Tennessee Seeks tonBar Same Sex Marriage

No reason to be alarmed. This will fail like the two other times it was introduced.

Exactly. And, probably for the same reason that they failed to repeal it in CA. The judges in that case said that since the right to marry had already been extended to gay couples, and had been in effect for a year, it was not right to take those rights back.

This issue is pretty much settled with the exception of a small, but vocal minority. Bills like the aforementioned pop up from time to time, but they have very little, if any, chance of passing. They serve to appease a part of the base and nothing more.
A smaller and smaller group of anti-gay marriage losers.....but they get more vocal and more desperate.....I find that most of that core are really homovoyeurs.
The amount of time, energy, and state money these state legislators spend on this stupidity is astonishing. Don't they have any real responsibilities?

The 14th Amendment exists, Obergefell is precedential, and it would do a great deal of damage to our country and legal system to allow the passing of legislation that is totally ideological in origin and has nothing to do with any legitimate government interest.

Are the people who try to pass these laws "normal"?

They are using the legislative process to voice their views, as is proper.

Obergfell overstepped the bounds of constitutionality, plain and simple. At best what they should have done is force all States to recognize valid Marriage licenses from other States as they always have under full faith and credit, regardless of if the license met the in-state requirements.
Obergefell did not overstep any bounds of constitutionality. Please review the 14th Amendment.
Outside of any constitutional argument, just what is your beef? The question of legal marriage is a CIVIL matter. Now, LGBTs can get married under CIVIL law and enjoy the LEGAL benefits of doing so.
Please recognize the difference between CIVIL LAW and the rules of whatever religion you have freely chosen to follow. Being legally married is under our U.S. civil law.
What being married means to you, under your chosen religion or ideology is up to you.
One of my uncles married a woman and had one child with her, my cousin. They divorced, and he married another, and had three children with her. They were never married in the Catholic Churrch with full ceremony, but they were married under civil law.
Marriage under civil U.S. law is so different than the concept of marriage that exists in the religious law that you choose to follow.

The issue is the creation of rights because people feel like it over sound principles. The 14th amendment isn't an open book that allows anything under "equal" to be inserted into it.

The issue is marriage contracts have always been the responsibility of the States. Using the courts to all of a sudden say a new concept such as SSM is now somehow a right is an end run around the constitution on dubious legal grounds. Obergfell would have been on much more sound legal footing if all they did was say even if a State doesn't want to issue SSM licenses, they had to recognize SSM licenses issued by other States (that passed it legislatively) under full faith and credit.

And your protestations about letting people be and do what they want falls hollow considering you are one of the "BAKE THAT FUCKING CAKE PEASANT" mafia members.

We all know your true goal is forcing acceptance as opposed to tolerance, and you will use government as a bludgeon to do it.

Also, I always find it comical when progressive thugs like you read into amendments to three of four layers to get what you want while ignoring the 2nd amendment's blunt assurance of the people's right to keep and bear arms. Of course expecting honestly and fairness out of a progressive hack like you is asking too much.
There is no "gay marriage right." You're confusing "rights" with "privileges".

You also have no "right" to an abortion, a free education, free internet, free housing, free food, or a free telephone. Go back and re-read the Constitution and get back to me when you're done.
They have the same right as either you or I

And yes, the courts have declared it a right

No, actually they want exclusive rights, on the basis of a psychological dysfunction. Marriage is defined by God as a holy union between one man and one woman, and that's the way it should be.
Ironically, gay couples have been able to get holy marriages decades before legal marriages. I suppose since you believe that marriage is a holy union, you have never bothered to get a legal marriage license because it means nothing to you.......right?
There is no "gay marriage right." You're confusing "rights" with "privileges".

You also have no "right" to an abortion, a free education, free internet, free housing, free food, or a free telephone. Go back and re-read the Constitution and get back to me when you're done.
They have the same right as either you or I

And yes, the courts have declared it a right

No, actually they want exclusive rights, on the basis of a psychological dysfunction. Marriage is defined by God as a holy union between one man and one woman, and that's the way it should be.

If you want it to be that way in your church, that is fine. But for laws for the citizens of this nation, your religious rules cannot be the sole source.

There isn't a single religion in this world that doesn't believe marriage is between men and women.
There are many religions that were marrying gay couples decades before legal marriage occured.
'Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act' seeks to strip gay marriage rights

I really have to wonder what the fuck is wrong with these people! My only question is, are they so stupid and blindly driven by their bigotry that they don't know that any federal judge will immediately slap on injunction on this- because they would have to given the Obergefell precedent- OR is a a strategy to get the case back to SCOTUS?

