the fossil record defines the base of the Atdabanian stage of the Early Cambrian period (521 million years ago), and they flourished throughout the lower Paleozoic era before beginning a drawn-out decline to extinction when, during the Devonian, all trilobite orders except Proetida died out. Trilobites finally disappeared in the mass extinction at the end of the Permian about 250 million years ago. The trilobites were among the most successful of all early animals, roaming the oceans for over 270 million years.
I found the old one at my local library. Seriously, watch it again. And it's better now because you can rewind and watch again and no commerccials. Only a few updates from what we knew then and what new has been discovered.

The old one comes to the same conclusion that religion and superstition have held us back. The Great Alexander Library, great knowledge that came from the middle east and Asia and South America. People thousands of years figured shit out and it all got lost and we went through 2000 years of a religious/superstitious mind fuck. Astrology won over Astronomy. They use to be one and the same but they split. Astronomy became science and astrology became religion.

I can't remember the name of the ruler but one Catholic ruler said he'd rather burn the country down than rule over Heretics. What is that? A person believing in or practicing religious heresy. So religion breaks science rule #1. Challenge authority.

For example, we now know evolution is a fact. Our biology is the same as trees and birds and snakes and dinosaurs. And life has been around for millions of years before humans evolved. Trilobites and Dinosaurs ruled for millions of years. Us only for a blink of an eye. And if it weren't for this knowledge we wouldn't have a lot of the cures we have today. But this was herecy up until 1700.

So think about the history of the universe and how long us humans have been around. The Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago. Put it on a calendar. Jan 1 Big Bang. 11 billion years ago the Milky Way formed. Our sun didn't form until Sept 1st of the Cosmic calendar. Sept 21st life started. 3.5 billion years ago life started. Nov 9th Microbes and sex, eating, breathing started to happen. December 17th the first land animals, Dinosaurs, birds, reptiles, insects. December 28th the first flower. 1 million years the Dinosaurs ruled. All of human history that has been recorded happened in the last 14 seconds of the cosmic calendar. Everyone you know or have ever heard of exists on the last hour of the last day.

Our ancestors are 3.5 million years old. Humans have existed for over 40.000 generations. Oh yea, in the Cosmos they'll tell a story about a guy who figured out the earth was a lot older than 6500 years. He did the math and the theists suppressed that knowledge from us.

At 11:59 of the Cosmic calendar, we started painting. 30,000 years ago. We started writing 14 seconds ago. Moses 7 sec, Jesus 5, Mohammad 3.

The Cosmos points out the truth about our history no matter how uncomfortable that makes people.

That's all very nice, but I don't need to be feed pablum by the guy who drew Beavis and Butt Head. Tyson is probably a great choice to teach 3rd grade science, but his war on Christians makes him obnoxious and the preaching makes him intolerable.
It just doesn't work. It's just junk science and myth:

Abiogenesis enigma Protein 8217 s origin Releasing the Truth

Please in the future only submit evidence that has already gone through peer review.

Does it bother you that we are related to trees and bugs? Everything alive is related.

In Sept of the cosmic calendar molecules became complex. They made DNA. They began to reproduce, plants and yes cells joined and became multi cell organisms. Mutations happen all the time. Some are improvements such as the polar bear turning white from brown. Or the Emperor Crab, Dogs, Cows, horses. Through artificial selection we have gotten rid of plants and animals we don't want and now corn, wheat, rice grow. Do you think that was natural selection?

In November the Microbes invented sex. By accident. December 1st the sky was made by life. Life breathing created the atmosphere.

Dec 15th the Cambrain explosion. Life exploded. Dec 20th plants. Our ancestor the Lung fish left water for land for good. Trees and reptiles Dec 23rd. Dec 26th first mammals. 27th birds. Dec 30th first monkeys.
In your link, "How does Science PROVE the Bible" You claim that Genesis 7:11 is scientific proof of the Bible. The logic seems to be that Noah reported fountains in the ocean. We are to assume that these fountains are the result of Hydrothermal Vents on the ocean floor discovered by scientists in 1977. This proves nothing other than Noah saw what he believed to be a fountain of water in the ocean. Maybe it was cataracts since he was 600 years old Or maybe it was the result of Hydrothermal Vents or maybe it was just a whale spout. There is no way knowing what he saw, or even saw anything at all.

