The anti western cosplayers movement now opening bitcoin address

The anti western cosplayers movement recently got more than 500 likes, before the domain name are changed the likes are over 20000, as usual the truth always win which is why the movement keep getting likes.

Oh no!! 20k Likes? We westerners are DOOMED! Doomed, I tell you!!
20,000 likes will destroy western cosplay as we know it!! The young people of the west will be wandering the streets aimlessly in search of something else to exploit!!! It is like an apocalypse of Animation!

Oh yeah, and workers in the Asian anime market will be unemployed and starving, since 2/3 of their business was destroyed by 20k Likes!!

You dolt. How i that bitcoin thing working out for you? Got enough for a cup of coffee yet?

You just speak without thinking, just divide the number of likes to the number of views, what I want to say is the more peoples know about the movement then the more likes the movement will get so the small number today is actually huge.

It is common sense that likes = agreement.

And? 20,000 or 200,000, it doesn't matter how many agree. What matters is what you can DO about it. The people producing and distributing Asian anime are not Westerners. And those people are making a lot of money. Having 20,000 Likes does not change that one bit.

The fact that you found people who agree with you does not change your helplessness to change the situation.

Like I said before what needed first is a momentum for the movement, more peoples liking the movement will eventually lead to that momentum. The funds first use are also will be used to create that momentum by buying slots for ads on google, yahoo and other online media ads and even television if the fund are big enough for that.

And all of that will still have no effect if the people who create, produce and distribute Asian anime refuse to stop sending it to the West.

The ONLY way your movement has any hope of success is if you can bribe gov't officials into banning the export of Asian anime.

But I do find it amusing that you claim to be all for Asians, and yet your plan relies on not allowing artists, writers, and producers of anime the ability to sell it where they choose.

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