The Australian Wildfires Are About Arsonists – Not Climate much as they lie about!

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Read much more at... ^ | January 13, 2020 | John Dembsy


Climate Change opportunists are using the Australian wildfire arsons to push their political aspirations. In true leftist fashion, they are applying the motto once said by former Chicago Democratic Mayor Rahm Emmanuel – “never let a crisis go to waste.”

In the last couple of months, as many as 200 wildfires have destroyed Australia all over the continent. Due to the number of fires and location, law enforcement determined that the blazes were intentionally set, and 183 arsonists have been arrested for the crime so far. The Left tends to ignore the truth and push lies that work for their political agenda – this time, it was Climate Change.

The Left blames humans, specifically those who do not believe in the political ideology of human-made Climate Change. Leftists pushed the narrative that we, as humans are not doing enough to stop the earth from heating up. Climate deniers are blamed. There is one problem: arsonists set the fires. People driving cars, flying in airplanes, and overeating red meat have nothing to do with the flames. Nefarious individuals are the ones who caused the blazes.

The Left has seized this opportunity to blame intentionally set fires by protesting over them then lying about their genesis, which is disingenuous at best. To lie about what started these fires is a clue to those who are unsure or skeptical that they do not have any substantial evidence. The Left’s “consensus of scientists” are usually funded by the government. The researcher’s livelihood depends on politicians supporting the portion of the federal budget that guarantees a paycheck. The source of funding leads to the manipulation of data.

If the Left had defensible, trustworthy information, they would not need to make up the scenario that over 200 fires popped up on the continent of Australia due to Climate Change. It is quite humorous that no other wildfires to this intensity and number have randomly sparked anywhere else in the southern hemisphere during its summer months.

The Left does not operate in authenticity. They often lie either through intentional mistruth or omission. Deception, as a tactic, became apparent when they began pushing the narrative of cow flatulence, causing global warming and the need for fewer cattle. The idea that cows are emitting too much gas is laughable.......


Arsonists plus bad forestry practices of the sort we’ve seen in California, courtesy of the Greens. Here’s the most Australian man I’ve seen in a while speaking out about that:

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