This is certainly good evidence as to why we should not consider the Bible a book of science. The Bible is a collection of 66 books written by 40 authors over 1500 years ago in 3 different language. Scholars can't agree on what the various verses mean so we have over 50 versions in English with varying interpretations. No one in his right mind can claim the Bible offers scientific proof of anything.

However, this does not alter in any way the religious significance and purpose of the Bible which has nothing to do with Science and everything to do with man's relationship to God.

Whatever pushes your button
It's your link, How does Science PROVE the Bible
Even the title is screwed up. It is text in the Bible that is being submitted as proof of something, not Science. The whole article is illogically.

Actually we don't have to prove anything. Your own evolutionist scientists have been caught in enough fraud to totally make any comment on evolution suspect.

Big Bang Theory Busted By 33 Top Scientists

This is absurd. Because of science we know where and when the universe started. It was the big bang moment. With computers we can run simulations based on where the stars are all going and track them back to where they started. Are you still arguing the flat earth theory? Because of science we also know how big the universe is, how many other stars/suns are out there, what gravity is, atoms, microbes, fossels, bacteria, etc.

You theists already had your chance. Your 7 day 6500 year story didn't hold up. Do you have another story or is it Big Bang vs. your Creation story? Because if it is, we already won.

And if a supernatural being caused the big bang, prove it. If a creator/god created us, prove it. Otherwise all you have is a 2000 year old lie. The Jews have a 5000 year old lie. The Muslims have a 500 year old lie and the Mormons have a 200 year old lie. The Greek gods before the Jews was a lie too.

No, we have God and the Bible. The Bible states that all things are possible with God. Mathematics says your big bang is impossible and your single cell organism is also impossible.

What you are saying is not true. At least not yet. It hasn't gone through peer review yet. Why do you keep saying it as if it is a fact? Why all of the sudden do you believe what a scientists/mathamatician is saying? Bias? Are you a liar? Of course you are. But you get a pass because you believe in Jesus right? This is another reason why your religion is bullshit. You get to be evil war mongering liars and greedy hypocrites and go to heaven? Pathetic.
I found the old one at my local library. Seriously, watch it again. And it's better now because you can rewind and watch again and no commerccials. Only a few updates from what we knew then and what new has been discovered.

The old one comes to the same conclusion that religion and superstition have held us back. The Great Alexander Library, great knowledge that came from the middle east and Asia and South America. People thousands of years figured shit out and it all got lost and we went through 2000 years of a religious/superstitious mind fuck. Astrology won over Astronomy. They use to be one and the same but they split. Astronomy became science and astrology became religion.

I can't remember the name of the ruler but one Catholic ruler said he'd rather burn the country down than rule over Heretics. What is that? A person believing in or practicing religious heresy. So religion breaks science rule #1. Challenge authority.

For example, we now know evolution is a fact. Our biology is the same as trees and birds and snakes and dinosaurs. And life has been around for millions of years before humans evolved. Trilobites and Dinosaurs ruled for millions of years. Us only for a blink of an eye. And if it weren't for this knowledge we wouldn't have a lot of the cures we have today. But this was herecy up until 1700.

So think about the history of the universe and how long us humans have been around. The Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago. Put it on a calendar. Jan 1 Big Bang. 11 billion years ago the Milky Way formed. Our sun didn't form until Sept 1st of the Cosmic calendar. Sept 21st life started. 3.5 billion years ago life started. Nov 9th Microbes and sex, eating, breathing started to happen. December 17th the first land animals, Dinosaurs, birds, reptiles, insects. December 28th the first flower. 1 million years the Dinosaurs ruled. All of human history that has been recorded happened in the last 14 seconds of the cosmic calendar. Everyone you know or have ever heard of exists on the last hour of the last day.

Our ancestors are 3.5 million years old. Humans have existed for over 40.000 generations. Oh yea, in the Cosmos they'll tell a story about a guy who figured out the earth was a lot older than 6500 years. He did the math and the theists suppressed that knowledge from us.