My guess is that they are anticipating and provoking a court fight, but even if it gets to SCOTUS there is no certainty that Obergefell will be overturned. Never in our history a right-once established- been revoked. A Roberts, who seems to have become the new swing vote, is aware of the outrage that would insue and the stain on his legacy that it would inflict.

Nearly four years after the Supreme Court made same-sex marriage legal throughout the U.S. in its landmark Obergefell v. Hodges decision, Republican lawmakers in Tennessee are attempting to turn back the clock with legislation aimed at barring gay marriage in the state.

The "Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act," which was first proposed in 2016, seeks to "defend natural marriage between one man and one woman regardless of any court decision to the contrary." The bill, which was reintroduced on Friday, would deem the high court's Obergefell decision "unauthoritative, void, and of no effect."

And that is not all

The reintroduced "natural marriage" law, however, "isn't the only anti-LGBT bill on the docket right now," noted Sanders. He said there are at least five other bills in the state legislature that may threaten the rights of LGBTQ people in Tennessee. One of these bills, which was introduced in both the state House and Senate (Pody is the sponsor of the Senate bill), seeks to allow private adoption agencies to decline to participate in any child placement services that would "violate the agency's written religious or moral convictions." This type of legislation, which can already be found in 10 states across the U.S., creates barriers for LGBTQ individuals and same-sex couples looking to adopt or foster.

These people have to be, and will be stopped.

i always like to insert the GREED/conservative socialism aspect of these situations;

gays can't marry or adopt means they don't get those tax breaks while heteros DO get those tax breaks.

so gays pay MORE in taxes (to support a hetero culture) while heteros pay less.......is that technically "socialism"?
Why are you so obsessed with gay?

I am trying to protect and defend your privileges.
More like your perverse habits.
Another cut/pasted regressive parasite thread pissing and moaning because normal people don't give a shit about warped sexual deviants and perverts not being accepted as normal...

Because they're not.

Change the fucking record parasite.


Ok, don't accept them as normal. That does not change the SCOTUS ruling.

And whether you accept them as normal is irrelevant. I am straight, and I don't know many people who consider me "normal". Someone else getting married and enjoying the hundreds of gov't benefits bestowed on married couples has nothing to do with being normal.

Same sex couples getting married does not effect you at all.
List those hundreds of government benefits you are claiming. We'll wait....
Rights and responsibilities of marriages in the United States - Wikipedia
'Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act' seeks to strip gay marriage rights

I really have to wonder what the fuck is wrong with these people! My only question is, are they so stupid and blindly driven by their bigotry that they don't know that any federal judge will immediately slap on injunction on this- because they would have to given the Obergefell precedent- OR is a a strategy to get the case back to SCOTUS?

My guess is that they are anticipating and provoking a court fight, but even if it gets to SCOTUS there is no certainty that Obergefell will be overturned. Never in our history a right-once established- been revoked. A Roberts, who seems to have become the new swing vote, is aware of the outrage that would insue and the stain on his legacy that it would inflict.

Nearly four years after the Supreme Court made same-sex marriage legal throughout the U.S. in its landmark Obergefell v. Hodges decision, Republican lawmakers in Tennessee are attempting to turn back the clock with legislation aimed at barring gay marriage in the state.

The "Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act," which was first proposed in 2016, seeks to "defend natural marriage between one man and one woman regardless of any court decision to the contrary." The bill, which was reintroduced on Friday, would deem the high court's Obergefell decision "unauthoritative, void, and of no effect."

And that is not all

The reintroduced "natural marriage" law, however, "isn't the only anti-LGBT bill on the docket right now," noted Sanders. He said there are at least five other bills in the state legislature that may threaten the rights of LGBTQ people in Tennessee. One of these bills, which was introduced in both the state House and Senate (Pody is the sponsor of the Senate bill), seeks to allow private adoption agencies to decline to participate in any child placement services that would "violate the agency's written religious or moral convictions." This type of legislation, which can already be found in 10 states across the U.S., creates barriers for LGBTQ individuals and same-sex couples looking to adopt or foster.

These people have to be, and will be stopped.

i always like to insert the GREED/conservative socialism aspect of these situations;

gays can't marry or adopt means they don't get those tax breaks while heteros DO get those tax breaks.

so gays pay MORE in taxes (to support a hetero culture) while heteros pay less.......is that technically "socialism"?
Why are you so obsessed with gay?

