The Attack on Paul Pelosi Gets Curiouser and Curiouser

People are wondering if there was a third person involved in the incident. Was there sex involved?

The third person was this guy!

This is what the founding fathers railed against. A huge government with many men and women in power with little to no morals, integrity and character. We will never go back to other eras, and we should not. But we can have people in power with a bit more decorum. The government is too large for its own britches. We have the President, the Vice President and the Speaker of the House in order of power who are louses, corrupted and lacking integrity.
This is what the founding fathers railed against. A huge government with many men and women in power with little to no morals, integrity and character. We will never go back to other eras, and we should not. But we can have people in power with a bit more decorum. The government is too large for its own britches. We have the President, the Vice President and the Speaker of the House in order of power who are louses, corrupted and lacking integrity.


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