The Big Government facade


Gold Member
Dec 24, 2008
Thetis Island, BC
I was reading through a lot of posts and I kept coming across how Liberals (or leftists) love big Government. What does that mean. Does it mean spending more of the governments money or hiring more people in the government work force? It can't mean spending money like on healthcare or tax breaks for the middle class or infrastructure jobs which cost millions yet they have no problem supporting trillions of dollars for wars and other military action. To me the ones that really want the huge, gigantic, enormous, gargantuan government are the Republicans and/or conservatives.
I was reading through a lot of posts and I kept coming across how Liberals (or leftists) love big Government. What does that mean. Does it mean spending more of the governments money or hiring more people in the government work force? It can't mean spending money like on healthcare or tax breaks for the middle class or infrastructure jobs which cost millions yet they have no problem supporting trillions of dollars for wars and other military action. To me the ones that really want the huge, gigantic, enormous, gargantuan government are the Republicans and/or conservatives.


We also see examples of conservatives advocating for more government and greater government authority at the expense of individual liberty with regard to their opposition to privacy rights for women, equal protection rights for gay Americans, voting rights for older African-Americans, and due process rights for immigrants.

There are other examples of conservative advocacy for more government, where the social right is hostile to the First Amendment as they seek to conjoin church and state by codifying subjective religious dogma into secular law.

What is the most troubling, perhaps, is that this desire for more government and greater government authority on the part of many on the right may not be representative of all conservatives, where conservatives of good faith lack the courage to stand up to their fellow rightists more radical and extreme.

Yeah, today's "liberals" are so anti-war they have 7-8 proxy wars going, one hot war that's raged uselessly for years and one that was "ended" on a republican timetable. Liberals want the government to provide almost everything they "feel" they need. From healthcare, to contraception, to food, to shelter. They want government to "regulate" to the tooth all business in the country. By regulate, they really mean dictate. Because they want government to take over businesses "for the public good". In the end, todays "liberals" (which are fascists in the true sense of the term) want the government to run everything. But republicans want "big government" more than liberals do.


Yeah, today's "liberals" are so anti-war they have 7-8 proxy wars going, one hot war that's raged uselessly for years and one that was "ended" on a republican timetable. Liberals want the government to provide almost everything they "feel" they need. From healthcare, to contraception, to food, to shelter. They want government to "regulate" to the tooth all business in the country. By regulate, they really mean dictate. Because they want government to take over businesses "for the public good". In the end, todays "liberals" (which are fascists in the true sense of the term) want the government to run everything. But republicans want "big government" more than liberals do.

Both wars were started by Bush and all Conservatives and republicans supported them. While you blow smoke about how liberals want to regulate everything the money spent on ALL these programs would not add up to a miniscule percentage of your overbloated military budget.

I think Jon hits it right on the head here.
Jon Stewart to Republicans: You're All 'Warfare Queens... Go F*ck Yourself' (Video)
I was reading through a lot of posts and I kept coming across how Liberals (or leftists) love big Government. What does that mean. Does it mean spending more of the governments money or hiring more people in the government work force? It can't mean spending money like on healthcare or tax breaks for the middle class or infrastructure jobs which cost millions yet they have no problem supporting trillions of dollars for wars and other military action. To me the ones that really want the huge, gigantic, enormous, gargantuan government are the Republicans and/or conservatives.

Democrats and Republicans love big government. After all, it was a Republican President and Congress which created the massive new police state cabinet level domestic spying Department of Security, which grew to the third largest Cabinet department in the blink of an eye.

That's a lot of people spying on us. A lot. A quarter of a million people!

It was the Republicans who grew the Defense budget to a level, in real dollars, not seen since World War II. And we aren't even in a World War. Nor are we even under anything like the existential threat we had during the Cold War, yet the GOP greatly exceeded the spending we had during that period.

It was the Republicans who gave us a new trillion dollar medical entitlement program, without paying for it.

The Republican President never passed a balanced budget. Not once.

The Democrats have always loved big government. But they are more about a nanny style government. One which decides what you need and don't need. One which erodes your freedom of choice by degrees until you become so dependent on government you become as helpless and demanding as a baby. Feed me! Change my diapers! Coddle me! Waaaaaaaah!

Not that Republicans aren't jostling for milk at the government tit. Just try and take away the mortgage interest deduction or child tax credits or all the special interest business deductions and exemptions so we can lower everyone's tax rates, and watch right wingers start howling like welfare queens! It's as if they believe people will stop fucking if the government stops paying them to do so!

"E pluribus unum"? I don't think so! It's, "Gimme gimme gimme, and make someone else pay for it."
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