I am trying to protect and defend your privileges.
More like your perverse habits.
Ah...a homovoyeur.
Last edited:
Yes, you are correct that there is not "right" to be married. However, if the gov't offers benefits to citizens, they must be offered equally.

The 14th Amendment is the law of the land. The equal protection clause applies here.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

I still do not understand why same sex marriage is an issue. It is consenting adults entering into the state of matrimony. It has no effect on anyone else except those who marry someone of the same gender.
They are offered equally to those who meet the criteria of potential parenting. Procreation. Hetero relationships. Homos can’t procreate as homos.
This is the same worn out, lost argument that close minded homofascists won’t give up on.

If procreation were a criteria of marriage, you might have a point. It isn't. You don't.
I have been married twice. No where in any license was there mention of children. Hetero couples who are sterile are allowed to marry. How many women who have had their uterus removed have gotten married? Homosexual couples have children via other means, just like many, many heterosexual couples.

The "marriage is for procreation" is what is the same worn out, lost argument. It doesn't hold water. The proof is in the fact that those who cannot possibly have children are still allowed to marry.

As I said, same sex marriage has no effect on you. Why do you care?
We’ve been through this too many times; the people who invented marriage, legal or otherwise, never thought they’d have to explain that marriage exists for the purpose of creating families and survival of the species.
Like the guy who invented the latex glove wouldn’t think that he’d be compelled by law to explain that it’s not a synthetic cow udder.
Same sex couples do create families like anyone else and our species, unfortunately, is in no danger of extinction
They dont create, they merge. They need outside help, unlike a heterosexual.
Its a stupid argument.
Gays should be able to adopt and get married but with ridiculous arguments like that, you look dumb.
So what if they need outside help. Many heteros do too. Are you going to insist they don't have "real" marriages also?
'Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act' seeks to strip gay marriage rights

I really have to wonder what the fuck is wrong with these people! My only question is, are they so stupid and blindly driven by their bigotry that they don't know that any federal judge will immediately slap on injunction on this- because they would have to given the Obergefell precedent- OR is a a strategy to get the case back to SCOTUS?

My guess is that they are anticipating and provoking a court fight, but even if it gets to SCOTUS there is no certainty that Obergefell will be overturned. Never in our history a right-once established- been revoked. A Roberts, who seems to have become the new swing vote, is aware of the outrage that would insue and the stain on his legacy that it would inflict.

Nearly four years after the Supreme Court made same-sex marriage legal throughout the U.S. in its landmark Obergefell v. Hodges decision, Republican lawmakers in Tennessee are attempting to turn back the clock with legislation aimed at barring gay marriage in the state.

The "Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act," which was first proposed in 2016, seeks to "defend natural marriage between one man and one woman regardless of any court decision to the contrary." The bill, which was reintroduced on Friday, would deem the high court's Obergefell decision "unauthoritative, void, and of no effect."

And that is not all

The reintroduced "natural marriage" law, however, "isn't the only anti-LGBT bill on the docket right now," noted Sanders. He said there are at least five other bills in the state legislature that may threaten the rights of LGBTQ people in Tennessee. One of these bills, which was introduced in both the state House and Senate (Pody is the sponsor of the Senate bill), seeks to allow private adoption agencies to decline to participate in any child placement services that would "violate the agency's written religious or moral convictions." This type of legislation, which can already be found in 10 states across the U.S., creates barriers for LGBTQ individuals and same-sex couples looking to adopt or foster.

These people have to be, and will be stopped.

i always like to insert the GREED/conservative socialism aspect of these situations;

gays can't marry or adopt means they don't get those tax breaks while heteros DO get those tax breaks.

so gays pay MORE in taxes (to support a hetero culture) while heteros pay less.......is that technically "socialism"?
Why are you so obsessed with gay?
Ah...a homovoyeur.
They are offered equally to those who meet the criteria of potential parenting. Procreation. Hetero relationships. Homos can’t procreate as homos.
This is the same worn out, lost argument that close minded homofascists won’t give up on.

If procreation were a criteria of marriage, you might have a point. It isn't. You don't.
I have been married twice. No where in any license was there mention of children. Hetero couples who are sterile are allowed to marry. How many women who have had their uterus removed have gotten married? Homosexual couples have children via other means, just like many, many heterosexual couples.