At 11:59 of the Cosmic calendar, we started painting. 30,000 years ago. We started writing 14 seconds ago. Moses 7 sec, Jesus 5, Mohammad 3.

The Cosmos points out the truth about our history no matter how uncomfortable that makes people.

That's all very nice, but I don't need to be feed pablum by the guy who drew Beavis and Butt Head. Tyson is probably a great choice to teach 3rd grade science, but his war on Christians makes him obnoxious and the preaching makes him intolerable.

When your side trashes great men like Tyson & Sagan, you should know it only hurts your credibility and makes us question your sincerity and motives. Or it reminds me of when conservatives don't like Obama or Clinton but know they are popular so what they do is instead of discussing the issues they just attack the character. Or Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reed. You guys
I found the old one at my local library. Seriously, watch it again. And it's better now because you can rewind and watch again and no commerccials. Only a few updates from what we knew then and what new has been discovered.

The old one comes to the same conclusion that religion and superstition have held us back. The Great Alexander Library, great knowledge that came from the middle east and Asia and South America. People thousands of years figured shit out and it all got lost and we went through 2000 years of a religious/superstitious mind fuck. Astrology won over Astronomy. They use to be one and the same but they split. Astronomy became science and astrology became religion.

I can't remember the name of the ruler but one Catholic ruler said he'd rather burn the country down than rule over Heretics. What is that? A person believing in or practicing religious heresy. So religion breaks science rule #1. Challenge authority.

For example, we now know evolution is a fact. Our biology is the same as trees and birds and snakes and dinosaurs. And life has been around for millions of years before humans evolved. Trilobites and Dinosaurs ruled for millions of years. Us only for a blink of an eye. And if it weren't for this knowledge we wouldn't have a lot of the cures we have today. But this was herecy up until 1700.

So think about the history of the universe and how long us humans have been around. The Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago. Put it on a calendar. Jan 1 Big Bang. 11 billion years ago the Milky Way formed. Our sun didn't form until Sept 1st of the Cosmic calendar. Sept 21st life started. 3.5 billion years ago life started. Nov 9th Microbes and sex, eating, breathing started to happen. December 17th the first land animals, Dinosaurs, birds, reptiles, insects. December 28th the first flower. 1 million years the Dinosaurs ruled. All of human history that has been recorded happened in the last 14 seconds of the cosmic calendar. Everyone you know or have ever heard of exists on the last hour of the last day.

Our ancestors are 3.5 million years old. Humans have existed for over 40.000 generations. Oh yea, in the Cosmos they'll tell a story about a guy who figured out the earth was a lot older than 6500 years. He did the math and the theists suppressed that knowledge from us.

At 11:59 of the Cosmic calendar, we started painting. 30,000 years ago. We started writing 14 seconds ago. Moses 7 sec, Jesus 5, Mohammad 3.

The Cosmos points out the truth about our history no matter how uncomfortable that makes people.

That's all very nice, but I don't need to be feed pablum by the guy who drew Beavis and Butt Head. Tyson is probably a great choice to teach 3rd grade science, but his war on Christians makes him obnoxious and the preaching makes him intolerable.

It is not a war on Christianity. Its a war on all religions that are based on a lie. Christianity just happens to be the new reigning lie with the Muslims and Jews being 2nd and 3rd. Sorry if the truth makes you uncomfortable. As scientists we are told to question everything, even authority. Sorry we know the history of man and religion and that we are smart enough to figure out religions are all made up. If you want to believe something must have created us fine but to tell us stories of when the creator visited and said everyone but your tribe will go to hell? Are you dumb or do you think we are? I guess people are dumb because way too many of them join your cult or the other ones. But the good news is science and atheism are catching on. I am not anti god by the way. I would love to find a creator. I'm just not convinced with your theory. You need to go back to the drawing board.

