Tell Me Those Who Call Themselves Conservative.

Oscar Wao

Victory is Mine
Dec 15, 2008
Munster, IN
What is your plan for getting back to fiscal responsibility and liberty?

Because we're getting near summer and so far no real unity on the proper issues is occurring.

And don't give me that Tea Party crap either. That's a good thing but there needs to be unity behind liberty-minded candidates too.
What is your plan for getting back to fiscal responsibility and liberty?

Because we're getting near summer and so far no real unity on the proper issues is occurring.

And don't give me that Tea Party crap either. That's a good thing but there needs to be unity behind liberty-minded candidates too.

I can see the responses now. :lol:

Spiritual Economics will save us!
Simple, Don't Vote for Neo Cons, they are the Reason the Republican Party is in the Dirt.

No Unity, that's true, I don't Consider Palin or any other so "Tea Party Candidate"

And if indeed they do Choose Palin as the Candidate I will Officially give all the Liberals a Early Victory.
I'm not sure there is a viable conservative candidate at this time. It may be 4 or 8 years or more until a really viable conservative candidate comes along.
Well the way they've "cut" spending in the past is to cut the amount by which spending is increased, so I imagine we can expect more of that in the future.
What is your plan for getting back to fiscal responsibility and liberty?

Because we're getting near summer and so far no real unity on the proper issues is occurring.

And don't give me that Tea Party crap either. That's a good thing but there needs to be unity behind liberty-minded candidates too.

The first step is to determine that getting back to fiscal responsibility and liberty is what is needed. If that is supported, then it's easy:

Reduce spending to 98% of tax revenues as collected in the previous year.

Close the borders.

Assure that everyone, everyone, pays some Federal tax.

If the first step is not accepted, then we can look forward to riots in the streets when austerity hits just like Greece. The bitch about giving stuff away is that the recipients who haven't earned it and don't deserve it think they have earned it just by breathing. If they continue to breath, they feel that they continue to earn it.

At the start of this county's history, the rule was, "If you don't work, you don't eat." Somehow this has changed to, "If the right segment of the population works hard enough and produces enough, then it is criminal for that group to live in comfort and to allow that group to prosper while the indolent or lazy do not enjoy the minimum needed items to live comfortably."

The problem here is that the group that moves the wagon and the group that rides the wagon are becoming more and more equal in number all of the time. At some point, no matter how altruistic we are encouraged to be, the wagon will stop and there will be no more options.


When the rioters take the streets and the society can no longer pay for the police to control the streets, what then?
What is the conservative plan?

I have asked the same question hundreds of times to dozens of members and have yet to get a response. They are not programed to communicate that way. It is clear that the only plan is to obstruct any legislation in hopes of making a dem congress look ineffective...and to attack Obama for the same reason.

It is a truth they cannot brag about.

I believe that the conservatives think thier efforts to dumb down the public have succeeded. They miscalculate as usual. Christ...many of these dimwits are still trying to run on Obamas birth cirtificate. When we are facing huge problems like the financial crisis and now this oil spill most americans are breathing better knowing the CrazyChristianFundimentalists are not in charge. And that goes for alot of thier own kind.

They do not do well in crisis. Thier strong suit is creating chaos..not repairing it.
"What is your plan for getting back to fiscal responsibility and liberty?"


...yeah we ever had honest 'fiscal responsibility' (stooooooopid republicrat fucks don't even know what a dollar is!) and honest 'liberty'.. :rolleyes:


(hint for stoooopid fucks who think conservatives are 'fiscally responsible': u.S worldwide military interventionism--which you/your stinking conservatives HAVE SUPPORTED FOR DECADES--is very expen$ are 'wars on drugs,' etc. abominations galore, which you stinking conservatives have always $upported..)

..stfu, republicrats!

..the rest of you, have a good day!..
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Vote out all Socialists/Progressives & Neocons. If the people unite in this,the rest will take care of itself.
The real problem in our government isn't either major party. The real problem is the money that flows from huge multinational corporations directly to our representatives through the lobby network.

It makes no difference what party is in power if the result is the same. The big money gets us coming and going. The same Corps own the media. It is a merry go round where they pay the candidates and get the money back in the rates they charge to go on tv and radio to get re-elected.
What is your plan for getting back to fiscal responsibility and liberty?

Because we're getting near summer and so far no real unity on the proper issues is occurring.

And don't give me that Tea Party crap either. That's a good thing but there needs to be unity behind liberty-minded candidates too.

The only way to deal with the fiscal problems is to take it out of the hands of politicians, in a way similar to how they got military base closings done. Politicians who want to get elected and/or stay elected won't vote for the kind of pain and sacrifice that would be required to deal with the problem.

1. Politicians won't vote for tax increases - even with half of American households paying no federal income tax, so there's no way to get more revenue.
2. Politicians won't touch SS, Medicare, and defense, so there isn't much of anywhere to cut.

Now try to solve the problem without doing 1 or 2.

What is your plan for getting back to fiscal responsibility and liberty?

Because we're getting near summer and so far no real unity on the proper issues is occurring.

And don't give me that Tea Party crap either. That's a good thing but there needs to be unity behind liberty-minded candidates too.

For starters...take all the Democrats in Washington out on the street...tar and feather them and ride them out of town on a rail.
The plan is the same plan they always have: Cut taxes for the wealthy and cut spending for the poor.

Works every time.
Vote out all Socialists/Progressives & Neocons.



...better to stay home and/or work for a 'NONE OF THE ABOVE' ballot option or a 'negative vote' people aren't continually sucking for this stinking game of 'republicrat whack a mole'..

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