The Attack on Paul Pelosi Gets Curiouser and Curiouser

It's a WIN-WIN situation! There are only two hilarious possibilities! Either:
  1. Paul's sex life is with Nancy Pelosi. :auiqs.jpg:
  2. Paul's sex life ISN'T with his wife Nancy Pelosi! :laughing0301:
Can't decide which one is funnier!!!
With all the fantasy cosplaying you thristy fucks do and you can only imagine two possibilities? Nancy could of been hiding behind a mirror a la Eastwood in Absolute Power flickin the bean and laughing to herself because Shapiro and the stunted Right by their own admission don't know nothing about Wet Ass Pussy. 😄
There was at least one more person in the house when the police arrived and they let the police in.

Even though the police seem to have been aware that the assailant had entered through another door they only went to the front door and rang the bell to gain entry.

Surely the police knew that this was the home of the Speaker of the House and her husband yet they act as if the 911 dispatcher did something special.

The police claim they sprang into action, but not really though.

PaulPelsoi excused himself from the intruder(!) and used a bathroom in which his cell phone was charging and called the police from there but didn't lock the door and went back into the house where the intruder was.

David DePape forced his way into the home through a back entrance, Scott said. Officers arrived at the house, knocked on the front door and were let inside by an unknown person. They discovered DePape and Pelosi struggling for a hammer, and after they instructed them to drop the weapon, Scott said, DePape took the hammer and “violently attacked” Pelosi
Scott also thanked the responding emergency dispatcher Heather Grives for recognizing something was wrong when Paul Pelosi dialed 911, allowing police to spring into action.
“What he said, she felt there was something more to it,” Scott said.
POLITICO reported earlier Friday that Pelosi had been able to dial 911 after telling the intruder he had to use the restroom and then called from inside, where his phone had been charging.

What ever happened the guy got the wrong Pelosi. He is still a real patriot and deserves an A for trying.
Do you shoot at 2 men struggling over a hammer?
When one guy is well known and the homeowner and the other guy is clearly the intruder and is now in control of the hammer and wielding it against the homeowner, you ahoot that latter.

This is ain’t rocket science.
The SF police are really familiar with the crazy sex games that the city's massive Homo Population engages in. They are called to intervene all the time in this kind of thing.

Of course they aren't going to shoot their otherwise law abiding taxpayers like Mr. Pelosi or his hammer wielding lover.

I suspect this whole event will be swept under the rug pretty quickly, although expect the libs to try and make political hay over it.

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