By the way, when you attack Sagan and Tyson, it only hurts your credibility. Sort of like when you trash Obama or Clinton. It only makes you look like a douche bag to people who like them. Remember your side trashed Al Franken like he was the devil? Seems harmless to me. Perhaps you just don't like his position on things? So please don't get mad when Tyson points out that for thousands of years your church killed anyone who spoke the truth or questioned their authority. You can't wash that history away. Thanks for the internet and freedom of speech/thought.
It is not a war on Christianity. Its a war on all religions that are based on a lie. Christianity just happens to be the new reigning lie with the Muslims and Jews being 2nd and 3rd. Sorry if the truth makes you uncomfortable. As scientists we are told to question everything, even authority. Sorry we know the history of man and religion and that we are smart enough to figure out religions are all made up. If you want to believe something must have created us fine but to tell us stories of when the creator visited and said everyone but your tribe will go to hell? Are you dumb or do you think we are? I guess people are dumb because way too many of them join your cult or the other ones. But the good news is science and atheism are catching on. I am not anti god by the way. I would love to find a creator. I'm just not convinced with your theory. You need to go back to the drawing board.

By the way, when you attack Sagan and Tyson, it only hurts your credibility. Sort of like when you trash Obama or Clinton. It only makes you look like a douche bag to people who like them. Remember your side trashed Al Franken like he was the devil? Seems harmless to me. Perhaps you just don't like his position on things? So please don't get mad when Tyson points out that for thousands of years your church killed anyone who spoke the truth or questioned their authority. You can't wash that history away. Thanks for the internet and freedom of speech/thought.

{Perhaps the most gratuitous display of holiday season boorishness came from the Twitter account of religion-baiting scientist Neil deGrasse Tyson. The ubiquitous astrophysicist spent Christmas Day mocking those who celebrate the birth of Jesus.

“QUESTION: This year what do all the world’s Muslims and Jews call December 25th,” he tweeted. “ANSWER: Thursday.”

Eight minutes later Tyson sent another epistle from his @neiltyson Twitter account: “On this day long ago, a child was born who, by age 30, would transform the world. Happy Birthday Isaac Newton b. Dec 25, 1642.”

Tysons’ tweeps tend to worship the man, but some found his Christmas snark unappealing. “Hi @neiltyson, trolling Christians on Dec. 25 is so EDGY,” wrote one. “Please let me know when you troll Muslims on Ramadan. Merry Christmas!”

Once upon a time, Tyson’s frequent attacks on Christianity would have been considered blasphemy. Today, it’s called Internet trolling. In the Middle Ages, he might have been burned at the stake. In the 21st century, he has a television show. I suppose that’s progress, although distinguishing yourself for boorish behavior in an election year is an accomplishment in itself.

Read more: Neil deGrasse Tyson Troll of the Year RealClearPolitics
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Anyone who believes in God needs to watch the Cosmos. Watch the new one with Neil Degrasse Tyson and the old one with Carl Sagan. Once you learn the history of man, science and religion you will realize god(s) were made up long before we decided to just go with one god. Religious ignorance has held us back thousands of years. Religious people love to brag that it was on their watch that we came up with cures and that it was religious people who got us on the moon. They expose their ignorance to the fact that many of the scientists were/are atheists. They try to ignore the history of how many scientists were put to death for heresy by the churches for things that turned out to be correct. But today the church doesn't get so upset if you suggest the earth isn't the center of the universe or that the sun revolves around the earth because churches change with the times. They've learned not to fight science and instead ignore your anti scientific history and embrace science. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

300 years before Christ, Aristarchus of Samos discovered the earth was not the center of the universe. But it wasn't until the year 1500 of our lord that someone dared suggest it again. Who squashed this fact for 1800 years? Religion.

Think about instead of the 50 year cold war and all the other wars we fought if we would have put the time and energy into colonizing Mars. Take all the nukes we have built since the 1950's and tell me how much money that is. Human beings are stupid. One way to tell how dumb someone is, ask them if they believe in god.
One way to tell how dumb someone is, ask them if they believe in god.
is that one way?....just play along here Bobo.....what if Steven Hawking said he believes in a higher "being" "power" or a higher something....would you still think he is a dumbass?...some rather intelligent people are able to keep their Beliefs separate from what they can observe....if a "God" does indeed exist, he used science to create all this...what opportunist did afterwards to get power is another matter....and those kinds of people have always been around....

