Thank you Gov Christie: Camden, NJ to DISBAND entire police department!!! GONE!!!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Crime-ridden Camden, N.J., to disband city police department |

Yes, you read that right. The city of Camden, NJ, one of the most dangerous cities in the country, is disbanding it's police department. Not layoffs, not furloughs. DISBANDING the entire department!!! GONE!!! Almost 500 cops....not in Mayberry, NC....but CAMDEN MOTHERTRUCKING NEW JERSEY!!!!!

Thank your lovely, obese Tea Partying Governor....Chris Christie. His anti-govt worker tirade has caused many problems....and solved some to be fair.

But Jesus H. Christ. Closing down the entire police department in one of America's most dangerous cities?

And guess how they'll fix it? Require the local sheriff's department of the county to take over patrols. So....unincorporated citizens of the county will either get less service, or have to pay more in taxes, to fund the patrols of Camden city limits.

THIS is Tea Party ideology in action.
Lol' are a funny character. The city should learn to budget better. Its not like it mattered if the cops were around or not...that city is a shit hole either way.
Weren't the rw's talking about anarchy in another thread?

And, then there's the gun nuts.

Even the old west was smarter than this but Mittens did say that we want and need fewer cops and fire fighters and teachers.
Crime-ridden Camden, N.J., to disband city police department |

Yes, you read that right. The city of Camden, NJ, one of the most dangerous cities in the country, is disbanding it's police department. Not layoffs, not furloughs. DISBANDING the entire department!!! GONE!!! Almost 500 cops....not in Mayberry, NC....but CAMDEN MOTHERTRUCKING NEW JERSEY!!!!!

Thank your lovely, obese Tea Partying Governor....Chris Christie. His anti-govt worker tirade has caused many problems....and solved some to be fair.

But Jesus H. Christ. Closing down the entire police department in one of America's most dangerous cities?

And guess how they'll fix it? Require the local sheriff's department of the county to take over patrols. So....unincorporated citizens of the county will either get less service, or have to pay more in taxes, to fund the patrols of Camden city limits.

THIS is Tea Party ideology in action.

Yet I bet they are still handing out welfare, entitlements, and other benefits to the lazy... seems like THAT is what they should have cut before law enforcement
Lol' are a funny character. The city should learn to budget better. Its not like it mattered if the cops were around or not...that city is a shit hole either way.

so fuck the law abiding, tax paying citizens....right?

Blame the city not the governor. The city commissioners are the ones that should be dealing with this shit not the governor who has to control the entire state he can't be worrying about 1 worthless city that can't handle its money.Hell maybe they can borrow some drones from the homeland security cocksuckers use those to protect people. :eusa_whistle:
From the unread attached article, "The Philadelphia Inquirer's Editorial Board said that past inflexibility by the union on modifying work rules that hampered the deployment of officers in high-crime areas was a major factor in the city proposing an alternative police force. But Mayor Redd said the spike in Camden's crime rates played a large roll in the decision to replace the police force."


Try reading the articles you link to, Obama Fluffer
Oh,... and nice try.. your source says NOTHING about Christie doing this.. though he does support the reasonable contract the county police have (those who will be stepping up patrols and hiring some of the police from Camden) perhaps you should read and not leap
Title is a lie!


Read the article!!

"Beginning at the end of this month, the city of Camden, N.J. plans to disband its 460-member police department and replace it with a non-union "Metro Division" of the Camden County Police. "
Thanks for the depression and mindless obstruction, a-hole Pubs and silly dupes.We're cutting taxes!! let the states and localities take care of THOSE taxes and fees skyrocket...
u got it wrong again it wont go to the local sheriff but to the state police which nj jas a lot of trust in. this is camdens doing not christies.
Weren't the rw's talking about anarchy in another thread?

And, then there's the gun nuts.

Even the old west was smarter than this but Mittens did say that we want and need fewer cops and fire fighters and teachers.

Thats right. They live in gated communities with private security guards. Fuck the peasants, right?
Crime-ridden Camden, N.J., to disband city police department |

Yes, you read that right. The city of Camden, NJ, one of the most dangerous cities in the country, is disbanding it's police department. Not layoffs, not furloughs. DISBANDING the entire department!!! GONE!!! Almost 500 cops....not in Mayberry, NC....but CAMDEN MOTHERTRUCKING NEW JERSEY!!!!!

Thank your lovely, obese Tea Partying Governor....Chris Christie. His anti-govt worker tirade has caused many problems....and solved some to be fair.

But Jesus H. Christ. Closing down the entire police department in one of America's most dangerous cities?

And guess how they'll fix it? Require the local sheriff's department of the county to take over patrols. So....unincorporated citizens of the county will either get less service, or have to pay more in taxes, to fund the patrols of Camden city limits.

THIS is Tea Party ideology in action.

Yeah, all tea party, all Christie, it has nothing to do with unions and officers at all.

Nice spin though, for a guy that claims to have done an inner search and put a lot of thought into this election, you seem not very deep in thought or in understanding issues.
Lol' are a funny character. The city should learn to budget better. Its not like it mattered if the cops were around or not...that city is a shit hole either way.

so fuck the law abiding, tax paying citizens....right?

Blame the city not the governor. The city commissioners are the ones that should be dealing with this shit not the governor who has to control the entire state he can't be worrying about 1 worthless city that can't handle its money.Hell maybe they can borrow some drones from the homeland security cocksuckers use those to protect people. :eusa_whistle:


THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY oversees the Camden Police Dept. The state took over that department over a decade ago at the request of the city. The STATE of NJ runs the Camden PD. Its a fact. Read the article.

This was 100% the state and governors decision. Camden PD was LITERALLY a state agency. Read it.
Obama Fluffers never read the article they link to!


Stop Fluffing, start reading!
Thanks for the depression and mindless obstruction, a-hole Pubs and silly dupes.We're cutting taxes!! let the states and localities take care of THOSE taxes and fees skyrocket...

Find an adult to read the article to you
Thanks for the depression and mindless obstruction, a-hole Pubs and silly dupes.We're cutting taxes!! let the states and localities take care of THOSE taxes and fees skyrocket...

you dont know one iota about NJ, stop acting like its the republicans problem when teh dems have been in control, piece of advice,
Peter Rabbit would be wise to stay out of Mr. McGregor's garden
Oh,... and nice try.. your source says NOTHING about Christie doing this.. though he does support the reasonable contract the county police have (those who will be stepping up patrols and hiring some of the police from Camden) perhaps you should read and not leap

Dave is right.

If there's no donuts involved, Christie ain't gonna get off his butt to help his own constituents in his own state.

Let 'em just shoot it out with each other while Chrisite sends his own kid(s) to private school in the state owned limo and on the state dime.

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