The Boehner copout plan -- a tentative conspiracy theory


Locked Account.
Jun 28, 2009
Mansion in Ravi's Head
Since the Boehner plan sucked wind from jump street, it should have failed. I WISH IT HAD.

Since it was going to get "tabled" by the liberal Democrat Reid Senate, there was no reason to compromise with the liberal Democratics in the first place.

NOW the Seante will "pass" some much worse alternative plan, and then the House and the Senate will have to vote on some abortion of a compromise bill.

The House will be working off of a much weaker script because of the shit they passed today, though.

What the GOP OUGHT to have done was pass a much firmer bill OR the GOP should have refused the Boehner weak-ass-compromise-crap outright.

It is all but inconceivable that Boehner wasn't helping the liberal Dumbocraps set the stage.

There should be a GOP revolt at this point.

Boehner must go.
Cut Cap and Balance was the Plan. The House should have went home when Obama acted in bad faith and reneged at the last minute.
Cut Cap and Balance was the Plan. The House should have went home when Obama acted in bad faith and reneged at the last minute.

'Cut Cap and Balance' is so close to 'Cut the Crap and Balance', that I would have voted for it just on general principles.
Since the Boehner plan sucked wind from jump street, it should have failed. I WISH IT HAD.

Since it was going to get "tabled" by the liberal Democrat Reid Senate, there was no reason to compromise with the liberal Democratics in the first place.

NOW the Seante will "pass" some much worse alternative plan, and then the House and the Senate will have to vote on some abortion of a compromise bill.

The House will be working off of a much weaker script because of the shit they passed today, though.

What the GOP OUGHT to have done was pass a much firmer bill OR the GOP should have refused the Boehner weak-ass-compromise-crap outright.

It is all but inconceivable that Boehner wasn't helping the liberal Dumbocraps set the stage.

There should be a GOP revolt at this point.

Boehner must go.

I respectfully disagree. no matter what the reps sent from the house, the result would have been exactly the same. their first bill was a great deal tougher and it was tabled too.

now the wild card is, like it or not is the media, they have a) a predilection to slant Democrat and b) will do anything they can even to the edge of reason ( and beyond imho) to save obama any embarrassment.

the result would have been obama winning the spin war, any and all negative economic blowback would be laid at the reps doorstep ( as crazy as that sounds) and again and I hate it beyond my ability to convey the media would craft it that way look at what they out out now, and the reps would wind up the loser next year.

McConnell is right, we need a change in the exec. branch to get anything really done, we have to play long ball. we have to be in the game to play. it sux but there it is.
Since the Boehner plan sucked wind from jump street, it should have failed. I WISH IT HAD.

Since it was going to get "tabled" by the liberal Democrat Reid Senate, there was no reason to compromise with the liberal Democratics in the first place.

NOW the Seante will "pass" some much worse alternative plan, and then the House and the Senate will have to vote on some abortion of a compromise bill.

The House will be working off of a much weaker script because of the shit they passed today, though.

What the GOP OUGHT to have done was pass a much firmer bill OR the GOP should have refused the Boehner weak-ass-compromise-crap outright.

It is all but inconceivable that Boehner wasn't helping the liberal Dumbocraps set the stage.

There should be a GOP revolt at this point.

Boehner must go.

I respectfully disagree. no matter what the reps sent from the house, the result would have been exactly the same. their first bill was a great deal tougher and it was tabled too.

now the wild card is, like it or not is the media, they have a) a predilection to slant Democrat and b) will do anything they can even to the edge of reason ( and beyond imho) to save obama any embarrassment.

the result would have been obama winning the spin war, any and all negative economic blowback would be laid at the reps doorstep ( as crazy as that sounds) and again and I hate it beyond my ability to convey the media would craft it that way look at what they out out now, and the reps would wind up the loser next year.

McConnell is right, we need a change in the exec. branch to get anything really done, we have to play long ball. we have to be in the game to play. it sux but there it is.

Where was McConnell's fiscal backbone from 2000-2006? It's funny how he and Boehner got tough now when they laid down like doormats for Bush.
Boehner needs to stick to his guns. Refuse to accept any changes to the bill. Period. Call the bluff. What's the worse than can happen? the Debt ceiling doesn't get raised and VIOLA!! we have an instant balanced budget? Please tell me how that is bad thing.....
Since the Boehner plan sucked wind from jump street, it should have failed. I WISH IT HAD.

Since it was going to get "tabled" by the liberal Democrat Reid Senate, there was no reason to compromise with the liberal Democratics in the first place.

NOW the Seante will "pass" some much worse alternative plan, and then the House and the Senate will have to vote on some abortion of a compromise bill.

The House will be working off of a much weaker script because of the shit they passed today, though.

What the GOP OUGHT to have done was pass a much firmer bill OR the GOP should have refused the Boehner weak-ass-compromise-crap outright.

It is all but inconceivable that Boehner wasn't helping the liberal Dumbocraps set the stage.

There should be a GOP revolt at this point.

Boehner must go.

I respectfully disagree. no matter what the reps sent from the house, the result would have been exactly the same. their first bill was a great deal tougher and it was tabled too.

now the wild card is, like it or not is the media, they have a) a predilection to slant Democrat and b) will do anything they can even to the edge of reason ( and beyond imho) to save obama any embarrassment.

the result would have been obama winning the spin war, any and all negative economic blowback would be laid at the reps doorstep ( as crazy as that sounds) and again and I hate it beyond my ability to convey the media would craft it that way look at what they out out now, and the reps would wind up the loser next year.

McConnell is right, we need a change in the exec. branch to get anything really done, we have to play long ball. we have to be in the game to play. it sux but there it is.

Since spending bills must originate in the House, the House (with a significant GOP majority -- a majority THERE because the Tea Party made it happen) should have sent only one STRONG bill to the fucking Senate. The dimwits there can table it or play with themselves. When they then offer some lame ass crap, the House could simply and flatly table that shit.

As for a compromise conference effort, it is better to go into it with a strong position.

If our stalwart allies in the damn House can't even agree to say "no" to a weak-ass self-defeating bill like the shit Boehner endorsed then we might as well oust his ass now: 'cuz we ain't gonna remain in the majority for long unless we start DOING what the folks that made us the majority told them to do.

(There's a sentence in there. Trust me.)

Ah fuck. They make me ill. Gotta go hurl now.

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