The "marriage is for procreation" is what is the same worn out, lost argument. It doesn't hold water. The proof is in the fact that those who cannot possibly have children are still allowed to marry.

As I said, same sex marriage has no effect on you. Why do you care?
We’ve been through this too many times; the people who invented marriage, legal or otherwise, never thought they’d have to explain that marriage exists for the purpose of creating families and survival of the species.
Like the guy who invented the latex glove wouldn’t think that he’d be compelled by law to explain that it’s not a synthetic cow udder.
Same sex couples do create families like anyone else and our species, unfortunately, is in no danger of extinction
They dont create, they merge. They need outside help, unlike a heterosexual.
Its a stupid argument.
Gays should be able to adopt and get married but with ridiculous arguments like that, you look dumb.
So what if they need outside help. Many heteros do too. Are you going to insist they don't have "real" marriages also?
I didnt say it wasnt real. You did.
I was just saying gays cant create.
I fully support gay marriage and adoption. So shove your strawman.
Another cut/pasted regressive parasite thread pissing and moaning because normal people don't give a shit about warped sexual deviants and perverts not being accepted as normal...

Because they're not.

Change the fucking record parasite.


Ok, don't accept them as normal. That does not change the SCOTUS ruling.

And whether you accept them as normal is irrelevant. I am straight, and I don't know many people who consider me "normal". Someone else getting married and enjoying the hundreds of gov't benefits bestowed on married couples has nothing to do with being normal.

Same sex couples getting married does not effect you at all.
List those hundreds of government benefits you are claiming. We'll wait....

Keep waiting. Google it.
You made the claim. Unless you were lying show it.

How Marriage Works
'Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act' seeks to strip gay marriage rights

I really have to wonder what the fuck is wrong with these people! My only question is, are they so stupid and blindly driven by their bigotry that they don't know that any federal judge will immediately slap on injunction on this- because they would have to given the Obergefell precedent- OR is a a strategy to get the case back to SCOTUS?

My guess is that they are anticipating and provoking a court fight, but even if it gets to SCOTUS there is no certainty that Obergefell will be overturned. Never in our history a right-once established- been revoked. A Roberts, who seems to have become the new swing vote, is aware of the outrage that would insue and the stain on his legacy that it would inflict.

Nearly four years after the Supreme Court made same-sex marriage legal throughout the U.S. in its landmark Obergefell v. Hodges decision, Republican lawmakers in Tennessee are attempting to turn back the clock with legislation aimed at barring gay marriage in the state.

The "Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act," which was first proposed in 2016, seeks to "defend natural marriage between one man and one woman regardless of any court decision to the contrary." The bill, which was reintroduced on Friday, would deem the high court's Obergefell decision "unauthoritative, void, and of no effect."

And that is not all

The reintroduced "natural marriage" law, however, "isn't the only anti-LGBT bill on the docket right now," noted Sanders. He said there are at least five other bills in the state legislature that may threaten the rights of LGBTQ people in Tennessee. One of these bills, which was introduced in both the state House and Senate (Pody is the sponsor of the Senate bill), seeks to allow private adoption agencies to decline to participate in any child placement services that would "violate the agency's written religious or moral convictions." This type of legislation, which can already be found in 10 states across the U.S., creates barriers for LGBTQ individuals and same-sex couples looking to adopt or foster.

These people have to be, and will be stopped.

i always like to insert the GREED/conservative socialism aspect of these situations;

gays can't marry or adopt means they don't get those tax breaks while heteros DO get those tax breaks.

so gays pay MORE in taxes (to support a hetero culture) while heteros pay less.......is that technically "socialism"?
They're so stupid that they even get that wrong. People get tax credits for having dependents. Gays do in fact have dependents. The only thing that marriage gets you is the ability to file a joint return.
'Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act' seeks to strip gay marriage rights

I really have to wonder what the fuck is wrong with these people! My only question is, are they so stupid and blindly driven by their bigotry that they don't know that any federal judge will immediately slap on injunction on this- because they would have to given the Obergefell precedent- OR is a a strategy to get the case back to SCOTUS?

My guess is that they are anticipating and provoking a court fight, but even if it gets to SCOTUS there is no certainty that Obergefell will be overturned. Never in our history a right-once established- been revoked. A Roberts, who seems to have become the new swing vote, is aware of the outrage that would insue and the stain on his legacy that it would inflict.