Just look at what belief in god has done for us as a society. We are so dumb we got into the cold war with Russia. How many time and money has been wasted on war in the last 100 or so years from WW1 to now? So I don't even have to tell you about the stupid human history of the past because we are living in it. And please don't say that the Cold War was good vs. evil. Where you see your side as good and the other guys as evil. I think Russia is evil too but I'm sure people in Russia think we are evil and bullying them. And really, it isn't the people of russia and America. It's the rulers of our countries that are warring with each other. And they send us stupid little sheep to die for them. We fight wars so Pepsi can sell their products in the middle east.

Believing in God is ONE WAY to tell how dumb we all are. It should be a test. But you have to give people both sides of the argument. Let them know the history of our religion as well as what your holy books say. At least now things are fair. You can preach to a person but that person has the opportunity to go on the internet and do their own research. I strongly advise them to watch the Cosmos.
It is not a war on Christianity. Its a war on all religions that are based on a lie. Christianity just happens to be the new reigning lie with the Muslims and Jews being 2nd and 3rd. Sorry if the truth makes you uncomfortable. As scientists we are told to question everything, even authority. Sorry we know the history of man and religion and that we are smart enough to figure out religions are all made up. If you want to believe something must have created us fine but to tell us stories of when the creator visited and said everyone but your tribe will go to hell? Are you dumb or do you think we are? I guess people are dumb because way too many of them join your cult or the other ones. But the good news is science and atheism are catching on. I am not anti god by the way. I would love to find a creator. I'm just not convinced with your theory. You need to go back to the drawing board.

By the way, when you attack Sagan and Tyson, it only hurts your credibility. Sort of like when you trash Obama or Clinton. It only makes you look like a douche bag to people who like them. Remember your side trashed Al Franken like he was the devil? Seems harmless to me. Perhaps you just don't like his position on things? So please don't get mad when Tyson points out that for thousands of years your church killed anyone who spoke the truth or questioned their authority. You can't wash that history away. Thanks for the internet and freedom of speech/thought.

{Perhaps the most gratuitous display of holiday season boorishness came from the Twitter account of religion-baiting scientist Neil deGrasse Tyson. The ubiquitous astrophysicist spent Christmas Day mocking those who celebrate the birth of Jesus.

“QUESTION: This year what do all the world’s Muslims and Jews call December 25th,” he tweeted. “ANSWER: Thursday.”

Eight minutes later Tyson sent another epistle from his @neiltyson Twitter account: “On this day long ago, a child was born who, by age 30, would transform the world. Happy Birthday Isaac Newton b. Dec 25, 1642.”

Tysons’ tweeps tend to worship the man, but some found his Christmas snark unappealing. “Hi @neiltyson, trolling Christians on Dec. 25 is so EDGY,” wrote one. “Please let me know when you troll Muslims on Ramadan. Merry Christmas!”

Once upon a time, Tyson’s frequent attacks on Christianity would have been considered blasphemy. Today, it’s called Internet trolling. In the Middle Ages, he might have been burned at the stake. In the 21st century, he has a television show. I suppose that’s progress, although distinguishing yourself for boorish behavior in an election year is an accomplishment in itself.

Read more: Neil deGrasse Tyson Troll of the Year RealClearPolitics
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I think I said the same thing earlier. We need to drop worshipping St. Peter and Paul and start making Galleleo, Bruno, Newton & Einstein saints.

What a beautiful history your religion has. Burning people at the stake for mocking them. So much for turn the other cheek. What a sick history Christianity comes from. And so brief. Us humans are only starting to understand who we are and where we came from. In 10,000 years they will teach the children about your ancient fables.

They may still debate if there is a god or not but I seriously doubt your religion will stand the test of time.
I think I said the same thing earlier. We need to drop worshipping St. Peter and Paul and start making Galleleo, Bruno, Newton & Einstein saints.

Which is why I point out that you are the scourge of knowledge and progress.

What a beautiful history your religion has. Burning people at the stake for mocking them. So much for turn the other cheek. What a sick history Christianity comes from. And so brief. Us humans are only starting to understand who we are and where we came from. In 10,000 years they will teach the children about your ancient fables.

They may still debate if there is a god or not but I seriously doubt your religion will stand the test of time.

