Tell Me Those Who Call Themselves Conservative.

My plan would be across the board tax cuts, reduce (and I don't mean decrease the size of growth) of discretionary spending, eliminate the EPA and department of education.

Well, at least that's an honest answer.

However, if you kept social security, medicare and defense, you could eliminate every single program and fire every single government worker, and you'd still have a budget deficit. So cutting all discretionary spending, the DoE and the EPA while cutting taxes would still leave us with a large deficit.

That's why Socialist Insecurity and Medicare/Medicaid have to go altogether...The demographically untenable.
My plan would be across the board tax cuts, reduce (and I don't mean decrease the size of growth) of discretionary spending, eliminate the EPA and department of education.

Well, at least that's an honest answer.

However, if you kept social security, medicare and defense, you could eliminate every single program and fire every single government worker, and you'd still have a budget deficit. So cutting all discretionary spending, the DoE and the EPA while cutting taxes would still leave us with a large deficit.

That's why Socialist Insecurity and Medicare/Medicaid have to go altogether...The demographically untenable.

SS and Medicare have to be reformed. As is, the programs are untenable.
First step: Elect a conservative GOP Congress.
Second step: Impeach and remove Obama.

The rest will take of itself.

That is either a lie or naive or both. Money flowing into our representatives pockets from special interests that disregard the needs of america and americans is far more of a problem than what party the recipients are affiliated with.
Well, at least that's an honest answer.

However, if you kept social security, medicare and defense, you could eliminate every single program and fire every single government worker, and you'd still have a budget deficit. So cutting all discretionary spending, the DoE and the EPA while cutting taxes would still leave us with a large deficit.

That's why Socialist Insecurity and Medicare/Medicaid have to go altogether...The demographically untenable.

SS and Medicare have to be reformed. As is, the programs are untenable.
You can't polish a turd.
My plan would be across the board tax cuts, reduce (and I don't mean decrease the size of growth) of discretionary spending, eliminate the EPA and department of education.

The number one news story ongoing is an historic oil spill, and Mike chooses to call for the elimination of the EPA to solve our woes.

That reminds of the great line in 'Chinatown', that I'll probably paraphrase a little...

...Los Angeles is in the middle of a drought and the water commissioner drowns. Go figure.
What is your plan for getting back to fiscal responsibility and liberty?

Because we're getting near summer and so far no real unity on the proper issues is occurring.

And don't give me that Tea Party crap either. That's a good thing but there needs to be unity behind liberty-minded candidates too.

Sadly it is about 20 - 30 years too late for a 'plan' to matter. Fiscal responsibility will be forced in due time by bankruptcy. Ordered Liberty in a Constitutional sense is something most Americans no longer value/want/desire. The typical 'american' is an atomised individual with little to no link to place/traditions/folk. There is nothing between him and the Moloch State which on the one hand showers him with the babbles of gay marriage and 'free' healthcare, BUT......... also can at any moment at the whim of some bureaucrat half a continent away strip him of all which he imagines himself to own.

The Future? Soma for the sheeple willing to graze content in their assigned pasture until the last ride not to the shearing shed but to that walk down the narrowing shute from which there is no turning back and no return. For those with still a bit of wolf blood coursing in their veins? The Plan (the REAL one, not the fantasy of the Limbaugh/Hannity/Levin addicted sheeple) is simply a Boot Stomping on a Human Face- FOREVER . Will The Plan succeed? How many Americans are willing without counting the cost to spill on the floor the eviscerated guts of anyone who would deny them the Freedom to say 2+2 does in fact = 4.
You will NEVER win an election by havign a platform that distroys them

True. That's why I propose the near-impossible over the impossible. Turn it over to a non-political commission, with the power to make binding decisions, and let the politicians wash their hands of the whole mess.
My plan looks like this:
1) Cut federal spending to a maximum of 20% of GDP .
2) Repeal Obamacare and replace it with legislation that allows free markets to work.
3) Cut taxes on dividends to ZERO, eliminate the death tax, lower corporate tax rates to 15%.
4) Entitlements - a) immediately raise the SS age to 67 then add 2 months to the retirement age per year for the next 30 years - ultimately raising the age to 72. b) Medicare/Medicaid - Eliminate the Bush Drug benefit, Raise the benefit age to 72 using the same methodology as SS. No more unfunded mandates!

