The "Black" national anthem at sports events...really? Why don't the players just wear hoods and burn crosses as well?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The problem in our country is the democrat party. Since its founding, the democrat party has been the central driver of racism, violence and hate in this country........the party uses racism to take power. Now we have something called the "Black" national anthem at sport events...where some athletes stand for that while they kneel for the National Anthem.....

The black national anthem is racist.....

The National Anthem represents...

that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,--That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

It is simply insane that the NFL and other sports leagues are playing the racist, black national anthem.....they might as well wear black robes and hoods and burn a cross in the center of the field before the game....

The democrat party has been a cancer on this country since its founding......the problems this country has with racism originate with the democrat party....
The problem in our country is the democrat party. Since its founding, the democrat party has been the central driver of racism, violence and hate in this country........the party uses racism to take power. Now we have something called the "Black" national anthem at sport events...where some athletes stand for that while they kneel for the National Anthem.....

The black national anthem is racist.....

The National Anthem represents...

that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,--That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

It is simply insane that the NFL and other sports leagues are playing the racist, black national anthem.....they might as well wear black robes and hoods and burn a cross in the center of the field before the game....

The democrat party has been a cancer on this country since its founding......the problems this country has with racism originate with the democrat party....
Nice post, thank you.
Yes the republican kissed the constitution and the declaration of independence goodbye.

That would be the same as the KKK burring a cross and wearing white robes.

Wow.....I know it's early but that truly is a lame the joe biden riots continue....5 months of burning, looting, beating and murdering Americans by joe biden post that lame post......

Get some coffee and try again.
I thought you were all for businesses doing as they see fit. When did you decide the working of the free market was a bad thing?
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I thought you were all for businesses doing as they see fit. When did you decide the working of the free market was a bad thing?


Since the Democrats are all for segregation and safe places nowadays, and so those businesses can do as they see fit, it'll be alright to form football and basketball leagues that are all white right?


The problem in our country is the democrat party. Since its founding, the democrat party has been the central driver of racism, violence and hate in this country........the party uses racism to take power. Now we have something called the "Black" national anthem at sport events...where some athletes stand for that while they kneel for the National Anthem.....

The black national anthem is racist.....

The National Anthem represents...

that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,--That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

It is simply insane that the NFL and other sports leagues are playing the racist, black national anthem.....they might as well wear black robes and hoods and burn a cross in the center of the field before the game....

The democrat party has been a cancer on this country since its founding......the problems this country has with racism originate with the democrat party....
More whiny racist bullshit. We can consider the national anthem as the white national anthem because that's who it was made for. That's who it has most accurately represented with those ideals you posted in blue. White racism has been the cancer in this country and at minimum it's bi partisan.

Finally it is straight ignorance to equate Lift Every Voice and Sing with the KKK. The title of the song depicts the struggle we have had to get to this point and even at this point there are punk bitches like you who cheer when police kill unarmed blacks and wish for blacks to be exterminated. The song says nothing about whites, it makes zero reference to race.


Meanwhile the white anthem brings up slavery.


Stop crying about people using their constitutional rights. You are fine when racist whites use theirs and you participate in the racism.
I thought you were all for businesses doing as they see fit. When did you decide the working of the free market was a bad thing?

View attachment 388846

Since the Democrats are all for segregation and safe places nowadays, and so those businesses can do as they see fit, it'll be alright to form football and basketball leagues that are all white right?



Sounds like a stupid idea. Do you think our sports teams are black only?
I thought you were all for businesses doing as they see fit. When did you decide the working of the free market was a bad thing?

View attachment 388846

Since the Democrats are all for segregation and safe places nowadays, and so those businesses can do as they see fit, it'll be alright to form football and basketball leagues that are all white right?



I don't think you're going to get many white athletes in those leagues. No advertising or TV or venues to play games in. But go for it. A league with no coaches. No trainers. Go for it. No player endorsements. Go for it. And most importantly the few fans you get won't make money for the league. So go for it.

What business person with any sense would let their name be attached to such a league? Yeah here it is, "I own the Wilmington Whites of the American White Football League." Yep, that'll certainly increase that persons profits.
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I thought you were all for businesses doing as they see fit. When did you decide the working of the free market was a bad thing?

View attachment 388846

Since the Democrats are all for segregation and safe places nowadays, and so those businesses can do as they see fit, it'll be alright to form football and basketball leagues that are all white right?



Sounds like a stupid idea. Do you think our sports teams are black only?


Since you say businesses should be allowed to do as they see fit it seems only reasonable to support such a business policy.


Yeah... nothing shows unity more than making blacks refute the national anthem and give them one of their own.
Sometimes you think people can't get any dumber.... but nooo

Can you point out a single black person who was made to refute the national anthem? Quit making shit up.
Are you really this biased?
Giving them their "anthem" and legitimizing it is a powerful statement of division, not unity... anyone with an IQ over 80 can see that.
Yeah... nothing shows unity more than making blacks refute the national anthem and give them one of their own.
Sometimes you think people can't get any dumber.... but nooo

Can you point out a single black person who was made to refute the national anthem? Quit making shit up.
They have sung both anthems every time.
I thought you were all for businesses doing as they see fit. When did you decide the working of the free market was a bad thing?

View attachment 388846

Since the Democrats are all for segregation and safe places nowadays, and so those businesses can do as they see fit, it'll be alright to form football and basketball leagues that are all white right?



I don't think you're going to get many white athletes in those leagues. No advertising or TV or venues to play games in. But go for it. A league with no coaches. No trainers. Go for it. No player endorsements. Go for it. And most importantly the few fans you get won't make money for the league. So go for it.


There was a time when there were no black people in national sports leagues.

Since the Democrats are supporting safe places and segregation it would seem a reasonable move.

I'm sure for enough money they could get air time.


I thought you were all for businesses doing as they see fit. When did you decide the working of the free market was a bad thing?

View attachment 388846

Since the Democrats are all for segregation and safe places nowadays, and so those businesses can do as they see fit, it'll be alright to form football and basketball leagues that are all white right?



Sounds like a stupid idea. Do you think our sports teams are black only?

View attachment 388853

Since you say businesses should be allowed to do as they see fit it seems only reasonable to support such a business policy.



You are free to spend all the money you want trying to make that work. Go for a GoFundMe site. That's what that crook who stole all that money that was supposed to go for a wall did. Right wing crazies will throw money at you.
Yeah... nothing shows unity more than making blacks refute the national anthem and give them one of their own.
Sometimes you think people can't get any dumber.... but nooo

Can you point out a single black person who was made to refute the national anthem? Quit making shit up.
Are you really this biased?
Giving them their "anthem" and legitimizing it is a powerful statement of division, not unity... anyone with an IQ over 80 can see that.
Bullshit. That song was legitimatized long ago. Unity is accepting both songs. Division is telling us you must only sing the song whites want heard.
Yeah... nothing shows unity more than making blacks refute the national anthem and give them one of their own.
Sometimes you think people can't get any dumber.... but nooo

Can you point out a single black person who was made to refute the national anthem? Quit making shit up.
Are you really this biased?
Giving them their "anthem" and legitimizing it is a powerful statement of division, not unity... anyone with an IQ over 80 can see that.

I don't think anyone gave them anything. They chose that song. Get over it. It's not your concern anyway.

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