Nearly four years after the Supreme Court made same-sex marriage legal throughout the U.S. in its landmark Obergefell v. Hodges decision, Republican lawmakers in Tennessee are attempting to turn back the clock with legislation aimed at barring gay marriage in the state.

The "Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act," which was first proposed in 2016, seeks to "defend natural marriage between one man and one woman regardless of any court decision to the contrary." The bill, which was reintroduced on Friday, would deem the high court's Obergefell decision "unauthoritative, void, and of no effect."

And that is not all

The reintroduced "natural marriage" law, however, "isn't the only anti-LGBT bill on the docket right now," noted Sanders. He said there are at least five other bills in the state legislature that may threaten the rights of LGBTQ people in Tennessee. One of these bills, which was introduced in both the state House and Senate (Pody is the sponsor of the Senate bill), seeks to allow private adoption agencies to decline to participate in any child placement services that would "violate the agency's written religious or moral convictions." This type of legislation, which can already be found in 10 states across the U.S., creates barriers for LGBTQ individuals and same-sex couples looking to adopt or foster.

These people have to be, and will be stopped.

i always like to insert the GREED/conservative socialism aspect of these situations;

gays can't marry or adopt means they don't get those tax breaks while heteros DO get those tax breaks.

so gays pay MORE in taxes (to support a hetero culture) while heteros pay less.......is that technically "socialism"?
Why are you so obsessed with gay?
I'm not obsessed with gays and the fact that you make that assumption does not speak well for your level of intellectual functioning or emotional maturity. I am obsessed with social justice and human rights
'Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act' seeks to strip gay marriage rights

I really have to wonder what the fuck is wrong with these people! My only question is, are they so stupid and blindly driven by their bigotry that they don't know that any federal judge will immediately slap on injunction on this- because they would have to given the Obergefell precedent- OR is a a strategy to get the case back to SCOTUS?

My guess is that they are anticipating and provoking a court fight, but even if it gets to SCOTUS there is no certainty that Obergefell will be overturned. Never in our history a right-once established- been revoked. A Roberts, who seems to have become the new swing vote, is aware of the outrage that would insue and the stain on his legacy that it would inflict.

Nearly four years after the Supreme Court made same-sex marriage legal throughout the U.S. in its landmark Obergefell v. Hodges decision, Republican lawmakers in Tennessee are attempting to turn back the clock with legislation aimed at barring gay marriage in the state.

The "Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act," which was first proposed in 2016, seeks to "defend natural marriage between one man and one woman regardless of any court decision to the contrary." The bill, which was reintroduced on Friday, would deem the high court's Obergefell decision "unauthoritative, void, and of no effect."

And that is not all

The reintroduced "natural marriage" law, however, "isn't the only anti-LGBT bill on the docket right now," noted Sanders. He said there are at least five other bills in the state legislature that may threaten the rights of LGBTQ people in Tennessee. One of these bills, which was introduced in both the state House and Senate (Pody is the sponsor of the Senate bill), seeks to allow private adoption agencies to decline to participate in any child placement services that would "violate the agency's written religious or moral convictions." This type of legislation, which can already be found in 10 states across the U.S., creates barriers for LGBTQ individuals and same-sex couples looking to adopt or foster.

These people have to be, and will be stopped.

i always like to insert the GREED/conservative socialism aspect of these situations;

gays can't marry or adopt means they don't get those tax breaks while heteros DO get those tax breaks.

so gays pay MORE in taxes (to support a hetero culture) while heteros pay less.......is that technically "socialism"?
Why are you so obsessed with gay?
I'm not obsessed with gays and the fact that you make that assumption does not speak well for your level of intellectual functioning or emotional maturity. I am obsessed with social justice and human rights
You aren't? It's all you ever talk about.
'Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act' seeks to strip gay marriage rights

I really have to wonder what the fuck is wrong with these people! My only question is, are they so stupid and blindly driven by their bigotry that they don't know that any federal judge will immediately slap on injunction on this- because they would have to given the Obergefell precedent- OR is a a strategy to get the case back to SCOTUS?

My guess is that they are anticipating and provoking a court fight, but even if it gets to SCOTUS there is no certainty that Obergefell will be overturned. Never in our history a right-once established- been revoked. A Roberts, who seems to have become the new swing vote, is aware of the outrage that would insue and the stain on his legacy that it would inflict.

Nearly four years after the Supreme Court made same-sex marriage legal throughout the U.S. in its landmark Obergefell v. Hodges decision, Republican lawmakers in Tennessee are attempting to turn back the clock with legislation aimed at barring gay marriage in the state.

