Biden claims grass fire caused by climate change


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017

President Joe Biden addressed the wildfires raging in Texas on Thursday during his visit to the southern border, calling anyone who doesnā€™t believe in climate change his ā€œNeanderthal friends.ā€

ā€œIā€™ve been helicopters in the West, in the Southwest and Northwest, flown over more land burned to the ground, all the vegetation gone, than the entire state of Maryland,ā€ Biden said during his speech in Brownsville, Texas. ā€œThe idea thereā€™s no such thing as climate change, I love that, man. I love some of my Neanderthal friends who still think thereā€™s no climate change.ā€

Prairie fires a natural phenomenon.
This has been happening for hundreds of thousands of years.
Joe Biden and the Radical Left are fear mongers.
The Radical Left uses fear to gain power.
They promise naive people that they can save them from Climate Change if they vote for them.
Climate Change is a political tool of fear that is used to control fools.

President Joe Biden addressed the wildfires raging in Texas on Thursday during his visit to the southern border, calling anyone who doesnā€™t believe in climate change his ā€œNeanderthal friends.ā€

ā€œIā€™ve been helicopters in the West, in the Southwest and Northwest, flown over more land burned to the ground, all the vegetation gone, than the entire state of Maryland,ā€ Biden said during his speech in Brownsville, Texas. ā€œThe idea thereā€™s no such thing as climate change, I love that, man. I love some of my Neanderthal friends who still think thereā€™s no climate change.ā€

Prairie fires a natural phenomenon.
This has been happening for hundreds of thousands of years.
Joe Biden and the Radical Left are fear mongers.
The Radical Left uses fear to gain power.
They promise naive people that they can save them from Climate Change if they vote for them.
Climate Change is a political tool of fear that is used to control fools.

President Joe Biden addressed the wildfires raging in Texas on Thursday during his visit to the southern border, calling anyone who doesnā€™t believe in climate change his ā€œNeanderthal friends.ā€

ā€œIā€™ve been helicopters in the West, in the Southwest and Northwest, flown over more land burned to the ground, all the vegetation gone, than the entire state of Maryland,ā€ Biden said during his speech in Brownsville, Texas. ā€œThe idea thereā€™s no such thing as climate change, I love that, man. I love some of my Neanderthal friends who still think thereā€™s no climate change.ā€

Prairie fires a natural phenomenon.
This has been happening for hundreds of thousands of years.
Joe Biden and the Radical Left are fear mongers.
The Radical Left uses fear to gain power.
They promise naive people that they can save them from Climate Change if they vote for them.
Climate Change is a political tool of fear that is used to control fools.
Biden is a moron. Climate is always changing. That doesn't mean he can stop it by raising taxes.
You Climate Deniers get so mad.

Does the Climate Change.....Of course it does.
The climate has changed throughout time.

Are humans causing it......IDK, but even if they are, it is minimal.

What I do know is that the Lakes in Western Washington, that used to freeze over in the winter and we skated on those frozen lakes 50 years ago, never freeze over in these days.
This is a FACT, there is no denying this FACT.
This ^^^ is an example of Weather, but weather patterns like this over time deserve study.

Don't get so mad.

Does this mean the end of the world? LOLLOOLLOLLLOLLOLL.
No it doesn't.

Do this mean that Scientists should study the trends, ABSOLUTELY.
Son. any idiot who can see lightning and hear thunder knows the climate is changing.

Are you sure this is the hill you wanna defend?

Could you please point to where climate has changed ... latitude and longitude or you're the idiot ...

Also, Texas climate is "Humid Sub-tropical" ... they get rainfall every month of the year (humid) and the coldest month averages over 32ĀŗF (sub-tropical) ... what is changing to cause more fires? ... OTHER THAN human agricultural practices ...

This is pasture that is burning ... range land for cattle ... is climate changing or is land use changing? ... do you think 14 million cows is natural for Texas? ... say 15,000 years ago before human filth arrived ...

There are trees in California that require fire to release their seeds ... evolution baby ... the SAME climate causes these wildfires, California has been burning since before human filth arrived 15,000 years ago ...

What say Texans? ... it's your state, you tell us if weather is different with one little tiny measly degree temperature increase ...
You Climate Deniers get so mad.

Does the Climate Change.....Of course it does.
The climate has changed throughout time.

Are humans causing it......IDK, but even if they are, it is minimal.

What I do know is that the Lakes in Western Washington, that used to freeze over in the winter and we skated on those frozen lakes 50 years ago, never freeze over in these days.
This is a FACT, there is no denying this FACT.
This ^^^ is an example of Weather, but weather patterns like this over time deserve study.

Don't get so mad.

Does this mean the end of the world? LOLLOOLLOLLLOLLOLL.
No it doesn't.

Do this mean that Scientists should study the trends, ABSOLUTELY.

Remember kids, Denier is a Cult word
Remember kids, Denier is a Cult word

No one's following me ... I stand alone with my "special" kind of Denialism ... I agree temperatures are rising, and I agree man-kind* has a roll in this ... but it's a good thing, for all of life ... warmer and wetter conditions will be more prosperous for all living things ...

