Thoughtful Article


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2009
The Free Texas Republic
Well worth reading. It details where you all are and hints heavily at where y'all are headed, me I hope national divorce saves Texas from the inevitable.
Earlier today, the talking wiffle ball Mike Pence posted this on Twitter:
"There is a rising movement within the Republican Party about whether we’re going to stay on that track of timeless Conservative principles or whether we’re going to follow the siren song of populism unmoored to Conservative principles."
Another poster replied:
"That populism is the last vestige of public support the GOP has left. Sellouts such as yourself long ago abandoned all elements of bedrock conservatism - fiscal responsibility, small government, elimination of government agencies, free trade - for warfare, welfare, and empire."

After seeing this I ran across this article -
An excerpt -
"except for the scent of second-hand marijuana smoke unashamedly lingering along the highway, you would not be remiss in thinking that it’s the same scene as the 1980s or 1990s. But this is a generation of tradesmen who have already undergone a revolution that everyone missed. This is a generation that has been unplugged from the captive media.

And it’s ready to blow.

They don’t subscribe to daily newspapers like their parents did, and they don’t watch network or cable news. Make no mistake, they’re not interested in either because they’re not interested in politics. If they consume any news at all, they get their short-term news from social media because it’s faster and more convenient than broadcast news. And any more in-depth analysis comes from a long-form podcast like the Joe Rogan Experience, not a legacy media newspaper or print magazine."
Yep, and campaigns that not enough is being spent.
On Ukraine....He could care less about you or me.

Well maybe this:

Pence was VP of an administration that ran up the debt to 7.8 trillion and not once did he speak up.

If you don't like the debt they were forced to run up, then why don't you give all that COVID money you got back to the government?

You do know that Trump didn't really spend much until the pandemic hit us, right?
No one was forced to do anything.

Of course the Trump administration was forced to spend massive amounts of money on the pandemic. And even though he did, you folks are always bitching about how he "mishandled" it.

If you look at the numbers, Trump didn't really spend much more than Obama, until 2020 when the country was hit by a global pandemic. Now if you want to talk about "spending", look at the current administration's massive spending which is for the most part, a continuation of Trump's COVID spending...

Federal Budget Receipts and Outlays: | The American Presidency Project

Without the absurd response to the flu, the covid response and indefensible stimulus spending would not have been politically necessary.
Of course the Trump administration was forced to spend massive amounts of money on the pandemic. And even though he did, you folks are always bitching about how he "mishandled" it.

If you look at the numbers, Trump didn't really spend much more than Obama, until 2020 when the country was hit by a global pandemic. Now if you want to talk about "spending", look at the current administration's massive spending which is for the most part, a continuation of Trump's COVID spending...

Federal Budget Receipts and Outlays: | The American Presidency Project

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"Really not much more than Obama".

Lol, did you write that with a straight face? Lol
"Really not much more than Obama".

Lol, did you write that with a straight face? Lol
Jug Ears outlays over 8 years - $29.0741 Trillion
Annoying Orange's outlays over 4 years - $22.3559 Trillion
In no year, regardless of party controlling congress, did DJT fail to outspend any given year under BHO.
All figures using the chart provided in the previous post.
None of which has much to do with the OP.

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