So you will burn those who mock or defame Galileo. You lack the wits to grasp that Newton was a devout Christian - because you worship Tyson instead of thinking, you fail to understand the reality surrounding you.

In 10,000 years, they may indeed laugh at those who promoted ancient fables, such as Anthropocentric Global Warming and tales of melting ice caps. Primitive fucks motivated by greed, indoctrinating the stupid with the promise of hijacked wisdom.....

Oh, and you ignorant baboon, I have no religion - a sure don't worship someone for going on TV and presenting Beavis and Butt Head cartoons.
By the time of Enheduanna, the first person to ever get a writing credit, civilization was already more than 1,000 years old.
But today, her glorious city is a barren wasteland. What went wrong? One problem was the almost ceaseless warfare between the cities of Mesopotamia, which continually destroyed their achievements. They glorified military conquest and ultimately became its victims.
And then, about 2,200 BC, not long after the time of Enheduanna, disaster struck a drought of truly epic proportions, lasting for many decades. The rains stopped, crops withered, and there was famine and anarchy. Barbarians invaded. The streets of many cities were littered with dead. There could be only one explanation. Enlil, the supreme god, was angry because one of his temples had been destroyed.

3,000 years later, the climate would change abruptly for another glorious civilization, this one in Central America.
At its peak, the Mayan civilization perished, wiped out by a series of severe droughts over the course of a century.

Every million years or so, a supervolcano erupts somewhere on Earth.
The last time it happened was 74,000 years ago, on the island of Sumatra, in what is now Indonesia.
I think I said the same thing earlier. We need to drop worshipping St. Peter and Paul and start making Galleleo, Bruno, Newton & Einstein saints.

Which is why I point out that you are the scourge of knowledge and progress.

What a beautiful history your religion has. Burning people at the stake for mocking them. So much for turn the other cheek. What a sick history Christianity comes from. And so brief. Us humans are only starting to understand who we are and where we came from. In 10,000 years they will teach the children about your ancient fables.

They may still debate if there is a god or not but I seriously doubt your religion will stand the test of time.

So you will burn those who mock or defame Galileo. You lack the wits to grasp that Newton was a devout Christian - because you worship Tyson instead of thinking, you fail to understand the reality surrounding you.

In 10,000 years, they may indeed laugh at those who promoted ancient fables, such as Anthropocentric Global Warming and tales of melting ice caps. Primitive fucks motivated by greed, indoctrinating the stupid with the promise of hijacked wisdom.....

Oh, and you ignorant baboon, I have no religion - a sure don't worship someone for going on TV and presenting Beavis and Butt Head cartoons.

But what about civilizations that self-destruct? Our economic systems were formed when the planet and its air, rivers, oceans, lands, all seemed infinite. They evolved long before we first saw the Earth as the tiny organism that it actually is. They're all alike in one respect they're profit-driven, and therefore, focused on short-term gain. In one respect, we're ahead of the people of Ancient Mesopotamia.
Unlike them, we understand what's happening to our world. For example, we're pumping greenhouse gasses into our atmosphere at a rate not seen on Earth for a million years. And the scientific consensus that we're destabilizing our climate. Yet our civilization seems to be in the grip of denial; a kind of paralysis. There's a disconnect between what we know and what we do. Being able to adapt our behavior to challenges is as good a definition of intelligence as any I know. If our greater intelligence is the hallmark of our species, then we should use it, as all other beings use their distinctive advantages to help ensure that their offspring prosper, and their heredity is passed on, and that the fabric of nature that sustains us is protected. Human intelligence is imperfect, surely, and newly arisen.
The ease with which it can be sweet-talked, overwhelmed, or subverted by other hard-wired tendencies (RELIGION), sometimes themselves disguised as the light of reason, is worrisome.
I think I said the same thing earlier. We need to drop worshipping St. Peter and Paul and start making Galleleo, Bruno, Newton & Einstein saints.

Which is why I point out that you are the scourge of knowledge and progress.

What a beautiful history your religion has. Burning people at the stake for mocking them. So much for turn the other cheek. What a sick history Christianity comes from. And so brief. Us humans are only starting to understand who we are and where we came from. In 10,000 years they will teach the children about your ancient fables.

