The 5 greatest threats to your liberty today

You can ad, "Florida, a tyrants paradise, move now!".

They are leading the way, MT is not far behind and the US Fed Govt is telling them both to "hold me beer"

Surely this has more excitement than a Nancy Drew mystery novel.

:laughing0301: I love a limited mind they are so easy to manipulate.

He and those like him are the reason the country is in the mess it is. His own beloved party is pure and blameless in his eyes, which gives them unlimited power to do as they wish.

Him and Dragonlady are basically just mirror images of each other.

When they pass the RESTRIC Act he will be one of the folks cheering the loudest since his party masters will tell him to do so

Biggest threat to our Liberty

Republican attempts to..
Breed mistrust in our election system
Mistrust in a free press
Mistrust in Science
These sorry bastards never stop lying. Ever.
I read the opening line of your link, and it refers to the “despotic nature” of the US government. Any link that starts with such a flagrant and ridiculous lie, isn’t worth the time to click on it.
"Irresponsible" would be a better characterization, most notably is the rejection of the wisdom of the founding fathers, who insisted that this nation as founded could only be preserved by a Christian people.
I am convinced that the majoritry of the population in America today have little appreciation for liberty....being more concerned with Sexuality, pocket book issues and a nutshell a civilization ripe for destruction.

Anyhow...................'It is difficult to limit the scope of such a list, since every bit of liberty is precious and the government knows no bounds in its attempt to curtail freedom. Truth be told, there need only be one item on the list – the state – for it is the single greatest threat to liberty, from which all other threats originate.'

It's a good list, but in my view they left out the most corrosive "war": the culture war. Busybodies on the left and the right just can't resist the temptation to use the government to shove their way of life down other people's throats.
And yet you constantly click on links to MSM lies.

Are you standing over my shoulder watching what links I’m reading??

I like going to the source investigation, reports, and government statistics. When Trump says he’s done a great job on trade deals and job creation, I look at the monthly trade deficits, and job numbers on the government websites which tell a completely different story.

My background and banking in law means that I actually understand what l’m reading. I don’t need someone to tell me what Robert Mueller said because I read the report.

You don’t read anything until it’s been filtered, laundered and spun through the right wing media. And then you believe what they tell you unchallenged.

Government consists of people.

People have agendas.

The bigger government gets, the more the AGENDA takes over...



What’s your point? And what are you doing about it? If you don’t like their agenda, why do you continue to vote for it???

You’ve used a very very bad example in bin Laden. Reagan armed bin Laden originally and then he turned on Americans. He oppose the Iranians. He’s a Saudi so he’s your ally (supposedly).

When I was a kid growing up Americans swooned for Fidel Castro. He was going to end the mob control and the dictatorship in Cuba, and restore the country to democracy. That didn’t exactly work out as planned either

In a democracy, if the “government agenda” is at odds with the peoples’ wishes, the people need only vote them out of office. The people didn’t like trumps agenda, and they voted him out of office. Now Trump is trying to overthrow the government.

What does that have to do with the your comments about agendas above?

A democracy relies upon the people basing their decisions on a common set of facts. Republicans are currently lying to their voters about the facts. When you have to lie about what you’re doing to the people, it’s probably not something that they would support if they knew the truth.

This is very dangerous for your democracy
That a rather recent development. They used to turn a blind eye to the indiscretions of national figures, perhaps as a way to remain ingratiated to them.

A Free Press has always been a watchdog of Government

That is why we have a First Amendment
That a rather recent development. They used to turn a blind eye to the indiscretions of national figures, perhaps as a way to remain ingratiated to them.

It’s a recent development because it’s only recently been necessary. The Republican Party used to vet their candidates. They didn’t used to run obvious con artists and grifters, for office.

It’s only been in since Nixon that there’s been criminal corruption in every Republican administration. Republicans keep accusing Democrats, on no evidence, of doing the same things that they get caught doing by Republican investigators and DOJ’s over and over again.
That is why Republicans try to breed mistrust in the press
Perhaps because they are the target/victims of the fact checking. The press falsely 'fact checked' Trump to defeat in 2020. They gobbled up and regurgitated the lies told about him like sick dogs vomiting up their dinner.

Lick those boots, statist.

We have a long history of fraudulent elections from the city and state level up to the national level.....the fact is and remains anytime an election is very close....fraud can easily come into fact that is the only time you have to worry about fraud.

We no longer have a free press....our MSM is nothing but a propaganda tool for the leftists.
This from someone who wanted the unvaxxed imprisoned. Lol.

I never asked for the unvaxxed to be imprisoned, and you can point to a single post where I even suggested it.

This is just a weak attempt on your part to deflect from the topic, which is yet another attempt to portray American government, as “despotic”.

And that the OP has used yet another questionable source to support such claims.
The press fact checks the candidates
That is why Republicans try to breed mistrust in the press

Do they? Or do they fact check some of the candidates some of the time?

They certainly were eager to "fact check" the last guy in office and rightly so (though there was clearly a bias in the "facts" they were using). Trump routinely just says shit. Sometimes it's true and other times not so much and I'm not convinced he knows (or cares) when it's one or the other.

In contrast the current guy in office also routinely says things that aren't true, and we don't see nearly the vigor to "fact check" him. It's written off as a gaffe or him misspeaking.

That's the issue most people have with the press. It's like a bad umpire behind the plate. As long as he's equally bad with both teams most fans can deal with it. When he's calling a pitch a ball for side and a strike for the other is when you get the crowd in an uproar.
I read the opening line of your link, and it refers to the “despotic nature” of the US government. Any link that starts with such a flagrant and ridiculous lie, isn’t worth the time to click on it.

It's just Trump's MAGA gloom and doom to incite the simple minded.
Perhaps because they are the target/victims of the fact checking. The press falsely 'fact checked' Trump to defeat in 2020. They gobbled up and regurgitated the lies told about him like sick dogs vomiting up their dinner.

Trumps constant lies were fact checked to defeat

Frankly, by 2020 the public grew tired of Trumps act and poor behavior
Caused him to lose five states that he won in 2016

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