Loki/Lilandra: Trump Resort Terrorism (Luciferianism)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a capitalism-aesthetics fable that I've been working on all year and I feel is ready to post, and given its capitalism-rhetoric, I didn't feel comfy posting it in the Writing section of USMB.

It's dedicated to President Trump, and it's inspired by the film Casino (and references Trump Entertainment Resorts!).

It also references the Marvel Comics characters Loki and Lilandra. It also mentions Luciferianism and the AntiChrist, since I wanted to combine Christian mythology with comic book stylized political cartoon oriented storytelling.

What do you think?



Two minions of Hell ascended to Earth to corrupt TrumpUSA. These two minions, Loki (demon-god of mischief) and Lilandra (demon-goddess of pain) wanted to bring omens about the coming of the AntiChrist who would make anti-TrumpUSA movies that would dissuade civilians from embracing modern-era capitalism-oriented social activities. Loki and Lilandra wanted to 'convince' humanity that cynical movies about commerce/capitalism would remind pedestrians of the unbearable 'labors' of geopolitical traffic and the suffocation of Wall Street. Loki had powers of hypnosis, while Lilandra could mutilate the faces of her adversaries.

{Loki & Lilandra}


Loki and Lilandra landed in Trump Plaza and persuaded a cult of Luciferians to go to the gaming/resort center in Atlantic City, New Jersey (USA) to create panic and mayhem. President Trump read the news-stories about eerie crimes going on in Trump Plaza suddenly and tweeted, "It seems the reign of the AntiChrist is at hand!" Loki and Lilandra reveled at how commercial vanities and consumerism frailties could give rise to all kinds of pedestrian anarchy, even in a Trump resort/casino. Was this terrorism simply or the Apocalypse?

{Trump Plaza}


The Christian Bible states (in the ominous Book of Revelation) that at the prophetic End of Days, the AntiChrist will seduce humanity away from civics and civil duties even in wealthy and prosperous nations of the modern world (i.e., America). Loki and Lilandra wanted American consumers to think that the AntiChrist would bring omens about the avarice of capitalism and why the Roman Empire, a time of terrible decapitations, gave way to modern-era social calamities such as 9/11 and the Boston Marathon bombings. In other words, Loki/Lilandra believed that commercial traffic did not 'protect' humanity from apocalyptic sensibilities about the 'moral dismemberment' of teamwork-oriented ethos/sentiments (e.g., Amnesty International).



Loki and Lilandra told an emotionally troubled female member of the Luciferian cult that created mayhem at Trump Plaza to plant a bomb in the Boardwalk area of Atlantic City. This young woman did just that, and CNN news-reporters stated, "The disruption of commercial activities in Atlantic City has surely grabbed the attention of our commerce-focused President Donald Trump." Loki and Lilandra knew they were now 'officially' paving the evil way/path of the AntiChrist would be prepared to deliver terrible messages about the reality of lust and sloth in this modern time of great trend-driven traffic.

{Luciferian follower}


Meanwhile, a magic-act entertainment performance at Trump Plaza involving a magician performing an illusion of a woman coming apart at the abdomen and literally becoming 'two-halves' was disrupted by Lilandra's sinister mischief. Lilandra used her magic diadem-scepter to create a laced illusion, so when the female aide to the magician on stage started appearing like she was splitting in two, with one half being raised above the other, Lilandra's deceptive illusion made it seem like the female aide was being 'disintegrated' and her flesh was literally falling off(!). Lilandra smirked and compared this eerie illusion to the concept of human faces becoming 'mutilated' by the overwhelming presence of the AntiChrist corrupting the mind's perception of symmetry...and beauty. This was all meant to subvert faith in consumerism.

{Lilandra's Illusion}


Loki meanwhile decided to distribute toy water-guns to kids wandering around Trump Plaza and ordered them to shoot them. The guns were filled with corrosive-acid, so when they were fired, they ate through any material/substance they were fired upon, including casino/resort patrons! This sort of visible mayhem was much worse than 9/11 and more maddening than the Vegas shootings. Loki smiled and knew that this dastardly use of consumerism-symbolic toys (water-guns) would signal the potency of the AntiChrist who would remind people of traffic-turbulences such as the Luciferian cult terrorizing Trump Plaza. President Trump tweeted, "Jesus will return to restore our pure faith in capitalism."



A young boy who was in the newly-built video-game arcade in Trump Plaza was playing the combat-game Mortal Kombat X. The boy, Sam, was using the horror-film avatar Leatherface, a chainsaw-wielding cannibal, as a warrior in the video-game and was fighting a CPU-controlled Kitana, a female warrior who threw blade-fans. Loki and Lilandra noticed Sam playing this game and walked up to him and asked him what was so appealing about this Leatherface-Kitana combat, and Sam looked up at them and coolly said, "Pretend-fighting is more peaceful than real fighting; that's why video-games appeal to the goodness in all kids." Would capitalism survive this great 'aesthetics-test'?

{Mortal Kombat X}




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