They may still debate if there is a god or not but I seriously doubt your religion will stand the test of time.

So you will burn those who mock or defame Galileo. You lack the wits to grasp that Newton was a devout Christian - because you worship Tyson instead of thinking, you fail to understand the reality surrounding you.

In 10,000 years, they may indeed laugh at those who promoted ancient fables, such as Anthropocentric Global Warming and tales of melting ice caps. Primitive fucks motivated by greed, indoctrinating the stupid with the promise of hijacked wisdom.....

Oh, and you ignorant baboon, I have no religion - a sure don't worship someone for going on TV and presenting Beavis and Butt Head cartoons.

The next golden age of human achievement begins here and now if we can just drop all the organized religions. New Year's Day of the next cosmic year. In the first tenth of a second, the last internal combustion engine is placed in a museum, as the effects of climate change reverse and diminish. A fifth of a second into this future people will stop dying from the effects of poverty. The planet is now a completely self-sustaining, intercommunicating organism. A half-second from now, the polar ice caps are restored to the way they were in the 19th century, and the forecast is mild and pleasant for the next cosmic minute and a half 40,000 years.

All because we dropped the superstitious bullshit that authority/churches used for thousands of years to keep us stupid. Yes Newton believed in god. Everyone did back then. Shows you no one is perfect.
We can read the unbroken record of Earth's atmosphere that extends back over the last 800,000 years.
In all that time, the amount of carbon dioxide in the air never rose above three-hundredths of one percent.
That is, until the turn of the 20th century. And it's been going up steadily and rapidly ever since.
It's now more than 40% higher than before the Industrial Revolution. By burning coal, oil and gas, our civilization is exhaling carbon dioxide much faster than Earth can absorb it. So CO2 is building up in the atmosphere.
All right but how do we know that we're the problem? Maybe the Earth itself is causing the rise in CO2.
Maybe it has nothing to do with the coal and oil we burn.
Maybe it's those damn volcanoes.

Let's take the largest scientific estimate-- about 500 million tons of volcanic CO2 entering the atmosphere ever year.
Sounds like a lot, right? But that's not even two percent of the 30 billion tons of CO2 that our civilization is cranking out every year.
And, funny thing, the measured increase in CO2 in the atmosphere tallies with the known amount we're dumping there by burning coal, oil and gas.
Volcanic CO2 has a distinct signature-- it's slightly heavier than the kind produced by burning fossil fuels.
We can tell the difference between the two when we examine them at the atomic level.
It's clear that the increased CO2 in the air is not from volcanoes.
What's more, the observed warming is as much as predicted from the measured increase in carbon dioxide.
It's a pretty tight case.
Our fingerprints are all over this one.
But what about civilizations that self-destruct?

What about them?

Our economic systems were formed when the planet and its air, rivers, oceans, lands, all seemed infinite. They evolved long before we first saw the Earth as the tiny organism that it actually is. They're all alike in one respect they're profit-driven, and therefore, focused on short-term gain. In one respect, we're ahead of the people of Ancient Mesopotamia.

So, you think rivers and lands "evolved?"

Unlike them, we understand what's happening to our world.

In primitive tribes, the people would live in fear of a nature they could not understand. They would look to the smoke coming from the mountain with both fear and awe.

Even then, the charlatans were quick to take advantage, The Shaman would step forward and declare "The GODS are angry at you because of your sins. SACRIFICE to us, give us your virgin daughters to rape and the best of your harvest, and we will appease the gods."

Of course the shamans had no more understanding of the volcano than the villagers, and sure the fuck couldn't control the volcano, they only knew that fear could be manipulated to their own gain.

Anthropogenic global warming is the same scam. People like you, fools who live in fear with no ability to think, are the natural prey of frauds like Michael Mann, Your shamans don't know what caused temperatures to rise in the 80's - nor do they care. They don't know why it stopped a decade ago. They sure the fuck have no impact on it. But morons like you make them rich, you seek to sacrifice your virgin daughters - or at least those of your neighbor - to please the capricious gods who demand sacrifice for carbon sins

You, in your grass skirt, bone through your nose, convinced that Gaea will destroy all in anger over the carbon sins of man.

Mindless savage.

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