We're at the beginning of a NEW GOLDEN AGE of HUMANITY ... wars will end, hunger disappears, Democrats become farmers ... all for just a single measly teeny tiny degree Celsius ... I call that a bargain ...

* = women didn't choose this ... this is strictly man's problem ... what a bunch of dumb-asses ...
No one's following me ... I stand alone with my "special" kind of Denialism ... I agree temperatures are rising, and I agree man-kind* has a roll in this ... but it's a good thing, for all of life ... warmer and wetter conditions will be more prosperous for all living things ...

We're at the beginning of a NEW GOLDEN AGE of HUMANITY ... wars will end, hunger disappears, Democrats become farmers ... all for just a single measly teeny tiny degree Celsius ... I call that a bargain ...

* = women didn't choose this ... this is strictly man's problem ... what a bunch of dumb-asses ...

I will remain a skeptic until I see one single repeatable experiment showing any measurable temperature increase from raising CO2 from 280 to 400PPM.

The temperature increase 30F almost every single day, but 1F over 150 years -- is a problem??

President Joe Biden addressed the wildfires raging in Texas on Thursday during his visit to the southern border, calling anyone who doesnā€™t believe in climate change his ā€œNeanderthal friends.ā€

ā€œIā€™ve been helicopters in the West, in the Southwest and Northwest, flown over more land burned to the ground, all the vegetation gone, than the entire state of Maryland,ā€ Biden said during his speech in Brownsville, Texas. ā€œThe idea thereā€™s no such thing as climate change, I love that, man. I love some of my Neanderthal friends who still think thereā€™s no climate change.ā€

Prairie fires a natural phenomenon.
This has been happening for hundreds of thousands of years.
Joe Biden and the Radical Left are fear mongers.
The Radical Left uses fear to gain power.
They promise naive people that they can save them from Climate Change if they vote for them.
Climate Change is a political tool of fear that is used to control fools.
This post does not demonstrate Biden claiming that climate change caused grass fire(s). He states, correctly, that increased numbers and intensity of grass fires is evidence for climate change.
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I will remain a skeptic until I see one single repeatable experiment showing any measurable temperature increase from raising CO2 from 280 to 400PPM.

The temperature increase 30F almost every single day, but 1F over 150 years -- is a problem??

The results will disappoint ... we can show a good 10ĀŗF increase at 1,000,000 PPM ... just 100 PPM would only give 0.001ĀŗF ... we'll need to raise taxes to buy NOAA better thermometers ... then hire guards to protect these new expensive thermometers ... especially near the North and South Poles ... every twenty miles above 80Āŗ latitude ...

Take the money from the Middle Class, they've been uppity of late ... time to kick them in the groin again ...
The results will disappoint ... we can show a good 10ĀŗF increase at 1,000,000 PPM ... just 100 PPM would only give 0.001ĀŗF ... we'll need to raise taxes to buy NOAA better thermometers ... then hire guards to protect these new expensive thermometers ... especially near the North and South Poles ... every twenty miles above 80Āŗ latitude ...

Take the money from the Middle Class, they've been uppity of late ... time to kick them in the groin again ...

President Joe Biden addressed the wildfires raging in Texas on Thursday during his visit to the southern border, calling anyone who doesnā€™t believe in climate change his ā€œNeanderthal friends.ā€

ā€œIā€™ve been helicopters in the West, in the Southwest and Northwest, flown over more land burned to the ground, all the vegetation gone, than the entire state of Maryland,ā€ Biden said during his speech in Brownsville, Texas. ā€œThe idea thereā€™s no such thing as climate change, I love that, man. I love some of my Neanderthal friends who still think thereā€™s no climate change.ā€

Prairie fires a natural phenomenon.
This has been happening for hundreds of thousands of years.
Joe Biden and the Radical Left are fear mongers.
The Radical Left uses fear to gain power.
They promise naive people that they can save them from Climate Change if they vote for them.
Climate Change is a political tool of fear that is used to control fools.

"... youā€™ll see, in the midst of 20 homes that are just totally destroyed, one home sitting there because it had the right roof on it."

Are they blue roof like in Maui?
The results will disappoint ... we can show a good 10ĀŗF increase at 1,000,000 PPM ... just 100 PPM would only give 0.001ĀŗF ... we'll need to raise taxes to buy NOAA better thermometers ... then hire guards to protect these new expensive thermometers ... especially near the North and South Poles ... every twenty miles above 80Āŗ latitude ...

Take the money from the Middle Class, they've been uppity of late ... time to kick them in the groin again ...
Let's see data that indicates a 10F increase from 100% CO2.
"... youā€™ll see, in the midst of 20 homes that are just totally destroyed, one home sitting there because it had the right roof on it."

Are they blue roof like in Maui?

Stone doesn't burn ... when flying embers land on tile roofs, nothing there to catch fire ... whereas a cedar shingle roof thirty years old will catch fire, in a hurry ... same with siding ...

It's no accident that the oldest buildings were built of stone ... pyramids, churches, the Grand Canyon ... we use light wood framing construction these days so the Poor can afford housing ... not so the buildings will last ... the builds we build today at th ecoast will not stand long enough to inundated by rising sea levels ...

26 But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand.
27 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.ā€
--- Matthew 7:26-27 [emphasis mine]

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