The Attack on Paul Pelosi Gets Curiouser and Curiouser

Americans have DUIs all over the country every day, you moron. They pay a penalty, go to treatment. Have breathalyzers on their ignitions.


Paul Pelosi Was Drunk Again, And In a Dispute With a Male Prostitute Early Friday Morning.

"Paul Pelosi stated that he doesn't know who the male is but he advised that his name is David and that he is a friend." Yeah, right.

As SF's gay bars closed at 2 am, two gay men met in a bar and went home together. Happens every night in the City by the Bay. Except one of these two men, was married to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
I might disappear for telling you the truth. If I do, you'll all know why. But here's what really happened early Friday morning in San Francisco. IMHO--in my humble opinion.
According to SFPD "RP [Reporting Person] stated that there's a male in the home and that he's going to wait for his wife. RP stated that he doesn't know who the male is but he advised that his name is David, and that he is a friend," the dispatch official said. "RP sounded somewhat confused."
It Doesn't Add Up: Some People on Social Media Are Questioning Attack on Paul Pelosi

"And one of them could easily have broken that window. Remember, there was no alarm triggered. How would (suspect Depape) have gotten into that house without doing that? The cops smashed the glass to gain entry."
Who called 911 to initiate a wellness check? Either Nancy or her staff, who hadn't hear from Paul all evening and suddenly it's 2 am. Or a neighbor, hearing a fight at the Pelosi residence.

Questions that need answers:
1. Who called 911 and what did they say?​
2. How did Depapa get to the Pelosi residence​
3. Who opened the door for the police?​
4. Break-in is odd given the level of security the Pelosi's have in all their homes.​
5. What were Paul and David wearing when police arrived​
6. Why didn’t the police shoot DePape when he started hitting Paul in the head with a hammer?​
7. What does Depapa have to say?​
8. Is DePape innocent until proven guilty?​
9. Why are politicians declaring DePape guilty without any evidence or trial?​
The deep corruption of Democrats is coming to light and they themselves are exposing their deviate sexual perversions.
This story hasn’t made any sense since the moment it appeared. If Paul Pelosi were the husband of a high ranking republican the same damn questions would be asked and the media would be asking the same questions. Something stinks to high heaven about this whole thing.
You propagandist Commie Maoist Democrats cant put enough lipstick on this pig to make it look presentable.
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Paul Pelosi Was Drunk Again, And In a Dispute With a Male Prostitute Early Friday Morning.

"Paul Pelosi stated that he doesn't know who the male is but he advised that his name is David and that he is a friend." Yeah, right.

As SF's gay bars closed at 2 am, two gay men met in a bar and went home together. Happens every night in the City by the Bay. Except one of these two men, was married to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
I might disappear for telling you the truth. If I do, you'll all know why. But here's what really happened early Friday morning in San Francisco. IMHO--in my humble opinion.
According to SFPD "RP [Reporting Person] stated that there's a male in the home and that he's going to wait for his wife. RP stated that he doesn't know who the male is but he advised that his name is David, and that he is a friend," the dispatch official said. "RP sounded somewhat confused."
It Doesn't Add Up: Some People on Social Media Are Questioning Attack on Paul Pelosi

"And one of them could easily have broken that window. Remember, there was no alarm triggered. How would (suspect Depape) have gotten into that house without doing that? The cops smashed the glass to gain entry."
Who called 911 to initiate a wellness check? Either Nancy or her staff, who hadn't hear from Paul all evening and suddenly it's 2 am. Or a neighbor, hearing a fight at the Pelosi residence.

Questions that need answers:
1. Who called 911 and what did they say?​
2. How did Depapa get to the Pelosi residence​
3. Who opened the door for the police?​
4. Break-in is odd given the level of security the Pelosi's have in all their homes.​
5. What were Paul and David wearing when police arrived​
6. Why didn’t the police shoot DePape when he started hitting Paul in the head with a hammer?​
7. What does Depapa have to say?​
8. Is DePape innocent until proven guilty?​
9. Why are politicians declaring DePape guilty without any evidence or trial?​
The deep corruption of Democrats is coming to light and they themselves are exposing their deviate sexual perversions.
This story hasn’t made any sense since the moment it appeared. If Paul Pelosi were the husband of a high ranking republican the same damn questions would be asked and the media would be asking the same questions. Something stinks to high heaven about this whole thing.
You propagandist Commie Maoist Democrats cant put enough lipstick on this pig to make it look presentable.

Your own link said this

I might disappear for telling you the truth. If I do, you'll all know why. But here's what really happened early Friday morning in San Francisco. IMHO--in my humble opinion.

