That dog may cost you $100,000 a day


Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2010
On the way to the Dark Tower.
That dog may cost you $100,000 a day
California’s latest experiment in faith-based policymaking is being unleashed today on the San Diego public, as regional water-quality officials begin hearings on new regulations that seem crafted to turn most owners of a car, house or dog into criminals within a decade or so. We wish we were exaggerating.

Under the draft rules, ordinary homeowners may face six years in prison and fines of $100,000 a day if they are deemed serial offenders of such new crimes as allowing sprinklers to hit the pavement, washing a car in the driveway, or, conceivably, failing to pick up dog poop promptly from their own backyards, let alone the sidewalk.

Cities throughout San Diego, south Orange and southwest Riverside counties must enforce the law, and set up 24-hour hot lines for people to report violations by their neighbors.

The new regulations even apply to firefighters, who would be forced to somehow capture and scrub the water running down the street from fire hoses and burning buildings, although the bureaucrats promise wiggle room for “emergency situations.” We’re at a loss to imagine the fire that doesn’t present an emergency situation, but we’re sure California’s army of environmental lawyers will be glad to help cities figure that out in court.​
CA's not only headed for a cliff, they're running full speed.

Unchecked liberalism. This is what it does, folks.
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I live about 20 miles from CA as the crow flies and I go there maybe twice a year (mainly to Truckee to have dinner at a place we like), for personal reasons. I have to go three or so times a year for business. Other than that I'm outa there!

However, I do see some fun possiblities with this one. Just imagine how much pain and misery you can cause to the local bureaucrats who annoy you. You could drop a dime on them every single time they let the water run a little long and get them packed off to prison! Awesome!
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There has been a few thousand new regulations at the federal level in the last week.

If I didn't know better, I'd think that liberals wanted to make sure that every American will break at least one law so they can choose who goes to jail or gets hit with hefty fines. I wonder if the national IDs we're going to get will list party on them so they know which citizens to go after.
Lol this thread is laughable.

Yes, unelected officials enacting Draconian statutes is always a hoot.

While most far left idiots don't care about jobs or our rights being taken away, this one should alarm them. This new law says you can't be lazy. My neighbor is sure lucky she doesn't live in San Diego because she hasn't cleaned the dog doo out of her yard as long as I've lived here. And her dog gets loose and sometimes does his business in my yard. Most towns also have strays who spread poop around almost as much as the OWS protesters. I guess those folks in CA better all buy pooper scoopers.

Just think how many fines and how much jail time the occupoopers would have done if this law had been in effect when they held their protests.
That dog may cost you $100,000 a day
California’s latest experiment in faith-based policymaking is being unleashed today on the San Diego public, as regional water-quality officials begin hearings on new regulations that seem crafted to turn most owners of a car, house or dog into criminals within a decade or so. We wish we were exaggerating.

Under the draft rules, ordinary homeowners may face six years in prison and fines of $100,000 a day if they are deemed serial offenders of such new crimes as allowing sprinklers to hit the pavement, washing a car in the driveway, or, conceivably, failing to pick up dog poop promptly from their own backyards, let alone the sidewalk.

Cities throughout San Diego, south Orange and southwest Riverside counties must enforce the law, and set up 24-hour hot lines for people to report violations by their neighbors.

The new regulations even apply to firefighters, who would be forced to somehow capture and scrub the water running down the street from fire hoses and burning buildings, although the bureaucrats promise wiggle room for “emergency situations.” We’re at a loss to imagine the fire that doesn’t present an emergency situation, but we’re sure California’s army of environmental lawyers will be glad to help cities figure that out in court.​
CA's not only headed for a cliff, they're running full speed.

Unchecked liberalism. This is what it does, folks.

Good grief. This will mean people will be spying on their neighbors 24/7. Don't like your new neighbor? Just dob them in, and get them fined!!

Ridiculous and retarded.
That dog may cost you $100,000 a day
California’s latest experiment in faith-based policymaking is being unleashed today on the San Diego public, as regional water-quality officials begin hearings on new regulations that seem crafted to turn most owners of a car, house or dog into criminals within a decade or so. We wish we were exaggerating.

Under the draft rules, ordinary homeowners may face six years in prison and fines of $100,000 a day if they are deemed serial offenders of such new crimes as allowing sprinklers to hit the pavement, washing a car in the driveway, or, conceivably, failing to pick up dog poop promptly from their own backyards, let alone the sidewalk.

Cities throughout San Diego, south Orange and southwest Riverside counties must enforce the law, and set up 24-hour hot lines for people to report violations by their neighbors.

The new regulations even apply to firefighters, who would be forced to somehow capture and scrub the water running down the street from fire hoses and burning buildings, although the bureaucrats promise wiggle room for “emergency situations.” We’re at a loss to imagine the fire that doesn’t present an emergency situation, but we’re sure California’s army of environmental lawyers will be glad to help cities figure that out in court.​
CA's not only headed for a cliff, they're running full speed.

Unchecked liberalism. This is what it does, folks.

Where's "The Big One" when you need it?

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