The "Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act," which was first proposed in 2016, seeks to "defend natural marriage between one man and one woman regardless of any court decision to the contrary." The bill, which was reintroduced on Friday, would deem the high court's Obergefell decision "unauthoritative, void, and of no effect."

And that is not all

The reintroduced "natural marriage" law, however, "isn't the only anti-LGBT bill on the docket right now," noted Sanders. He said there are at least five other bills in the state legislature that may threaten the rights of LGBTQ people in Tennessee. One of these bills, which was introduced in both the state House and Senate (Pody is the sponsor of the Senate bill), seeks to allow private adoption agencies to decline to participate in any child placement services that would "violate the agency's written religious or moral convictions." This type of legislation, which can already be found in 10 states across the U.S., creates barriers for LGBTQ individuals and same-sex couples looking to adopt or foster.

These people have to be, and will be stopped.

i always like to insert the GREED/conservative socialism aspect of these situations;

gays can't marry or adopt means they don't get those tax breaks while heteros DO get those tax breaks.

so gays pay MORE in taxes (to support a hetero culture) while heteros pay less.......is that technically "socialism"?
Why are you so obsessed with gay?
I'm not obsessed with gays and the fact that you make that assumption does not speak well for your level of intellectual functioning or emotional maturity. I am obsessed with social justice and human rights
You aren't? It's all you ever talk about.

No it’s not Check out my profile

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Ok, don't accept them as normal. That does not change the SCOTUS ruling.

And whether you accept them as normal is irrelevant. I am straight, and I don't know many people who consider me "normal". Someone else getting married and enjoying the hundreds of gov't benefits bestowed on married couples has nothing to do with being normal.

Same sex couples getting married does not effect you at all.

That's true, and to be honest I don't give a half a shit. I am really just tired of hearing about it. If Tennessee or Texas want to outlaw it, I don't care, if most of the people in those states don't want queers running around and prefer to make life less than hospitable by outlawing their silly twisted "families", then so what? IF NY and Commiefornia want to compel people to try perverse lifestyles, I don't care.

The thing is, the queer mafia has mad life harder for people who don't want to participate at all in gay celebrations and parties by forcing them to provide services for them against their will. So as long as they're doing that, I'll support a hard line against them every chance I get. Shutting down bakeries and demonizing Pizza shops who prefer not to cater to them is where I drew the line. Now they have freaks going into schools to indoctrinate small children about how freaks are normal, and people who like to be normal are bigots.

We've become extremely tolerant of gays in the US, possibly more so than anywhere else I've been. That wasn't good enough though. They weren't after tolerance or equality though, they were after special treatment.

Very disturbing post.
'Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act' seeks to strip gay marriage rights

I really have to wonder what the fuck is wrong with these people! My only question is, are they so stupid and blindly driven by their bigotry that they don't know that any federal judge will immediately slap on injunction on this- because they would have to given the Obergefell precedent- OR is a a strategy to get the case back to SCOTUS?

My guess is that they are anticipating and provoking a court fight, but even if it gets to SCOTUS there is no certainty that Obergefell will be overturned. Never in our history a right-once established- been revoked. A Roberts, who seems to have become the new swing vote, is aware of the outrage that would insue and the stain on his legacy that it would inflict.

Nearly four years after the Supreme Court made same-sex marriage legal throughout the U.S. in its landmark Obergefell v. Hodges decision, Republican lawmakers in Tennessee are attempting to turn back the clock with legislation aimed at barring gay marriage in the state.

The "Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act," which was first proposed in 2016, seeks to "defend natural marriage between one man and one woman regardless of any court decision to the contrary." The bill, which was reintroduced on Friday, would deem the high court's Obergefell decision "unauthoritative, void, and of no effect."

And that is not all

The reintroduced "natural marriage" law, however, "isn't the only anti-LGBT bill on the docket right now," noted Sanders. He said there are at least five other bills in the state legislature that may threaten the rights of LGBTQ people in Tennessee. One of these bills, which was introduced in both the state House and Senate (Pody is the sponsor of the Senate bill), seeks to allow private adoption agencies to decline to participate in any child placement services that would "violate the agency's written religious or moral convictions." This type of legislation, which can already be found in 10 states across the U.S., creates barriers for LGBTQ individuals and same-sex couples looking to adopt or foster.

These people have to be, and will be stopped.

Isn’t TN the same state that has a State Park named after the founder of the KKK?

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