Your own link said this

I might disappear for telling you the truth. If I do, you'll all know why. But here's what really happened early Friday morning in San Francisco. IMHO--in my humble opinion.
Exactly, It came from the link. Not my words, I just quoted them.



The story continues to fall apart. Some force brings much suffering and struggle to the Left.
Schadenfreude is coming for them. Although they celebrate their “enemies” (our) pain and loss, it’s really just sad that people can be this terrible.
They are the worst of humanity.
Can't wait to see the body cam videos of the responding officers. Or, will the videos be censored and kept from the public just as the Pelosi DUI videos for months?
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The Santa Monica Observer is a legitimate newspaper. Obviously you would prefer te NY Times, WAPO or CNN to slant your obnoxious foolish views.
It’s a nothing paper from a nothing town that apparently allows reporters to post admitted opinions and pretend they are facts
It’s a nothing paper from a nothing town that apparently allows reporters to post admitted opinions and pretend they are facts
Santa Monica
  • Population: 91,105
  • Median household income: $98,300
  • Average home price: $1,918,783
  • Average monthly rent: $3,958
Home to the iconic Santa Monica Pier, one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, Santa Monica is also one of the most expensive places to live in California. This densely populated city is located on the western edge of Los Angeles, bordered by Santa Monica Bay to the west and the Santa Monica Mountains to the north.
Seems Santa Monica is the home of te elites and rich. Even Hunter Biden likes living close by in Malibu.
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Santa Monica
  • Population: 91,105
  • Median household income: $98,300
  • Average home price: $1,918,783
  • Average monthly rent: $3,958
Home to the iconic Santa Monica Pier, one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, Santa Monica is also one of the most expensive places to live in California. This densely populated city is located on the western edge of Los Angeles, bordered by Santa Monica Bay to the west and the Santa Monica Mountains to the north.
Seems Santa Monica is the home of te elites and rich. Even Hunter Biden likes living close by in Malibu.
The entire COUNTY of Santa Monica is only 90,000 and the bullshit paper isn’t even a daily.

And again… they apparently allow “reporters” to post admitted opinion and pretend it’s fact.

Fail doofus
You find a hammer attack on the spouse of the sitting Speaker of the House and attempted kidnap or worse of said SotH to be “funny”?

Fuck you and anyone who looks like you

You again are trying to make it political.

It's not funny, it's hilarious. #Hammergate

The spouse of sitting Speaker of the House picks hippie prostidude DePepe in gay bar and brings him home. He calls him a "friend" which means he knows him from before, let's say they crashed the Porsche together few months earlier. They both get in their underwear, and hippie ask for more money for his silence. Paul doesn't want to pay, and hippie ask "Where is Nancy". He let Paul to use restroom to call his wife to approve more money, but he calls police instead, brings the hammer and ask DePepe to leave before police gets there. DePepe calls his bluff and refuses to leave, because he wants his money, police arrive and find them both in underwear holding the hammer. Realizing that Paul did call the police, he gets angry, yanks the hammer from Paul and start hitting him with it.

Isn't funny that we only heard the "official" police version disseminated to media, and we haven't heard from DePepe yet? People are not buying any of it, and they know it. I say, whatever charges they bring up against him will be dropped and they're going to settle outside the court. I'm just wondering how much money he's going to get from Pelosi and from potential book deal. Whatever they offer him, it's not enough. :laughing0301:
You again are trying to make it political.

It's not funny, it's hilarious. #Hammergate

The spouse of sitting Speaker of the House picks hippie prostidude DePepe in gay bar and brings him home. He calls him a "friend" which means he knows him from before, let's say they crashed the Porsche together few months earlier. They both get in their underwear, and hippie ask for more money for his silence. Paul doesn't want to pay, and hippie ask "Where is Nancy". He let Paul to use restroom to call his wife to approve more money, but he calls police instead, brings the hammer and ask DePepe to leave before police gets there. DePepe calls his bluff and refuses to leave, because he wants his money, police arrive and find them both in underwear holding the hammer. Realizing that Paul did call the police, he gets angry, yanks the hammer from Paul and start hitting him with it.

Isn't funny that we only heard the "official" police version disseminated to media, and we haven't heard from DePepe yet? People are not buying any of it, and they know it. I say, whatever charges they bring up against him will be dropped and they're going to settle outside the court. I'm just wondering how much money he's going to get from Pelosi and from potential book deal. Whatever they offer him, it's not enough. :laughing0301:
A hammer attack is “hilarious “?

What the fuck is wrong with you people

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