The bitch known as Richards must resign

"Workers" from various companies get convicted of miscellaneous things - but rarely are their companies destroyed like the NaziCons did to ACORN. The GOP Taliban just didn't like them registering all those Democrat voters.

And that is the reason, to suppress as many votes as possible. The same reason they've passed all these voter suppression laws in the states Republicans gained control of. They see the writing on the wall, they can't win elections honestly anymore.

So they cheat.

Exactly! They know their days are numbered - but they refuse to fade away with honor.
Do you really want one party running the whole country?

There should be more parties not less.

"Workers" from various companies get convicted of miscellaneous things - but rarely are their companies destroyed like the NaziCons did to ACORN. The GOP Taliban just didn't like them registering all those Democrat voters.

And that is the reason, to suppress as many votes as possible. The same reason they've passed all these voter suppression laws in the states Republicans gained control of. They see the writing on the wall, they can't win elections honestly anymore.

So they cheat.

Exactly! They know their days are numbered - but they refuse to fade away with honor.

Or what normally happens, they would dissolve into other parties that are more moderate. What you see though are the extremes in the Republican party demanding no compromise, no working with anyone else, "we'll do whatever we want and you can suck it" attitude.

Unfortunately American democracy has never worked like that. The founders created a form of government that is 'forced compromise'. These people scream at the top of their lungs they won't compromise with anyone. And that is how to become irrelevant in American politics. Everyone has to compromise.
Six state have investigated PP and found nothing illegal.
Also we have two forensic reports on the videos with different results. Who is telling the truth? Why not have the two parties mutually agree on an expert forensic group to find the truth?
Based on the investigations and the conflicting forensics results, how can the OP be so conclusive ?
It's immoral and evil.

And legal.
As I have stated more than one, I am pro-life except in the case of rape, incest or mother's life in in danger, then it's the woman's choice.
I have also looked at PP as a whole and though I'm no fan of abortion, PP offers quite a it of good stuff for women.
They mostly do abortions and selling baby parts. I will never condone it.

And you mostly make shit up.
Six state have investigated PP and found nothing illegal.
Also we have two forensic reports on the videos with different results. Who is telling the truth? Why not have the two parties mutually agree on an expert forensic group to find the truth?
Based on the investigations and the conflicting forensics results, how can the OP be so conclusive ?
It's immoral and evil.
That may be how you feel, but the purpose of congressional oversight committees are to find things like missuse of funds, and corruption.

PP has used their funding for the purposes outlined in the grants they recieve.

What's happening, and PP is taking full advantage of it, is that Chafitz and his bunch are on a fishing trip. The problem is they haven't hooked anything
I don't want my money paying for PP.

It's borderline. Just like everything these people do.

They aren't selling body parts but yet they are because they are getting money for them.
There isn't a law against selling fetal tissue. There is a law against profitting from it, and evidence that PP is profitting has not been presented by anyone.

In fact, the opposite has been true according to the various state dept investigations.

The rest is all one big guilt trip
Six state have investigated PP and found nothing illegal.
Also we have two forensic reports on the videos with different results. Who is telling the truth? Why not have the two parties mutually agree on an expert forensic group to find the truth?
Based on the investigations and the conflicting forensics results, how can the OP be so conclusive ?
It's immoral and evil.
That may be how you feel, but the purpose of congressional oversight committees are to find things like missuse of funds, and corruption.

PP has used their funding for the purposes outlined in the grants they recieve.

What's happening, and PP is taking full advantage of it, is that Chafitz and his bunch are on a fishing trip. The problem is they haven't hooked anything
I don't want my money paying for PP.

It's borderline. Just like everything these people do.

They aren't selling body parts but yet they are because they are getting money for them.
There isn't a law against selling fetal tissue. There is a law against profitting from it, and evidence that PP is profitting has not been presented by anyone.

In fact, the opposite has been true according to the various state dept investigations.

The rest is all one big guilt trip

They weren't "selling" it either. The "fees" discussed were to transport the tissue to research labs.
You know what I just realized? or maybe I'm just overthinking it.....

Even if the videos weren't altered, what they show, is not illegal.

I'm begining to wonder if the GOP put Coalfire up to this whole thing, just to shore up Carly Fiorina's problems from her statement at the debate
Why does a CEO of an alleged non profit deserve to make 500k a year again??

Many non-profits pay their CEOs more than half a million. For instance, I work for a non-profit and our CEO makes$2.5 million. Many non profit insurance companies pay their CEO,s over $10 million!
Yes. Like UNICEF and the United Way. That's why I stopped donating to them. The money was going to management not the folks needing the help.
Six state have investigated PP and found nothing illegal.
Also we have two forensic reports on the videos with different results. Who is telling the truth? Why not have the two parties mutually agree on an expert forensic group to find the truth?
Based on the investigations and the conflicting forensics results, how can the OP be so conclusive ?
It's immoral and evil.
That may be how you feel, but the purpose of congressional oversight committees are to find things like missuse of funds, and corruption.

PP has used their funding for the purposes outlined in the grants they recieve.

What's happening, and PP is taking full advantage of it, is that Chafitz and his bunch are on a fishing trip. The problem is they haven't hooked anything
I don't want my money paying for PP.

It's borderline. Just like everything these people do.

They aren't selling body parts but yet they are because they are getting money for them.
There isn't a law against selling fetal tissue. There is a law against profitting from it, and evidence that PP is profitting has not been presented by anyone.

In fact, the opposite has been true according to the various state dept investigations.

The rest is all one big guilt trip

They weren't "selling" it either. The "fees" discussed were to transport the tissue to research labs.
Lol ya just like the fee for not getting Obamacare isn't a tax. Or wait yes it is.

And car registration isn't a tax. Or wait yes it is.

If people are getting paid to transport baby parts, they are earning money. It's disgusting.

Research labs are houses of horror. Filled with tiny baby parts.
It's immoral and evil.
That may be how you feel, but the purpose of congressional oversight committees are to find things like missuse of funds, and corruption.

PP has used their funding for the purposes outlined in the grants they recieve.

What's happening, and PP is taking full advantage of it, is that Chafitz and his bunch are on a fishing trip. The problem is they haven't hooked anything
I don't want my money paying for PP.

It's borderline. Just like everything these people do.

They aren't selling body parts but yet they are because they are getting money for them.
There isn't a law against selling fetal tissue. There is a law against profitting from it, and evidence that PP is profitting has not been presented by anyone.

In fact, the opposite has been true according to the various state dept investigations.

The rest is all one big guilt trip

They weren't "selling" it either. The "fees" discussed were to transport the tissue to research labs.
Lol ya just like the fee for not getting Obamacare isn't a tax. Or wait yes it is.

And car registration isn't a tax. Or wait yes it is.

If people are getting paid to transport baby parts, they are earning money. It's disgusting.

Research labs are houses of horror. Filled with tiny baby parts.
That's really a little melodramatic and unrealistic.

Baby parts have to be temperature/climate controlled during shipping, and nobody does that for free.

Research labs have saved countless lives through the research they've done.

The fetal tissue is harvested from aborted babies/fetuses. So it's not like people are getting pregnant to sell fetal tissue for profit, nor are PP locations soliciting abortions to create fetal tissue to sell for profit.

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