Temptation: Men and women different


Just a regular American
Jul 24, 2010

Temptation may be everywhere, but it's how the different sexes react to flirtation that determines the effect it will have on their relationships. In a new study, psychologists determined men tend to look at their partners in a more negative light after meeting a single, attractive woman. On the other hand, women are likelier to work to strengthen their current relationships after meeting an available, attractive man.
"One interpretation of these studies is that men are unable to ward off temptation
"Women have been socialized to be wary of the advances of attractive men," says Lydon. "These findings show that even if a man is committed to his relationship, he may still need to formulate strategies to protect his relationship by avoiding that available, attractive woman.

Women have been socialized to be wary of the advances of attractive men," says Lydon

So the hypothesis is that SOCIETY is effecting woman's behavior?

Implying that if society were not socializing women, their behavior would be more like men's?

If that is true the difference isn't between men and women, it is the difference in the way their society treats them.

I don't doubt the partial truth of that, but that hypothesis doesn't really address the original question, then does it?

I think this might...

I think there is are biological gender differences that create the different societal expectations between genders in EVERY society.

And while those different gender expectations change in different societies, they still exist because there are some biological differences in the way genders generally deal with sexual temptation, and THOSE biological differences play out in every society in unique and specific wbehaviors that conform to the society's needs, desires, expecations, and structures.
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I don't know, it is fascinating...

Many women in traditional roles may not cheat so easily because they've been 'protected' from outside influences. Yet, then again, many women that had been in traditional roles may fall into situations that they are not equipped to handle without flaw.

It is common for society to assume it most usual for the man to be the cheating party, yet it is also the common life of a man to carry the harshest and heaviest of the burdens.

Temptation, though, is not always about sex, infact, if truth be told, sex is most likely the biproduct...
Personally I think that our evolutionary history has some to do with it along with society. When we are born into this world we have certain genetic tendencies and males and females are different. Yet society and how we are brought up has big influence on what we become and how we act. We are a social animal and seek comradeship. Being an outcast is not something we seek normally and when we go through school years what is in vogue is what we strive for. Of course we also have individualism but we strive to fit in.

To that end, for many years women were kept at home and protected from other strange men. In the last 60 years or so that has changed and the woman has come out from the womb so to speak, and is in the light. Men have a genetic urge to procreate and this is what drives the temptation. And of course women tend to dress provocatively in this day and age too causing temptation. That is not to say most men cheat but if they are men they will look, that is just part of being a man. But if the relationship they are in is satisfying they will not wander because of the familial urges for a family.
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Temptation may be everywhere, but it's how the different sexes react to flirtation that determines the effect it will have on their relationships. In a new study, psychologists determined men tend to look at their partners in a more negative light after meeting a single, attractive woman. On the other hand, women are likelier to work to strengthen their current relationships after meeting an available, attractive man.
"One interpretation of these studies is that men are unable to ward off temptation
"Women have been socialized to be wary of the advances of attractive men," says Lydon. "These findings show that even if a man is committed to his relationship, he may still need to formulate strategies to protect his relationship by avoiding that available, attractive woman.

Men And Women Are Programmed Differently When It Comes To Temptation

As the old saying goes, women need a reason to make love...men just need a place.

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