Thank You, President Obama!


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
PRINCETON, NJ -- Conservatives have maintained their leading position among U.S. ideological groups in the first half of 2010. Gallup finds 42% of Americans describing themselves as either very conservative or conservative. This is up slightly from the 40% seen for all of 2009 and contrasts with the 20% calling themselves liberal or very liberal.

. The 42% identifying as conservative represents a continuation of the slight but statistically significant edge conservatives achieved over moderates in 2009. Should that figure hold for all of 2010, it would represent the highest annual percentage identifying as conservative in Gallup's history of measuring ideology with this wording, dating to 1992.
In 2010, Conservatives Still Outnumber Moderates, Liberals

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I don't put a lot of stock into polls generally speaking, but this one tickled my fancy since I've been watching it for a while.

I find it interesting that even among the registered parties you still have small contingents that believe themselves the opposite.

In 2010, Conservatives Still Outnumber Moderates, Liberals

But really... I think that we conservatives can finally thank Obama for waking up the mushy moderate middle and force them to pay attention to what's being done in their nation and clarify what they are more clearly.

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That is true. But, to see such a dramatic rise in those who self identify as conservative... it's an interesting trend. But yes, to some of these people, being conservative is only a half an inch to the right of Lenin as compared to aligning with George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.
Gallup finds 42% of Americans describing themselves as either very conservative or conservative. This is up slightly from the 40% seen for all of 2009 and contrasts with the 20% calling themselves liberal or very liberal.

Looks like 58% of Americans are either moderate or liberal.

Problem with conservatives is that they are moving more to satisfy the "very conservative" element while driving away the moderates (RINOs)
How reliable is anyone's opinion of their own politics? I see myself as very conservative. Not everyone else does.

But I will agree, this last election awaken a spirit of public discourse and activism that I think is valuable.
The issue is not whether the moderates and liberals are "waked up" by Obama, or the fact that the groups have shown no evidence that it has forgiven the GOP as a whole for running the country into the ground.

The national elections will show that the Dems will maintain comfortable majorities in the House and the Senate.
Gallup finds 42% of Americans describing themselves as either very conservative or conservative. This is up slightly from the 40% seen for all of 2009 and contrasts with the 20% calling themselves liberal or very liberal.

Looks like 58% of Americans are either moderate or liberal.

Problem with conservatives is that they are moving more to satisfy the "very conservative" element while driving away the moderates (RINOs)
Versus the 77% that says they are Conservative or Moderate?

Yeah, I can see.... ;)
42% identify themseles as either very conservative or conservative

Which leaves 58% as either liberal or moderate. So which group does the GOP seek to appease? Thanks to the Tea Baggers they chose to appease the approximately 25% who are very conservative rather than the 39% who are moderate. By driving out Republican RINOs they are closing their political base

Looks like a winning strategy :cuckoo:

Thanks Obama? I thank the Tea Baggers
Silly. To get the center, the GOP has move toward it, not from it in tow of the Tea Party, birthers, warmers, chicers, foxfyrers, etc'ers. Silly.
The point is this, then. Either the GOP moves to the center or it loses.
McCain WAS to the center, and it lost because conservatives stayed home and libs voted for the real thing. Time to purge the deadwood out of the GOP and let them join the libs they really agree with.
That is true. But, to see such a dramatic rise in those who self identify as conservative... it's an interesting trend. But yes, to some of these people, being conservative is only a half an inch to the right of Lenin as compared to aligning with George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.

The Age demographics I found interesting and true...
And lends creedence to an old axiom usually attributed to Sir Winston Churchill..."If you're not Liberal when you're 25, you have no heart. If you're not Conservative when you're 35, you have no brain."
The point is this, then. Either the GOP moves to the center or it loses.
McCain WAS to the center, and it lost because conservatives stayed home and libs voted for the real thing. Time to purge the deadwood out GOP and let them join the libs they really agree with.

Yep. The GOP was sabotaged...taken over as were the Democrats.

The GOP with wanna-be Democrats...the Democrats with Socialist/Leftists that call themselves progressives...when in fact progressives infiltrated both.
The point is this, then. Either the GOP moves to the center or it loses.
McCain WAS to the center, and it lost because conservatives stayed home and libs voted for the real thing. Time to purge the deadwood out of the GOP and let them join the libs they really agree with.

Got it backward, big meow. Palin ran her mouth, McCain moved right, and everybody else ran to the Dems.

You better understand, son, that the Pubs are not going back to Reaginism if we want to be the majority again.
The point is this, then. Either the GOP moves to the center or it loses.
McCain WAS to the center, and it lost because conservatives stayed home and libs voted for the real thing. Time to purge the deadwood out of the GOP and let them join the libs they really agree with.

Got it backward, big meow. Palin ran her mouth, McCain moved right, and everybody else ran to the Dems.

You better understand, son, that the Pubs are not going back to Reaginism if we want to be the majority again.

The point is this, then. Either the GOP moves to the center or it loses.
McCain WAS to the center, and it lost because conservatives stayed home and libs voted for the real thing. Time to purge the deadwood out of the GOP and let them join the libs they really agree with.

Got it backward, big meow. Palin ran her mouth, McCain moved right, and everybody else ran to the Dems.

You better understand, son, that the Pubs are not going back to Reaginism if we want to be the majority again.

No they are going to get a grand DOUCHE...and the Repubican wanna-be Leftists are going to get purged.

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