Terrorism: Criminal Insanity & Bureaucracy


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Terrorism can be difficult to criminalize/prosecute when political grievances seem justified. Under this pretext, we could in theory label American revolutionaries (i.e., Boston Tea Party) as terrorists instead of freedom-fighters.

When methods become extreme and civilians are brutalized when caught in the crossfire of political troubles, terrorism gains the face of criminal insanity (i.e., Northern Ireland).

In recent times, we've dealt with the severe complaints raised by the Middle East and terrorist cells such as the Taliban seeking to undermine Western capitalist securities (i.e., 9/11 NYC, 11/13 Paris). Modern profit-gauged networks (i.e., NAFTA) create both tycoons and crime syndicates and cater to the fundamentalist and the fanatic seeking to subvert the dominant pedestrian paradigms.

How do we assess and evaluate terrorism in terms of criminality, pedestrian paranoia, and governance indiscretions?


Insanity Defense

David Koresh

Granny says, "Dat's right - dem jihadis want to kill us...

‘Radical Islamist Terrorism’ Is the Greatest Threat to U.S. and Civilization
December 18, 2015 | Former Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) said the “most significant threat” facing the United States and all of the civilized world is “radical Islamist terrorism.”
“I would say that the most significant threat that the American people face to our security and - if I may speak more broadly - our civilization is from radical Islamist terrorism,” Lieberman said at a briefing to the U.S. Senate by the Organization of Iranian American Communities at the Capitol on Tuesday. Lieberman also said that the center of that threat is not in Syria but in Iran. “The capitol of radical Islamist terrorism – I want to say today – is not in Ar-Raqqah, Syria (The named capitol of the Islamic State’s so-called caliphate), Lieberman said. “It is in Tehran, Iran.” Lieberman also said at the event – focused on recent attacks on Iranian dissidents that killed 20 people living in Camp Liberty, a former U.S. military base in Iraq – that although the terror imposed by the Islamic State is “extreme primitive brutality,” it should not be forgotten the threat posed by the Iranian regime. “We can’t let this focus on the Islamic State distract us from the Islamic Republic of Iran, which I think is actually the more serious threat to world and American security,” Lieberman said.

“Iran is a nation state. It’s heavily armed. It continues to develop more sophisticated armaments,” he said. “It is explicitly anti-American, anti-Western, anti-moderate Islam. “It is, by the declaration of our State Department, still the number one state sponsor of terrorism in the world,” Lieberman said, “and as you well know, it brutally suppresses the human rights of its own people, particularly those who it sees as its political opponents. “And that, of course, includes the inhabitants of Camp Liberty,” Lieberman said. Lieberman also criticized the Obama administration’s efforts to reach an agreement with the Iranian regime to end its nuclear weapons program, including the plan to free up $150 billion in assets, “which the regime will use both to strengthen itself and its terrorist proxies throughout the Middle East.”

He blamed both the Obama administration for the rise of the Islamic State in the Middle East and the Iranian regime being emboldened. However, the former lawmaker encouraged the mostly Iranian American crowd to keep fighting. “There’s a way in which just human nature might make you disappointed now in the battle you’re in to restore freedom to your homeland because of what I’ve described as the passivity of your own government here in America and this ridiculous Iran nuclear agreement,” Lieberman said. “So go forward with a sense of confidence and determination that the liberation of a great nation and a gifted people, from the stranglehold of an evil regime, is going to happen,” Lieberman said. “And with God’s help and your help and our help, it will happen soon.”

Lieberman: ‘Radical Islamist Terrorism’ Is the Greatest Threat to U.S. and Civilization

See also:

DHS Secretary: 'What We Are Concerned About Here in the Homeland Are Copy-Cat Like Attacks'
December 16, 2015 | When asked whether or not the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, is operating in the United States, Homeland Security Secretary (DHS) Jeh Johnson did not directly answer the question.
At an event at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) on Wednesday to unveil a new National Terrorism Advisory System, CNSNews.com asked Johnson, “Given the event in San Bernardino and the threats that you’ve outlined, is ISIS operating in the United States?” “There are a number of investigations by the FBI of potential plots--those who may be involved in plotting or planning terrorist acts and as I’ve said, the new environment that we are in includes not only the potential for terrorist directed but terrorist inspired attacks,” Johnson responded.

“And as the FBI director and I have said many times, what we are concerned about here in the homeland are copy-cat like attacks and those who are self-radicalized who may be inspired to commit terrorist attacks, and, regrettably, we have seen that in recent months and recent weeks. That is the focus of our Homeland Security efforts,” Johnson said. The new “bulletin” that DHS will be issuing at least every six months is designed to give Americans more information about what the government is doing to protect them from terrorism and to give more information about terrorist threats, Johnson said.

The summary of the first DHS bulletin acknowledges that there is a terrorist threat in the U.S., but does not name any specific threat, including radical Islam or ISIS. “We are in a new phase in the global threat environment, which has implications on the homeland. Particularly with the rise in use by terrorist groups of the Internet to inspire and recruit, we are concerned about the ‘self-radicalized’ actor(s) who could strike with little or no notice. Recent attacks and attempted attacks internationally and in the homeland warrant increased security, as well as increased public vigilance and awareness,” it stated.

DHS Secretary: 'What We Are Concerned About Here in the Homeland Are Copy-Cat Like Attacks'


New Federal Terrorism Advisory System Doesn’t Name Threats, Including Radical Islam or ISIS
December 18, 2015 | In the new National Terrorism Advisory System unveiled by Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson on Wednesday in Washington, D.C., no mention is made of specific terrorist threats, radical Islam or the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).
DHS acknowledged receipt of questions submitted by CNSNews.com to the agency asking why the bulletin did not mention the location of the most recent terror attacks – Paris and San Bernardino, Calif. – and did not name radical Islam as the source of those attacks. DHS did not respond to the inquiry. The one-page “Bulletin,” which is posted on the DHS website, states in the summary that the world is “in a new phase in the global threat environment, which has implications in the homeland.” It notes that the “terrorist groups” are using the Internet to recruit other terrorists and states the federal government is “concerned about the ‘self-radicalized’ actor(s) who could strike with little or no notice.”

It further notes the recent international and homeland attacks – in Paris and California - are being investigated as terror attacks by radical Islamists -- “warrant increased security, as well as increased public vigilance and awareness.” The portion of the bulletin entitled “Additional Details” describes the terrorists as “terrorist-inspired individuals” and “homegrown violent extremists.” It also expresses concern for the victims of “threats and violence directed at particular communities and individuals across the country, based on perceived religion, ethnicity, or nationality.” The bulletin also states that the federal government is “providing additional guidance to state and local partners on increased security measures” and tells the public to expect “heavy police presence” in public places and at public events.

It encourages people to report any signs of “potential radicalization and violence” and directs people to the Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting Initiative website. It also tells people not to change plans because of the threat. “We urge Americans to continue to travel, attend public events, and freely associate with others but remain vigilant and aware of surroundings while doing so, particularly during the holidays.” Johnson said the bulletin would be updated every six months or more often as needed.

New Federal Terrorism Advisory System Doesn’t Name Threats, Including Radical Islam or ISIS

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