That's a start........
My plan would be across the board tax cuts, reduce (and I don't mean decrease the size of growth) of discretionary spending, eliminate the EPA and department of education.

Hmmmm, why not go the big money- withdraw from the M.E., reduce the Forces by about2/3's and end ALL foreign aid?
My plan would be across the board tax cuts, reduce (and I don't mean decrease the size of growth) of discretionary spending, eliminate the EPA and department of education.

Well, at least that's an honest answer.

However, if you kept social security, medicare and defense, you could eliminate every single program and fire every single government worker, and you'd still have a budget deficit. So cutting all discretionary spending, the DoE and the EPA while cutting taxes would still leave us with a large deficit.

Yep and the economy would be horrendous since about 30% of us depend on the govt for our livelihoods. 40% unemployment rates?
My plan looks like this:
1) Cut federal spending to a maximum of 20% of GDP .
2) Repeal Obamacare and replace it with legislation that allows free markets to work.
3) Cut taxes on dividends to ZERO, eliminate the death tax, lower corporate tax rates to 15%.
4) Entitlements - a) immediately raise the SS age to 67 then add 2 months to the retirement age per year for the next 30 years - ultimately raising the age to 72. b) Medicare/Medicaid - Eliminate the Bush Drug benefit, Raise the benefit age to 72 using the same methodology as SS. No more unfunded mandates!

That's a start........

Friend with that platform ALL you are going to reduce is the number of republicans in Congress.
You will NEVER win an election by havign a platform that distroys them

True. That's why I propose the near-impossible over the impossible. Turn it over to a non-political commission, with the power to make binding decisions, and let the politicians wash their hands of the whole mess.

We'll appoint a blue-ribbon panel of the very people who caused the train wreck to make recommendations on how to fix things...Kinda like the "nonpartisan" 9/11™ commission. :rolleyes:
What is your plan for getting back to fiscal responsibility and liberty?

Because we're getting near summer and so far no real unity on the proper issues is occurring.

And don't give me that Tea Party crap either. That's a good thing but there needs to be unity behind liberty-minded candidates too.

With only 175 House members and 41 Senators it does not matter one whit what the republicans want or think they can come up with. They do not have the votes to create any law or restrictions, cutbacks or changes to the Budget.

Ask your liberal buddies why they think it is ok to spend 4 times faster then Bush did.

What is wrong with you? Seriously? Do you really believe that nonsense?

Let me explain it again and this time, please, PAY ATTENTION!

Republicans are nearly all one race and one religion. They march in lockstep. They need NO consensus.

Democrats are made up of blacks, whites, asians, hispanics, indians, christians, muslims, hindu, wicca, atheist, gay, straight, men, women, the educated, the uneducated, CONSERVATIVE AND LIBERAL.


Many aren't even Liberal. If the Republican party didn't insist on "Confederate Day" and laws to harass hispanics, all those conservatives would swell the ranks of the Republican Party.

Democrats have to build coalitions within their own party first.


Keep believing this crap and you will find out in November what we are. I notice you ignored the fact that Obama is spending 4 times as fast as Bush did.
You will NEVER win an election by havign a platform that distroys them

True. That's why I propose the near-impossible over the impossible. Turn it over to a non-political commission, with the power to make binding decisions, and let the politicians wash their hands of the whole mess.

We'll appoint a blue-ribbon panel of the very people who caused the train wreck to make recommendations on how to fix things...Kinda like the "nonpartisan" 9/11™ commission. :rolleyes:

Then propose an idea that is DOABLE.

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