Thank God for the Internet and sites like USMB


Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 30, 2011
This is one of the few places where people can actually speak the truth about race and racism. We know the truth is not being taught in academia, nor is it being spoken in the media. Try speaking the truth to your friends and colleagues and you could find yourself in trouble. It's bullshit. We should be able to accept hard truths and see where we can change for the better. But progressives control culture and write the narrative. Anyone who steps out of line gets dealt with by the PC mob. For all those who tell the truth in this board, keep it up, even if what you say isn't popular, or if you get called a racist by the progressive sheep. Don't let them discourage you. There are people out there brave enough to accept truths and smart enough to think for themselves.
How long will it be I wonder for it to be dangerous to state basic facts about blacks? I long for an honest dialogue on race.
Your honesty is only the way you see it, it does not allow you to be the other person and see life from their prospective...
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How long will it be I wonder for it to be dangerous to state basic facts about blacks? I long for an honest dialogue on race.
Basic fact about blacks is that they are like all other people.

Raised in a stable home, with a working dad, and a loving mom before they enter school, and they are just like everybody else.

Until black and white people realize that changes that need to be made start with one loving family at a time, what's the use of even discussing racial problems?

You know what blacks and whites call each other most of the time, across the South that I so dearly love?

We call each other Sir and Ma'am.
How long will it be I wonder for it to be dangerous to state basic facts about blacks? I long for an honest dialogue on race.
Basic fact about blacks is that they are like all other people.

Raised in a stable home, with a working dad, and a loving mom before they enter school, and they are just like everybody else.

Until black and white people realize that changes that need to be made start with one loving family at a time, what's the use of even discussing racial problems?

You know what blacks and whites call each other most of the time, across the South that I so dearly love?

We call each other Sir and Ma'am.
Some of my black girlfriends had harsher words....
How long will it be I wonder for it to be dangerous to state basic facts about blacks? I long for an honest dialogue on race.
Basic fact about blacks is that they are like all other people.

Raised in a stable home, with a working dad, and a loving mom before they enter school, and they are just like everybody else.

Until black and white people realize that changes that need to be made start with one loving family at a time, what's the use of even discussing racial problems?

You know what blacks and whites call each other most of the time, across the South that I so dearly love?

We call each other Sir and Ma'am.
Some of my black girlfriends had harsher words....
What did you do, pull a Clinton and ruin their dresses?
How long will it be I wonder for it to be dangerous to state basic facts about blacks? I long for an honest dialogue on race.
How long will it be I wonder for it to be dangerous to state basic facts about blacks? I long for an honest dialogue on race.

Danger is a matter of perception, as far as how.important it is to one to state what they believe and who they wish to state it to.

Hitler had a plethora of what he believed were "facts" about Jews and was able to gain a substantial number of listeners to his beliefs and "facts".

MLK also had beliefs that he felt were fact, and had the courage to voice them publically, and potential danger did not . stop him. In fact in the last year of his life he was villified by the people who he spoke out for, AND those who felt he had no right to even speak at all.

Even though you don't appear to be someone who reads much, there is a book out about it.

Tavis Smiley on apos Death of a King apos - Chicago Tribune

If you truly long for what you feel is "honest dialogue", there is no time like the present to go public with your point of view...and in the process you just may also hear what someone believes are the "facts" about you.
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Basic fact about blacks is that they are like all other people.

Raised in a stable home, with a working dad, and a loving mom before they enter school, and they are just like everybody else.

I think the big undiscussable truth is that they are not like other people. I think stable families put black people in a much better position. But they are still less intelligent and less well behaved than whites. These qualities are inherent and will not be changed by laws, rallies, media distortions, or anything whites say or do.

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